The Rendezvous

Famous; hrvatka; dreamland.

She has a ferret called Snickers, has proved that it's possible to ban yourself and has been on Mibba for "a long ass time". And she has the powers of an almighty and feared administrator, making her able to shamelessly advertise her amazing writing skills on her own profile. In case you suck at Guess Who and have no idea who I'm talking about, I'll clue you in. The girl I'm on about is Tas, hrvatka; dreamland..

How did you find Mibba?
Through INO. The stories board was going to be deleted so we all had to move to this new site call Mibba. No one was happy about it but there was nothing we could do. Then I got the mod job which caused me to stay on more often. After awhile I became an admin and that's where the story is right now.

What do you like best about Mibba?
My friends. They're amazing. Better than most people I know in real life. I love them.

Have you always enjoyed writing?
Yes. Ever since I was little I've written poetry. I just love expression through music, stories, and poems.

What is/are your favourite word(s) if any?
Um. I don't think I have any. I have favorite phrases. But I don't think that counts. xD

Have you got a favourite story on Mibba, be it one of your own or someone else's?
This may seem a little arrogant but my favorite story on Mibba is my own, The Taste Of Your Sin. I don't know why. It's just the best thing I've ever written. And the cause that I write it for just fuels it. It seems to pour out of me. Like I'm meant to write it. Although, my favorite author is Sara. Hands down.

What's your favourite band?
My Chemical Romance. But The Used runs a very, very, very close second.

Does the music you listen to influence your writing at all?
Yes. I love writing one-shots centered around songs. Also, my story, The Taste Of Your Sin, is deeply inspired by and rooted in The Used lyrics. The joint story that I'm writing, Eyes Like Shadows, has a song on it which is mentioned in the next question.

What's your favourite song at the moment, if you've got one?
I have too many "favorite" songs to name. But Nine In The Afternoon is incredibly catchy. But I wouldn't go so far as to say it's my favorite. Though, the song I'm most obsessed with at the moment is Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony, (Pathétique) last movement (Finale). If you want to hear the orchestra that I play in play the song, it's in my joint story, Eyes Like Shadows.

Favourite movie (and why)?
Like songs, I have too many favorites to list. But off the top of my head, I love Titanic (tragic love stories get me), Fox and the Hound (animals are always the best), City of Angels (again, tragic love).

Use three words to describe yourself.
Environmentalist, liberal, tree-hugger.

In this day and age, it seems that younger generations could perhaps be taking the word "love" for granted and using it too flippantly. Do you think that teenagers have forgotten the true meaning of the word and that they're rushing into intimate relationships too quickly?
In some cases, yes. Teenagers have the tendency to throw words around as if they mean nothing. Hormones rage and cause false thoughts which lead to other actions which cause unexpected and unwanted consequences. There are guys who mark girls off checklists. There are girls who go through guys like underwear. But... but there are some who don't take 'love' for granted. Who don't shoot through meaningless relationship after meaningless relationship. There are some, I believe, who are genuinely designed for each other. For example, this may sound cheesy or bias or whatever but anyway, I can be an incredibly tough person to deal with on a relationship level. I'm 'high-maintenance', uncommunitive, anti-social, and impatient. Now, my boyfriend, Jandri, is a low-maintenance, conversationalist, fairly popular, and can have great deals of patience. Those are only a few examples of how we're polar opposites of each other. So to me, being opposite isn't ideal. It's always, "Wow. We have so much in common." But when you have so much in common with someone, you eventually run out of things to talk about. My boyfriend and I being completely opposite actually balances things out. I'll have 0% of a characteristic and he'll have 100%. It meets in the middle somewhere close to 50% making us a near perfect, if not flawless, match. Now, some believe that this fateful match cannot be found at such a young age and last. But I provide a prime example of a relationship that, by far, breaks that assumption. My aunt and uncle met each other in the 6th grade. The dated through middle school and on and off in high school. They were considered 'high school sweethearts' since they attended prom together. They are now in their late 30's with two kids. Happily married. This shows that love in younger people can be found. Had they believed what all of the adults had said, "You're just kids. You don't know what love is," they wouldn't be together how they are now. Do I believe that teens throw away the word very loosely? Sometimes, yes, as does everyone else. The word has generally lost it's meaning. But I do believe that teenagers are the most free-spirited group of people and love is easier to find when your mind and spirit is so open. Rather than waiting until you're older. As for rushing into intimate relationships too quickly, who doesn't nowadays? Most people are having sex with each other before they are even considered to be dating. Yes, there are some exceptions (myself included) who don't have sex with the first person they see, but they are rare and hard to come by. When people ask how long I've been dating my boyfriend (I respond with one and half years), the next question usually is, "Have you had sex yet?" As if it isn't personal anymore and doesn't matter. Everyone rushes into sex and 'intimate' relationships quickly. Not just teens.

What's your message to Mibbians everywhere?
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.
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Interview by Glitter.
Thanks Tas, for the interview, and yes, it was very, very perfect.