The Art of Losing

First (and only) chapter

"Matthew, I'm hungry!" Nathan complained as he sat down on the couch in Matthew's apartment where they had just spend the whole day relaxing and doing geeky stuff that normal twin brothers wouldn't do. Then again, they weren't like most twin brothers, they had participated in Fear Factor and actually won, giving them enough money to record the Madina Lake demo and now they had just gotten of the Projekt Revolution tour with Linkin Park and other great bands. But right now they were enjoying a free day before they left for the UK for another couple of weeks full of touring. And what's better than to spend that free day with their respective girlfriends and their twin brother they would see on tour anyway.

"What are you doing?" Nathan frowned as he looked at his brother looking at a little screen on the device he was holding, to him it greatly resembled the trusted PlayStation Portable, always found around his brother whenever he didn't steal it from him, which would cause Matthew to steal it back and so on. Either Matthew was good at pretending, or he could block out his brother damn good, a trick he never really mastered completely so it had to be the former. Nathan sighed and took a sip from the water bottle he was holding after he had just raised the empty fridge.

"Playing," Matthew muttered under his breath before he bit his lip and moved the small console in his hands a little to the left as he tried to keep his attention on the game. Nathan sighed and raised an eyebrow at his twin, the only differences between them being their hair and the mole on Matthew's cheek.

"Well, what are you playing?" Nathan asked again, hoping to get a better answer out of his brother but didn't get his hopes up as Matthew didn't respond immediately but instead cursed at the game in his hands before he pressed a button and the game restarted.

“Video game,” Matthew muttered once again under his breath, making Nathan sigh and realize that getting a decent answer out of his brother would be another whole adventure this time around, clearly the video game was more interesting than his twin sitting on the couch next to him and for a small moment, Nathan wanted his own PlayStation portable more than anything so they could play together, yet, his girlfriend had ordered him to leave it at home, telling him he wouldn't be needing it anyway so why bring it.

What video game Matthew?” Nathan questioned, crossing his thin arms in front of his chest as he watched his twin trying to concentrate on the video game instead of answering the questions he was asked.

“DAMN IT I ALMOST WON!” Matthew yelled as he threw the console next to him and pouted, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glaring at the game. Nathan bit his lip to stop himself from laughing and had to restrain himself not to go run to Matthew's room and grab his digital camera to get this on picture.

“Um, Matthew, are you okay?” Nathan waved his hand in front of his twin brothers eyes that glazed over as he kept glaring at the console. Sighing, he decided to do the only course of action he could do to get his brother to snap out of his silent tantrum, even though this action could certainly result in several bruises, if not small scratch wounds all over his chest and more likely his arms.

Carefully, he grabbed the small console that was laying discarded next to Matthew and pressed it against his chest while his eyes widened when he took a step back and almost tripped over the coffee table placed behind him. Matthew shook his head and blinked at the empty spot on the couch where his PlayStation portable had been a few seconds ago before he looked distraught and started to search around the couch for the game.

“Where is iiittt?!” Matthew whined, looking like he was near tears as his hands and eyes started to scan everywhere around the couch, under it, next to it, behind it, everyone where it could be.

“Nathan! Have you seen my...” glaring at his younger twin brother, Nathan screamed and ran to the other side of the couch as his brother got closer to him with an angry glare visible in his eyes. Nathan gulped and hid the console in the pocket of his loose jeans, keeping it safe and unharmed even if his brother decided to do something stupid.

“I swear to god Matthew,” Nathan pointed his finger at his brother, looking rather scared as Matthew smirked and climbed over the couch, “Oh shit,” Nathan muttered before he ran back to the other side of the couch, switching places with his brother.

“Give it back Nathan!” said Matthew with a smirk still playing on his lips.

“I think you played enough on it for today Matthew Leone!” Nathan pointed his finger at Matthew who started to turn around 360° on the same spot before throwing himself over the couch and tackling Nathan to the floor.

“Give it baaccckkkk!” Matthew tried to pin down Nathan who was using his arms to push his brother off him but failed miserably when Matthew managed to pin his hands just above his head. Their faces were inches apart from each other and they could stare perfectly in each others eyes. Matthew smirked and pressed his lips against his brother's who didn't immediately protest against the kiss but rather chose to return it, giving up on trying to free his hands from Matthew's grip on them.

