Status: Completed! Check out the sequel! :-)

Long Live The Fast Times


Today was the day. The first day to the rest of our lives. Graduation. After this day high school was going to be over, I would be moving too New York in a few weeks, Alex would be on a tour, my bestfriend would be deciding whether she was coming to New York with me. Everything was so stressful at the moment. I still hadn't told Alex that I was moving to New York, I honestly didn't have the courage. I was worried that he was going to try and convince me to stay in Baltimore and go to a college here, but I just wanted to get away. Start a brand new life.

I straightend up my graduation gown, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked 'okay' I guess today, I'd made more effort than usual, straightening my hair and clipping the fringe back, I had simple ish makeup on, just some mascara and a thickish line of eyeliner and generous layers of lipgloss.

“You ready?” A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Alex, he looked amazing. I nodded my head smiling, walking up to him and pressing my lips to his. I would never ever get bored of kissing him.

“What was that for?” Alex asked grinning.

“Hm, how about I love you? And you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for like everrrrrrrr.” I said dragging out the 'r'.

“Well I love you. I love you so much, so I just wanna ask you something... I'm gonna miss you when we go on tour, do you know what you're gonna do?”

“I'm going to college Lex.” I said biting my lip. I guess he was going to find out sooner or later.

“You never told me that you were definitely going... Where are you going?”

“New York Film Academy. I wanna study photography.”

“New York? Why New York, you could study photography here in Baltimore why do you need to go so far away? I'm never gonna see you!” Alex moaned running his hands through his hair, something he always did when he was frustrated.

“It's one of the best colleges out there Alex! It focus mainly on photography and acting, other colleges do a bunch of other stuff as well. You're never gonna see me? I'm never gonna see you! You'll be on tour all of the time, why are you allowed to make a good career for yourself but I'm not?!” I shouted.

This was not how the conversation was meant to go. I could feel myself getting angry, but I could help it he was making me so mad. Why should I stay behind whilst he goes travelling around the world have the most amazing time, why am I not allowed to do something for myself just for once instead of ALWAYS having to think about other people.

“So you're just trying to get back at me? Get back at me cause I'm gonna be living my dream! I can't believe you-” He started before I cut him off.

“Don't! Don't you dare make this out to be all about you. I am allowed my own life, I've always wanted to go to New York for college. I've told you that about a million fucking times. I am not doing this to get back at you because you'll be away all the time I'm not that pathetic. I do have a life outside of you Alex, not everything I do in my life revolves around you.”

I could feel a few tears slip down my cheeks, it wasn't because I was upset it was honestly because I was mad. I tried to hold them in but they just kept spilling over. Today was meant to be great, the first day to forever. Moving on with life, starting a new chapter. But it was just getting shit and I hadn't even graduated yet.

Alex took a step closer to me wiping my tears away with his thumb and kissing me on the forehead. He held me for a few minutes before letting go.

“I'm sorry okay? I was just mad that you didn't tell me... I just feel like if you move there then I'm gonna lose you. I really don't want too lose you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, you're my bestfriend. I fucking can't even tell you how much I love you. I don't want to fight...” Alex said grabbing my hands.

“Me neither. Let's just forget about this alright? C'mon we better get too school otherwise we'll never graduate.” I said jokingly.


“Ladies and Gentlemen the senior graduates of 2006!” The principle said loudly into the microphone.

We were all standing on stage so we had to do this like 'bow' thing in front of the parents. Which was slightly embarrassing. I felt myself looking down the long line of people, some of the people here I'd never even spoken to them, some of them I had. But even the people I hadn't spoken to, I'd seen them round school everyday and the thought of not seeing them ever again was just weird. The only people I wouldn't miss would be Chelsea and her army of skanks, they ruined part of my high school experience and I could not be happier to leave and never see her again.

We all started to leave the stage, I went straight over to my mum her wrapping her arms around me tightly. My dad had also came tonight so I hugged him after. I was glad that they could work out their 'difference's' for one night just for me. My mum and dad started saying how 'proud' they were of me and how they knew that I was going to do great in college. The thing that really surprised me was when they told me that they had bought me an apartment in New York, I didn't have to pay them a thing until I got a job. I hugged them both again tightly, before leaving them to try and find Kara.

Kara was sitting down with Eden in her lap, feeding her a bottle. Rian was sitting down next to her with his arm wrapped around Kara's shoulders. It was picture perfect. I wanted to tell Kara that my mum had bought me a apartment but I didn't know if she had told Rian that she was possibly moving with me. I decided to tell her just not mention that she might be coming.

“Guess what Kara! My mum and dad bought me an apartment in New York!” I announced.

Confusion swept Rian's face. “You're moving to New York?” He asked.

