Status: Completed! Check out the sequel! :-)

Long Live The Fast Times

Little Things

Kara had been living at my house for four months now, she was only had a month left of her pregnancy, she hadn't been in any contact what so ever with her mum, I knew she wanted to talk to her, but her mum just didn't want to know. It hurt me as her bestfriend, to see her so upset all of the time, luckily my mum was like a second mum to her and she was told she could stay with us for as long as she needed. We had converted the spare bedroom into a nursery and a bedroom for Kara.

It was only a week until graduation day, I was nervous to say the least. I felt like I was growing up too quickly, soon enough I would be moving out, living in my own apartment, working full time, barley ever seeing Alex because he would be touring so much. I had applied for lots of colleges getting into nearly every one.

Today would be the first time I had seen Alex in two weeks, since he had been away on holiday with his parents. To say that I had missed him was an understatement. I adjusted my leggings so they reached my ankles, then grabbed one of Alex's grey hoodies putting it on. I picked up my school bag putting on my shoulder, grabbing my keys whilst calling to Kara to hurry up.

I went outside and sat in my car turning on the engine, I turned the wind screen wipers on to get rid of the mist and rain droplets which were falling heavily onto my car. Kara finally came five minutes later, wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of Rian's old over sized hoodies to cover up her bump. Nearly everyone at school knew that she was pregnant now, they would all say things as she walked past them in the corridors, they'd stare, gossip, point. All her old friends stopped hanging out with her because she was a 'slut' it was horrible. Rian didn't get much grief, mostly because he kept himself to himself. I reversed the car once Kara had done her seatbelt up, then started the drive to school.

Since Kara was late, we were both late to school so I had to park my car quickly and rush to homeroom. The bell rang as soon as we reached the school gates, so we had to go straight to first lesson Maths. I only knew Rian in this class, and we hadn't really talked much lately. I was one of the first people in class, I sat down and took out my books. A few minutes later, Rian came in and sat down next to me, his hair was getting quite long and shaggy now, he was wearing a green top and jeans. He definitely did not look like someone who was going to be a dad next month.

The lesson flew by, we had a substitute so we didn't really do much anyway. My next lesson was Biology which meant I was completely on my own, and I unfortunately had to spend it with Chelsea and her 'followers'. I said goodbye to Rian, picking up my backpack and making my way to my next class. I was late some how, and everyone was already sitting down in what looked like a new seating plan we also had a new teacher. I looked at the teacher and asked her where I should seat, unfortunately for me the only spare seat was next to Chelsea. Typical. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her, moving my chair away as far as possible. Our new teacher 'Miss Hughes' started the lesson by introducing herself, then we all had to introduce ourselves to her. We went round the whole classroom everyone saying something, and when it came to me I didn't know what to say. I sat there awkwardly hoping that she would just ignore me and move onto the next person. No such luck.

“I'll answer for her miss, basically she's a slut. A dumb, ugly, fat slut who can't keep her grubby little chubby hands off of other people's boyfriends.” Chelsea spat.

“That's enough Chelsea!” Miss Hughes shouted.

Tears pricked my eyes but I wasn't going to cry in front of her. Miss Hughes started teaching afterwards on 'sex education'. I felt myself cringing when she was talking about protection, because I couldn't help thinking about Kara and Rian, if they had used protection then maybe they wouldn't be in the situation they're now. I felt Chelsea kick my leg hard, I turned my head round to face her, she just stared back at me with a smirk on her face.

“Don't cringe babe, maybe one day you won't be a little virgin.” Chelsea said spitefully.

“That's awkward because I'm not a virgin.”

“Ha, you're lying.”

“Nope. Just ask Alex.”

Shock went over Chelsea's face for a moment, but then there was just anger. She looked like she wanted to rip my hair out, punch me or something. I almost laughed but I knew that it would make things worse. My hand shot up in the air before I knew what I was doing. Miss Hughes looked over at me, calling my name.