“I say, give it back,” whispered the oldest twin, pulling back from the kiss and winking at his brother, Nathan smirked and tried to free his wrists again. Sitting up instead of hunching over, Matthew kept sitting on Nathan's stomach but freed his wrists but before he could say anything, Nathan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in another kiss.

“I don't think so,” Nathan smirked, this time him being the one pulling out of the kiss before he pushed a distracted Matthew off him and ran to the kitchen, trying to find either a weapon to defend him and the console resting in his pocket or just to fight of his brother as he would have to escape again.

“Why do we even kiss when no one's around?” Matthew asked, raising an eyebrow at his twin as he leaned against the door frame that lead to his kitchen. Nathan looked up from the pots and pans and smirked.

“It's so much fun to tease you dear brother,” Nathan smirked, before he closed the closet again and leaned against the counter. “Besides, good distraction for you, that video game is taking over your mind slowly don't deny it!”

“Give it back!” Matthew whined again, knowing that it wouldn't help anyway but it was worth a try. Nathan shook his head and kept the smirk on his lips as he saw his brother walking closer to him. As his older twin brother came closer to him, Nathan started to see the differences between the two of them, they were twins at heart, but then again, they weren't. They were two different people that just looked like each other.

“No way.”

“Come on Nathan,” Matthew grabbed Nathan by the hips and pulled him towards him. Nathan looked surprised at the move but smirked, moving to give Matthew a kiss on the mouth but instead gave one on his cheek, making the older twin raise an eyebrow at his younger brother.

Wrapping his arms around Matthew's waist, Nathan smirked and looked briefly at the door that lead towards the living room, thinking he had just heard a noise but shrugged it off and pressed his lips against his brothers in a sweet kiss.

“Oh man! Matteo! Run! They're kissing again!” Daniel yelled from at the door of the kitchen, looking horrified at the two Leone brothers who pulled back from the kiss, doubling over in laughter and clearly amused by the sudden interruption.

“Seriously guys, you should stop doing that, it creeps me out!” Matteo said, raising an eyebrow at the twins that whipped away the tears from their eyes, formed because of all the laughing.

“But he stole my PlayStation portable! How else could I distract him to give it back to me?!” Matthew said, clearly in distress that the boys had interrupted his master plan to get back his game console.

“Well, couldn't you just do it like normal twin brothers do and just fight and tackle him or something?” Daniel asked, looking at the twins who made eye contact briefly and smirked at each other.

“Aw, but I was starting to feel lonely without Autumn!” Matthew pouted, before he gave his brother another peck, this time on the cheek, which was enough to freak out the two other members of the band as Nathan just decided to sit down on Matthew's lap when he sat down on one of the chairs. Matthew responded to this by wrapping his arms around the waist of his brother and place his chin on Nathan's shoulder while looking innocent at Daniel and Matteo.

“Yeah, and creeping you two out is just so much fun,” Nathan smirked at Matteo and Daniel groaned at the twins, sighing and knowing that nothing could be helped to their playful kissing and groping each other, as long as they didn't start to do it on stage or in front of them, it was fine actually but it had always been awkward whenever they would walk in on the twins kissing, knowing that they only did it to annoy the two members.

“I swear to god Matthew and Nathan Leone, one day you two are going to be the death of me!” Matteo muttered, shaking his head as the twins smirked. Matthew looked up and gave his brother another kiss on the cheek before smiling brightly and then pushing him off.

“HA! My genius plan worked!” Matthew started to dance around the kitchen with the PlayStation portable in his hand and a big grin on his lips. Nathan glared and rubbed his ass as he was helped up by Matteo who looked at him sympathetic.

“I win,” the oldest twin brother smirked before running out of the kitchen and leaving the three other members of his band in a daze of confusion and shock. The only sound heard were the two words coming from Nathan's mouth.

“Damn it!”
♠ ♠ ♠
well there you go =] hope you guys enjoyed that one, I swear to god, the Leonecest is all Lubey McLube's fault *shifty eyes* but it's cute isn't it? YOU ALL LOVE IT DON'T DENY IT!

comments are love =D