Romeo &Juliet's Brother

When The Sun Found The Moon

"Do you want to maybe come over after school? We only have two days of school left so i'm sure you're not to bust right?" asked Spencer. "I can't, my aunt is coming over for dinner, my mom wants me to be there in case she has another breakup melt down" Brendon responded. "Oh, right. Will she ever get over that?" "I really don't know, he was a douche. All the Ross' are." Spencer laughs and the bell rings. "When did this feud start again?" Spencer and Brendon stop at Brendon's locker before 2nd period. "Before i was even in womb. Apparently the Ross' used to be our neighbors and Ryan's mom tried feeling my dad up one morning.. my mom cursed her out and a little while after that they moved. Ryan's mom left him and his dad and i also heard that his dad is a huge drunk. I wouldn't be surprised if that were true, he smashed my dads car one night coming home from a bar." "Yikes. And now your aunt and her ex, they've really got it out for the Urie's." Brendon grins. "I swear your feud is like Montagues vs. Capulets. I think you're Romeo and Ryan's your Juliet" he smirks and winks. "No way dude! I am not a faggot" Brendon punches him in the shoulder playfully.


"You going to the party tonight?... hello, Brendon? You okay?" "hm? Oh yeah, yes i am." Spencer looks confused "okay.. so i'll pick you up around 7, alright?" Brendon doesn't look very excited, "yeah, sure." "Come on dude, it's the last day of school. In a matter of minutes you'll be out of this hell hole, enjoy it with me." he looks pleading. "I'm sorry, it's hard to be excited to go to a party where everyone hates you and makes up rumors of you being a fag." Spencer sighs, "it's one night, just one party." Brendon just rolls his eyes.


"I feel so out of place.." Brendon says, entering the house staring at the people that give him hell. "You'll be fine i promise." Spencer walks outside, leaving Brendon by himself. "Douche."

He walks around the house a bit before realizing he really wants to leave and goes to find Spencer. From across the pool he sees Spencer talking to a couple of guys and walks over but on his way to the other side he gets a sly comment from a one of his predators at school, "faggot. Why are you even here." But Brendon, trying to ignore gets pushed into the water next to him. After noticing his surroundings under water he paddles to the top gasping for breath. When his head is above water he notices all the laughter and pointing and pulls himself out of the water, running inside the house.

Brendon finally finds the bathroom and locks himself in, and sits on the toilet. -knock, knock- "anyone in here?" despite the reason for knocking, the mystery person let's himself in and what do you know, it's- "Get out!" yells Brendon, slamming the door in Ryan's face, he slides to the floor in front of the door. Ryan's yelling "come on! I need to piss!" "It's taken!" "You're not even doing anything" he answers back still hitting the door. Brendon stands and opens the door. "Move." Ryan pushes past him, "why are you soaked?" Brendon steps out of the bathroom, "none of your business" and closes the door.

Despite his traumatizing incident, Brendon stomps outside still damp just to find Spencer and his keys. Luckily he doesn and Spencer hands over the keys not able to get a word in as Brendon walks away. He's still getting laughed at as he pushes past people but it's not bothering him, while he's walking though he's confronted by Ryan bumping into him, Brendon stumbles backwards grabbing anything in front of him, which happened to be Ryan and they both fall into the pool, Brendon, for the second time this evening.

"What the fuck?" Ryan furiously splashes Brendon in the face when he comes up from the water, but Brendon doesn't even care. He paddles to the edge to pull himself up and walks away from the party ignoring laughter, and Ryan's yelling.


It's his first day of summer break and he doesn't even get to sleep in, this is the third time Spencer's called this morning. Third times the charm because Brendon actually answers this time. "Hello?" "What do you want? I was sleeping." "Sorry, i just wanted to see if you were okay." Brendon sighs, "why wouldn't i be?" "i was just asking, that's what friends do. I was hoping you wouldn't be to pissed." "i'm fine." "you sure?" "yes." "okay, good" he can hear Spencer's smile through the phone, "so i heard Ryan got a boner in the pool last night" Spencer laughs. "Well he would, the fag" Brendon smirks.