Modely Disordered

The old ones don't always know what's best

Three weeks had passed since that fateful meeting with her agent and Shanna couldn't have been happier. She was the center of attention in the fashion world and more importantly, she was living her dream. Shanna had posed for so many shoots and walked down so many runways in the past week alone that she couldn't keep count! She was always being invited to restaurant openings and gallery showings as well as less public events such as Renée Wyler's engagement party. Shanna was quite shocked when she received the invitation because she had never even met Renée prior to that party!

Despite all of the attention that Shanna was receiving, she liked to think of herself as the same small-town girl that she was when she first arrived in the city. And while Shanna didn't know it yet, her night out with Katie was going to put her true being to the test.

Katie Burke was one of the first models to strike up a conversation with Shanna before one of the fashion shows. Shanna had immediately befriended the 5'10” redhead and the two had attended numerous parties together for they didn't really know anyone else. Katie had explained to Shanna that after her parents kicked her out, she began to waitress in order to pay her bills when some guy who was eating at the diner she worked at gave her his card and told her she had “real modeling potential.” At first Katie blew it off as just another creep trying to hit on her, but after awhile she called the guy and he set her up with a photo shoot. She'd been one of the top models ever since.

So when Katie had texted Shanna asking if she wanted to go to the bar with a couple of the runway girls, Shanna instantly replied that she would and began to get dressed. After slipping on a short red number and a pair of nude heels, Shanna caught a taxi and went to meet her friends.

One thing Shanna learned about the modeling world was that as long as you looked hot, age didn't really matter. This new tidbit of info was exactly how Shanna got away with drinking underage. Shots had already been ordered when she arrived at the bar and Shanna thankfully took two. Modeling might seem fun to an outsider, but it was a lot of hard work dealing with perfectionist clients, 6 inch heels, and the pressure to be ideal – which was exactly why most models turned to drinking after work.

After a few more shots and two beers, Shanna was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and had to take her shoes off so as to not twist her ankle. Some of the girls had left already, but Shanna was having too much fun to leave now.

“Hey, Shan, blue-eyed hottie at 12 o'clock,” whispered Veronica, a stick-thin beauty.

Shanna bashfully turned to look and found a tall blonde gazing at her with a flirty expression. She smiled and turned back around to face her friends. “Not bad,” she commented as she swallowed the last bit of beer.

“Not bad? That boy is fine!” Katie exclaimed with a little too much enthusiasm.

“Go talk to him, Shanna!” Natasha encouraged. She pushed Shanna's elbow gently but Shanna shrugged her off.

“He's not my type,” Shanna complained, knowing damn well she didn't have a type and that she just didn't want to talk to him.

Veronica stared at her for a minute before smirking. “Don't tell me you're a virgin, Shan,” she teased. Shanna blushed and Veronica gaped at her. “You're a virgin?!” Shanna nodded shyly, wishing that the conversation would take a different turn.

Natasha choked on her laughter and Katie had to pat her on the back to help her. “You really don't know what you're missing,” she said after a minute. Shanna just shrugged at her comment. “Are you scared or something?” Natasha asked. “That's it, isn't it? You're scared!” Natasha smirked at her discovery.

Shanna wanted to defend herself and say that she wasn't afraid, that she was waiting for the right guy, but instead she rolled her eyes, downed Natasha's shot, and went to talk to the cute blonde.

After a brief introduction and a couple of cheap drinks, Shanna was laughing at everything Adam was saying. She slid her hand over his arm, the universal move for implying that you want to go back to the guy's place and soon the couple was off to his apartment.


Shanna woke up with a pounding in her head and when she opened her eyes, she was puzzled as to where she was. She looked around the dark room and located the door, the open window where the sun was just beginning to rise, and a few dark shapes that she figured must be a dresser and a desk. Shanna looked down to find herself in a bed, wrapped in a white cotton sheet. She couldn't remember anything past the taxi ride and a few sloppy kisses. That's when it hit her. She had really done it. She had lost her virginity to a complete stranger in a drunken stupor.

The thought made her want to puke and as tears began to build up in the corners of her eyes, Shanna slid out of bed and slipped on her clothes. She couldn't find her shoes, but she didn't really care at that moment. Shanna quietly slipped out of the stranger's – no, Adam's apartment and began her walk of shame to a shabby diner a few blocks away.

After wiping off her smeared makeup in the tiny, one stall bathroom, Shanna splashed some water on her face and went to order a coffee. Her head was still pounding, but after a couple sips of the warm black liquid, Shanna was beginning to feel better. Physically, at least. She still couldn't believe what she had done but she didn't want to dwell on it too much. Once she paid her bill and left a decent tip, Shanna left the diner and went home to comfort herself with ice-cream and her teddy bear, Mr. Ruffles.


Shanna quickly recovered from that night and made a point not to go out and drink with the girls anymore. Considering how many events Heidi had planned for her, it wasn't a hard thing to manage. Just on Tuesday she had a breakfast meeting with James Clovell to discuss being signed permanently to model his clothing line, a photo shoot at noon for some shoe designer, a late lunch date with Heidi to discuss more work, a few go-sees around the city, and she had to walk in one of Kleimo's ridiculously themed runway shows (this year it was an alien theme).

Shanna went through her day with a bright smile and a charming attitude, signing contract after contract with various designers. Even Heidi was impressed at how swiftly Shanna had risen in the fashion industry.

After her last go-see was finished, Shanna walked back to her apartment, slipped on some yoga pants and a pink v-neck, and called a taxi to take her to the plaza where the fashion show was being held.

The stylists immediately shoved Shanna to an open makeup chair and the artist began painting all different shades of green on Shanna's eyes. When he was finished, Shanna checked herself out in the mirror and was shocked at how much the eyeshadow had made her brown eyes pop! The rest of her makeup – mint green lipstick, a pale pink blush, and fake eyelashes with the ends tipped green – didn't really faze her; she was used to sporting such odd makeup choices.

Shanna hurriedly made her way to the hair station and waited for her short locks to be styled into some out of the world hair-do. While she waited, her stomach began to growl and Shanna remembered that she hadn't eaten since her lunch date with Heidi. Without a second thought, Shanna dialed the number to a local burger joint she had seen and begged them to deliver one of their “delicious creations” to the plaza. Eventually the girl agreed to have someone deliver her meal.

Shanna was ecstatic when her food had finally arrived and instantly dug in. After taking her first two bites, Shanna looked up to notice that every model in the room was staring at her. “What?” she mumbled, food still in her mouth.

“Do you know how many calories are in that grease-trap?” one of the girls asked.

“Or how long it would take for you to exercise all of that off?” another model, Naomi, asked, flicking her long hair over her shoulder and walking away. Some of the other girls scoffed when Shanna shrugged but one girl in particular wasn't letting it go.

“I think you know what you need to do,” she said in a bitchy tone. The nameless girl grabbed Shanna's burger and threw it away. “I think one of the stalls is open,” she added, pointing her finger to the door marked “Ladies” before sashaying away.

Shanna grudgingly swallowed her last bit of food and looked at her sugar filled drink. “Don't listen to those girls,” a voice said from behind her. Shanna turned around to see Veronica standing there. “Food isn't a death sentence, ya know. Nikki is only jealous that you don't have to work as hard for your body as she does.” Veronica patted Shanna on the back and went back to her makeup station.

Shanna sat there for a minute, thinking about what both Veronica and Nikki had said. She was already beginning to feel queasy with thoughts about getting fat and losing her contract. Deciding that the older models probably knew what was best, Shanna went to find an empty stall to empty her dinner into.