Summer Heat

You’re a ***ing ***

The silence was a little awkward as I walked with Alex back to the tents. He had his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I blushed a bit when I realized I was staring at him again. Did I say staring? I meant studying.

“So…” Alex started. “How are you, Jazzmynn?”

Ahh, I loved how he said my name. “I’m pretty good. I was nervous earlier because it was my first day being merch girl, but I think I’m okay now. Your sister’s really nice. Her and Gabi helped me out a lot.” I saw him tense up at the mention of Gabi, but I kept rambling. “I loved watching you guys perform. You’re so amazing! How can you do all that back bending stuff? Doesn’t it hurt your back? It seems like it would! Oh, no. I’m rambling. I’m so sorry. I tend to ramble when I’m nervous and when…yeah.”

He just started laughing at me. “It’s fine. You seem pretty cool. We should hang out someday when I’m off.”

I almost didn’t notice him stop. I turned around to look at him. “Alex? Are you okay?”

“I, uhmm, I have to go now. See you later.”

And with that, he just walked off. I watched him leave, a little confused, but shrugged and walked back to the Chunk tent. Gabi was still in the Chelsea Grin tent, dealing with customers. After everyone left, she sat down and stretched. Towards where the buses were, we saw Dan carrying Ava onto what I assumed was the Chelsea Grin bus. I heard Gabi laugh a bit.

“I bet he’s only with her so he won’t get kicked out of the band for dumping her ugly ass. Look at her! Disgusting. I mean, seriously, he could do so much better and have way better sex with someone else.”

I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “That was a bitchy thing to say. I thought you two were friends?”

“Friends? Yeah, fucking right. I’m only her “friend” to get to her brother.” She made air quotes around friend. “He’s hot, he’s famous, and he’s damn good in bed. Did I mention that he’s rich? I could get what I want, when I wanted it, and he’s too fucking blind to even know. Now, if only I could get him to take me back. But I always do. He can’t resist me. No one can.”

I was literally left speechless. I had no idea what to say to that. But I didn’t have to think about that much because Lyman came up and hugged me.

“Hey, little sis. How’s it going?”

I glanced over at Gabi, who was organizing the tent. “Lyman? Can we talk? It’s really urgent and important.”
“Yeah, sure. What’s up?”

I looked at him and told him everything Gabi just said. I swore I heard him growl, or make some other kind of animalistic noise. “I’m sick of that bitch always trying to fuck everything up!”

He walked over to her. “Gabi, we need to talk.”

“Hi, Lyman,” she said with a flirty smile. “Let’s talk.”

“You’re fucking fired. I’m sick and tired of your bullshit. You’re a fucking whore. Go pack your shit up and get out of my sight. I don’t want to see you around any of us every again. Got it?”

She just rolled her eyes and flipped him off as she pushed passed us. I bit my lip and watched her leave. Lyman sighed. “I’ve been wanting to get rid of her for a while now. I never liked her.” He looked around, I’m assuming for Ava. “I guess I’ll have to watch the tent until Ava gets back. Do you know where she is?”

“She’s with Dan on the bus. I think they’re getting it on.”

“Of course they are,” he chuckled. He then began setting up chairs so Chelsea Grin could do their signing. I started to zone out a bit.

“Bonjour, Jazzmynn! Lyman! Comment êtes-vous?” Bert, the vocalist for Chunk! No Captain Chunk walked up to us.

Paul, the guitarist for Chunk, was walking with him. “Dude, she doesn’t know French.”

“Oops,” Bert laughed. “My bad. How’s our lovely merch girl doing?”

“I’m pretty good. And how are my favorite French boys?”

“We’re good, very good.” They replied unanimously. “We just wanted to, ah, stop by and say hi. We have to go and perform soon.”

“Good luck!”

They started running towards the stage they were to be performing on, almost running over Ava and Dan, who were just walking over. I giggled to myself when I saw Dan’s hair sticking all up. Looks like they had a lot of fun in the bus.
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Okay. I'll be honest. This chapter is not that good. Towards the end, my neck started to hurt so I just wanted to finish it. I'll make up for it later.

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