Summer Heat

You're Such a Loser Sometimes

I stood behind Dan and watched as fans flocked to the Chelsea Grin tent. He glanced back at me and smiled. I looked over at Alex, who seemed to be out of it. I mean, he was signing things and taking pictures with the fans, but, being his sister, I could tell that something was wrong with him. He seemed fine when he left with Jazzmynn earlier, so something must have happened between them. Maybe. I glanced over at her at the Chunk tent. She was smiling as she handed people their merch they bought. Okay, now I'm a little confused. If something wasn't wrong with him and Jazzmynn, then what could be-.

Hold up. Where's Gabi? I looked around, finally realizing that she wasn't there. I remember her pushing past me and Dan earlier, but she hadn't come back yet. I needed to know what was going on.

"Hey," I said, walking over to Jazzmynn. "Have you seen Gabi? I don't know where she is right now."

"Lyman fired her," she replied, not even looking up from restocking some shirts.

I'm pretty sure that my jaw dropped a bit. "Woah, wait. What? Why?"

"She was talking crazy shit about you, Dan, and Alex. When Dan was carrying you into the bus earlier, she was like," Air quotes. "I bet he's only with her so he won't get kicked out of the band for dumping her ugly ass. Look at her. Disgusting. I mean, seriously, he could do so much better and have way better sex with someone else." Air quotes. "Exact words. But wait, there's more. When I said that I thought you two were friends, her reply was," Air quotes again. "Friends? Yeah, fucking right. I'm only her friend to get to her brother." More air quotes.

I couldn't believe what I heard. 'You've got to be fucking kidding me." I stared at her in shock.

"I wish I was," she sighed, standing up and dusting off her hands.

I ran a hand through my hair. 'Wow. I still can't believe this. But hey, tomorrow, when we get to our next stop, come on to the Chelsea Grin bus. We can go get Starbucks then help each other set the tents up. I figured it would be helpful since it's only me for the CG tent, and you for the Chunk tent. Plus, it would be a good idea if we got to know each other some more. But for now, I have to go back to my tent, because as soon as they're done signing, I have to start packing up."

I walked back over to Dan and the other guys with a smile on my face. Maybe I found myself a new best friend.


Climbing onto the bus after packing everything up, I headed to the back of the bus to change into something more comfortable to wear for bed. I was far too tired to take a shower, so I would take one in the morning then. I slipped on one of Dan's oversized shirts and crawled into our bunk. A couple minutes later, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me.

"Baby," Dan whispered. "Are you still awake, or are you sleeping already?"

I rolled over so that I was facing him and poked his nose. "I'm definitely sleeping right now. Can't you tell?" I smirked a bit.

"Har, har. Very funny, babe." He leaned in and kissed me softly. "You're such a loser sometimes. Just so you know."

"Meanie," I pouted. "No sex for you then."

"I swear, if you two fuck, I'm going to kick both of your asses and make sure neither of you are able to have sex again." Alex's voice growled from the bunk above ours.

"I love you, big brother!" I said in my most innocent sounding voice. "Goodnight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

He mumbled something to himself. "Night, Ava."

I turned back to Dan, and he had this cheeky smile on his face.

"Night, loser." I kissed him softly before rolling back over and laying with my back against his chest. I close my eyes, falling into a deep and peaceful slumber.
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So, I had this epic story thought out, then I forgot it. Ahh, well. Enjoy!

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