Modely Disordered

The view of the city never looked so good from here

Shanna woke up around noon with the biggest smile on her face. She had never been more excited about a date! Sitting up in bed, Shanna began planning what outfit would look best on her, wondering where they were going to go, and hoping that everything would go well. As soon as she checked her phone, however, she began to worry. Not only was there no text from Adrian, there was a voicemail from Heidi and that could only mean one thing: more work.

Shanna listened to her agent's message and sighed. Of course there was a photo shoot that she just had to attend – it was like a life or death situation to Heidi. Rolling her eyes, Shanna climbed out of bed and slipped on a cute sundress with tights before leaving her apartment. She walked down her street and took a right onto 5th avenue to meet her future client at a cafe.

When Shanna arrived, she was directed towards a table in the corner where a middle-aged man sat with what appeared to be two of his colleagues. Shanna thanked the hostess and made her way to the table. She smiled brightly when she reached the men and held out her hand to Richard Hosse, the designer she was meeting with. “Hi, I'm Shanna Ross,” she said in a cheerful voice.

Richard shook her hand and introduced the guys beside him as Thomas and Bart Wallabee. One was a photographer and the other was a stylist, and they just so happened to be brothers. Shanna greeted them and took the only empty seat. “Heidi tells me you're quite the star in front of the camera,” Richard teases. Shanna only smiles and shrugs a bit. “Well, then, I have a job for you if you'd like it. I'm hosting a new campaign for my winter line and I'd like you to be the face of it.”

Shanna asked the usual questions about when and where the shoot would take place, what the line consisted of, etc. Richard answered each question easily and Shanna agreed to take the job. Once Richard cleared his throat, a sign that Thomas and Bart took to leave, he smirked at Shanna and said, “Now, about the payment...”

Shanna was already creeped out, but considering this job was supposed to work wonders for her career, she smiled sweetly and asked, “What about the payment?”

Richard gave her a toothy grin and Shanna had to resist the urge to shudder. “We'll discuss it tonight at my place. 8 o'clock.” Shanna started to protest when the older man gave her a dark look. “Would you rather another model took this job? I'm sure there are plenty of other girls more than willing.” Shanna shook her head and excused herself to make a phone-call.

Once Shanna was outside, she took a deep breath and dialed Adrian's number. She reached his voicemail and left him a message. “Hey, Adrian, it's Shanna. I'm calling about tonight. I'm so sorry, but I have to cancel. Some, uh, work thing came up and it's impossible to get out of. I'm really sorry. I-I'll make it up to you, I promise. Meet me at the Empire State Building on tomorrow night around 11. Again, I'm so sorry. Talk to you later, bye.”


Shanna stood outside the huge gray building where Richard Hosse was staying, contemplating turning around and running the other way, but she knew it was no good.
According to Heidi, she needed this job to stay on top and Shanna didn't want to turn into another washed up model. Sighing, she walked to the front desk and asked for Richard's room. Shanna walked as slowly as she could to room 121, but it still didn't make a difference. She knocked on the door lightly and waited for the old man's overwhelming cologne to choke her.

Richard invited Shanna inside and even offered her a drink which she greedily took. The whiskey burned all the way down but Shanna couldn't feel anything other than the wrinkles on Richard's hand sliding up and down her arm. “So,” he whispered in her ear, “about this payment...” He chuckled when Shanna's eyes widened at the thought of what he wanted her to do. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and started to stand when Richard forced her back down into her chair. “There are plenty of girls who want this job, you could easily be replaced. Now, does a little star model like you want to fall all the way to the bottom?” He enunciated each word carefully to get his point across.

Shanna swallowed hard and thought about how hard she had worked to reach the point where she was now, and she didn't want some slimeball like Richard to take that away from her. Instead of leaving like any sane girl would do, Shanna grabbed the back of Richard's neck and pulled it close. Fighting back bile, Shanna crashed her lips against his, hating the way his mouth felt chapped and smelt like cigarettes. Richard chuckled again. “That's my girl.”


Shanna left Richard's place feeling dirty and cheap. She honestly couldn't believe what she had done back there. Her thoughts replayed over and over what happened and Shanna had to stop by a trashcan in order to vomit the memory away. She wiped her mouth and her now running nose and laughed – if only the world could see how hideous she looked right now.

Stumbling through the streets, Shanna remembered the date that she had to plan and groaned. All she wanted to do was go home, take a nice long bath, and sleep away the horrible memory of what had happened. So that's exactly what she did.


Shanna got up early the next morning and made a to-buy list. On it she included: a picnic basket, a blanket, candles, plates and silverware, Thai food, and a cute outfit that would impress Adrian. After grabbing a jacket, Shanna left her apartment and went shopping.


By the time 11 o'clock hit, Shanna had already set up her romantic picnic on top of the Empire State Building and was patiently waiting the arrival of her date. She had decided on a short blue dress with a black blazer and simple heels. She left her hair down and had minimum makeup on, hoping to impress Adrian. 20 minutes passed and when he still hadn't arrived, Shanna began to worry that he didn't get her message – or worse, he was going to stand her up for canceling on him.

As she nervously paced back and forth, she didn't hear Adrian come up behind her until he cleared his throat. He was standing there in a simple v-neck and jeans with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

Shanna smiled at the sight of him and leaned in for a quick hug. “I didn't think you were going to show,” she admitted sheepishly. The couple migrated to the blanket and sat down. Shanna waited for Adrian to pull the cork out of the wine bottle before pouring a glass for each of them.

“I had to keep you interested somehow,” he teased, taking a glass. Shanna smirked at him before pulling some of the food out of the basket.

“I hope you like Thai,” she said playfully. Adrian nodded and they both dug in.

After their meal, the two lounged out on the blanket with Shanna leaning against Adrian. They both stared at the candle flame while Shanna took a sip of her wine – it tasted sweet, just like the boy beside her. Shanna glanced up at Adrian's face and sighed with content. She really liked this guy and she refused to let anything ruin their possibility at a romance.

“What are you thinking about?” Shanna asked him suddenly.

Adrian set his glass down and pulled her closer to him. “How beautiful you look tonight,” he quietly answered, his lips pressed against the side of her head. Shanna smiled shyly and turned to face the young boy.

Their faces were only inches apart when Shanna whispered, “Kiss me.” Adrian answered her demand by gently pressing his lips against hers. It was a short kiss but it held the promise of so much more. The couple smiled knowingly at each other before snuggling closer for warmth and comfort. Eventually they left the top of the building, but for awhile the two simply enjoyed each other's presence in the never sleeping city.