“Can I um go to the toilet please?” I asked quickly.

“Can't you wait, we only have five minutes of the lesson left.”

“Uhm nope, please?”

“Just go.”

I pushed my chair back, going under the table to grab my bag. I felt a shooting, stabbing pain rush through my hand as Chelsea stomped as hard as she could on my hand. I resisted the urge to shout out in pain, as that would only make her feel better. I got up nearly rushing out of the classroom, cradling my hand. I went into the bathroom, holding my hand under cold running water to sooth the pain. I couldn't hold the tears in any longer, I could not deal with another week of sitting next to her nearly everyday with her out to get me. I had a little cry after the bell rang, then I tried to sort out my makeup but it was obvious that I had been crying. I grabbed my bag off of the floor and made my way to the cafeteria. I found Alex, Kara, Rian, Jack straight away they were all sitting on a long table together. I made my way over to them taking the empty space next to Alex. As soon as I sat down he wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me. What did I do to deserve such a perfect boyfriend?

They all started eating their lunch, whilst I grabbed the bottle of water out of my bag and started sipping at it hoping that it would fill me up. Alex saw that I wasn't eating and tried to shove some of his pizza in my mouth, but I just flipped him off.

“Not eating?” He asked.

“Nope. Not hungry.” I stated.

“Oh right, how was biology?”

“Uhm, fine I guess. Why wouldn't it be?” I said quickly.

“Just wondering, yano you have got it with queen bitch over there.” Alex said looking over at Chelsea.

I looked down at my fingers, picking off my nail varnish. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears again, I wanted to tell Alex but I knew that he would get angry and go and say something to her which would just make things a whole lot worse. I wiped my cheeks as a few tears fell. Today had just not been my day at all.

“Hey, hey what's wrong?” Alex said quietly so only I could hear.

I shook my head, I didn't want to talk because I knew that I would just end up crying more. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist, making me lean into his chest. No one else had noticed that I was crying luckily, I couldn't deal with more questions.

“C'mon let's go for a walk.” Alex said grabbing my hand which had been hurt earlier.

I let out a yelp of pain. Alex let go quickly, looking at my hand. There was a slight bruise forming, and it was still very red.

“What the fuck happened to your hand?” Alex said his voice growing louder.

“Ugh nothing, Chelsea just stomped on it.” I muttered.

“For real? That fucking bitch!” Alex started to walk away angrily towards her.
I had to run a little to catch up with him since he was taking such large strides. I grabbed his arm pulling him back, Alex turned round to face me.

“Please don't it's just going to make things worse!” I pleaded.

Alex's eyes softened up. “I'm not trying to make things worse, she did other things as well didn't she?”

I nodded my head slowly. “C'mon let's go for that walk and I'll tell you everything.”

Alex took hold of my non injured hand and we walked out of the cafeteria, outside into the parking lot. We went and sat in Alex's car, he took my hand straight away making me look at him. His muddy brown eyes, were always the first thing I looked at when I looked at him.

“So what happened?” Alex asked me softly.

“Um basically I have to sit next to her in biology and she's gonna make my life hell. We had to introduce ourselves to the new teacher and I didn't know what to say so Chelsea answered for me and she goes 'I'll answer for her miss, basically she's a slut. A dumb, ugly, fat slut who can't keep her grubby little chubby hands off of other people's boyfriends.' then she got angry cause she found out I wasn't a virgin, she looked like she was going to punch me so I asked me to go to the toilet and I went to get my bag and she stomped as hard as she could of my hand, to hurt me. That's everything.”

“That fucking bitch. Seriously who does she think she is, trying to hurt someone, calling them names she's fucking pathetic.” Alex said angrily.

“I'd rather just forget about it all... I don't have a clue how I'm meant to sit next to her for the next week until graduation day.”

“I dunno either, talk to your teacher get moved?”