“Yup. Going to college there.” I replied.

“I'm so happy for you Jen! I'll talk to you about it later okay? I should properly um yano first...” Kara said her voice trailing off.

“Should what?” Rian asked turning to face her.

“I'll tell you later Ri, in private.” Kara said firmly.

It was as if a puzzle had been completed in Rian's head. For a second his eyes flashed anger but they quickly softened and he just looked sad.

“You're going with her aren't you?” Rian asked Kara even though he knew the answer.

“I'm sorry Ri. I just need someone who's going to be there for me 24/7 you're gonna be away a lot touring, I don't have my mum anymore. Jen will be able to help me out a lot, plus she's my bestfriend so she won't just ditch me or leave me alone to raise this baby.”

“But you would have people here in Baltimore, I wouldn't be touring all the time, the band might flunk and not even get big. My mum and dad would be here for you whenever you needed them whilst I would be away. You would never have been alone...You can't just take my baby away from me.”

“Listen to me Ri, I promise you I am not taking her away from you. You can see her whenever you want, she's your daughter aswell. It's only a three and a half hour drive away by car and only an hour and a half by plane. You can see her whenever you want!”

“What about us? It's not just Eden that's gonna be so far away so are you! I'm gonna miss you both so much...”

“You'll be fine honestly. Once you're touring you won't even think about us as much, maybe you'll think about Eden a lot but me? You'll move on from me and that'll be fine, I know that this isn't going to last forever but let's just appreciate what time left we have with each other whilst it lasts... You'll always be a massive part of my life, you've given me the most incredible little girl and I wouldn't change it for the world. I'll always love you, never forget that please.” Kara said a few tears slipping down her cheeks.

She couldn't give up on them just like that. It wasn't right, if her and Rian couldn't last there was no way in hell that me and Alex would. I took Eden from Kara so that she and Rian could talk. It seemed like they needed to talk a lot more now. They weren't the average high school couple anymore, they had to grow up fast as soon as Kara fell pregnant, they've had to become adults and work together to raise their child.

I walked over to Alex with Eden in my arms, he was standing there talking to Jack they seemed like they were in the middle of a joke or something. Alex wrapped his arm around my back, tickling Eden's face. He was really going to be a great dad one day.

“I wanna hold her!” Jack said.

“Uh okay. I swear to god Jack if you drop her Rian and Kara will kill you.” I said as I passed Eden over to him. He rolled his eyes in response to me.

“How comes you have Eden?” Alex asked me.

“Kara and Rian are 'talking'. She's moving to New York with me, I guess her and Rian have a lot to talk about.” I explained.

“Woah, you never told me she was coming with you? I guess at least you'll have each other when me and Rian are away.” Alex said.

“Yeah that's how we see it.” I leaned back into Alex's chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

About ten minutes past and Kara and Rian came over to us hand in hand. It looked like everything had been sorted out by the smiles on both of their faces. Rian immediately took Eden off of Jack, because Jack 'couldn't be trusted to hold a baby' we all knew that he was just joking though.

The graduation 'party' thing went on for a few more hours basically all it was, was food and fizzy drinks. What a 'fun' party. I danced with Alex a lot which was nice, it hadn't really sunken in just yet on how much I was going to miss him. No sooner had I thought that, Zack came into the hall announcing that it was time too go. They had already gotten all of their suitcases in this mini van, all packed and ready to go. I linked hands with Alex walking outside with the others. I gave a hug goodbye to Jack, Zack and Rian leaving Alex for last. I waited until he had said goodbye to his tearful parents. I watched Rian and Kara say goodbye, there goodbye had to be at least ten times worse. It actually broke my heart seeing him say goodbye to Eden and then kiss Kara and go inside the car.

Alex came up to me, pulling me into his chest. I leaned my head on his shoulder, trying my hardest not to cry. I didn't want him too feel guilty for living out his dream. He pulled away from me kissing me on the lips for what felt like forever. When pulled away I just wanted to pull him right back and kiss him again, he pressed a kiss to my forehead then went and stood by the car.

“I love you.” Alex said whilst climbing into the car.

“I love you too.” I said watching him get into the car and shut the door.

I watched the car drive away before I started crying, it was impossible to hold in the tears any longer. I didn't know when I would see him again, I was going off to college in a few weeks, he'd still be on tour. I didn't know anything, all I knew was that I was going to miss him so much more than I thought. I don't think I'd ever love someone as much as I love him.

This wouldn't be the final chapter of us.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END. Well there is a sequel which you can subscribe too here i shall be uploading the first chapter soon!

I want to say thankyou to the 55 subscribers of this story, everyone's who's commented (or been a silent reader) and to everyone who's recommended this story it means a lot! I hope you enjoy the sequel :-) x