“But just listen to me, don't listen to anything she says because she's just trying to upset you, you're not dumb you're nearly top in everything, you're not ugly you're fucking beautiful and I don't have a clue why you're with me, you're not fat at all, you're definitely not a slut since the only guy you've ever proper been with is me. Just don't listen to anything she says, her opinions mean shit. Just know that I love you, you have good friends, good family she's just a pathetic bully.”

“Thanks Lex, I love you too.”

I leant forward pressing my lips to his, just as the school bell rang telling us it was the end of lunch.
“We can finish this later.” Alex said winking at me.


I got out of the car, linking hands with Alex and walking back into the school. We had English next which was good because I was with Alex and Jack, unfortunately Chelsea was in that room as well but maybe she'd leave me alone since Alex would be there. We got to our classroom right on time, taking our usual seats. Jack was already texting someone presumably Ella, I was still surprised that they were together after so long.

Chelsea was one of the last people to come in, as soon as she saw me she gave me a smug look then a flirtatious one to Alex who just shrugged it off. It pissed me off how she was like that with him, hadn't she got it he had moved on a long time ago from her. I started listening to the teacher as she began to teach, I looked at Alex who was reading a note under the table, it was in delicate, neat handwriting it was obvious it was from Chelsea.

I know you miss me, its obvious. Come meet me at my locker after this lesson, we'll talk about everything sort it out. I'm only going to offer you this chance once Alex, you know I'm a hundred times better than her. She even lies about you, she tried to make out that you'd had sex with her haha the little virgin who'd want her.

I'll see you at my locker xo

The note made me feel sick. She was so up herself to just assume that Alex would meet her just because she said so. I did feel a little better when I saw Alex crumble up the note in his fist and chuck it on the floor. I grabbed his hand squeezing it tight underneath the table.

“I love you not her.” Alex said softly.

I nodded my head. “I know Lex.”

“I screwed things up with you once, I won't do it again.”

I kissed him quickly on the cheek, still holding his hand underneath the table. The lesson was over quite quickly which was good. We left the classroom quite quickly, Jack following us quickly behind. We started walking to our next lesson, but stopped when we heard someone shouting Alex's name. I already knew who it was, which made me even more pissed off. Why couldn't she just leave us alone?

“Alex! You were meant to meet me outside my locker not walk off with that slut!” Chelsea shouted angrily.

“I never agreed to meeting you because everything you put in that note was a lie. Just leave me and Jen alone. I want nothing to do with you Chelsea, it's been over for a long time, I've moved on its time you do too.”

“I won't give you another chance. I mean it Alex.”

“I don't want another chance, all I want is you to leave me alone!”

Chelsea started swearing angrily and stormed off. Maybe she had finally got the end, Alex didn't like her he didn't want to be with her. I wrapped my arms around Alex's neck, he pressed his lips to my forehead.

This was going to be a new chapter for us, we wouldn't have Chelsea constantly interfering in our relationship. Now maybe we'd go the distance.


I looked over at Jack who was putting his phone back in his pocket.

“What's up Jack?” I asked.

“Kara's in labour. She's just been taken away in an ambulance with Rian...”

“But it's too early, she's not due for another month!”

“Fuck. C'mon let's go.” Alex said.

We rushed outside into the carpark all climbing into Alex's car. He started driving as soon as our seatbelts were on, going way over the speed limit. This was not good, Kara was bound to be freaking out because it was too early and Rian... I don't know he would be trying to keep all his feelings hidden but it was bound to be killing him inside too. All I knew is that we needed to get there as fast as possible, and the hospital was about a twenty minute drive away from the school. Shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
There is only going to be a couple more chapters left of this story, but i will be doing a sequel :-) please comment, i haven't had any new comments in ageeeees so it makes me feel like no one's enjoying this story, even though i know people are reading it and its taking me ages to write and update because i have no motivation at all. Anyway thankyou for reading, i hope you enjoyed xo