Status: Completed! Check out the sequel! :-)

Long Live The Fast Times

She Works For The Weekend

I didn't get a lift with Alex too school all week. We still weren't talking, and he was still dating Chelsea. He also started hanging around with the 'popular' crowd again leaving me, Kara, Rian and Jack to ourselves. I only had one more lesson left of the day, English unfortunately where I sat in-between Alex and Jack. Alex had avoided sitting next to us all week though, so today properly would be the same. I was looking forward to after school the most at 10:30pm there was a party over at Zack's house, he was quite good friends with a lot of people from our school so most people were invited as well as people from his own school. Zack threw the best parties, mostly because his parents were so laid back and they just went out for the weekend whilst he had his party.

I walked to English by myself only the low humming of my music coming through my earphones keeping me awake. There was no one in the classroom yet but me, so I sat down in my usual seat and pulled out my English book. Alex was the next person to enter the room, he gave me an awkward smile and sat down on the other side of the classroom. I was fed up of fighting with him, he was my best friend I wanted him back.

“Alex?” I called out.

He turned around, surprised that I was talking to him.

“Yeah?” He replied.

“I don't wanna fight anymore. I miss you.” I said, saying the 'I miss you' quietly.

“I miss you too.” Alex said he had obviously heard me then. He stood up and came over and sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder to give me a hug.

We chatted for a bit catching up until everyone came into the classroom. We had a substitute today. I caught Chelsea glaring at me from the other side of the classroom, where Alex had been sitting. I tried to ignore her, but it was getting quite irritating.

“Alex, can you please tell your girlfriend too quit staring.” I said moodily.

“Chels! Stop staring babe, your making poor Jenny uncomfortable.” Alex said laughing taking this all as a joke.

“I will once she gets her grubby, little, ugly, fat hands off my boyfriend.” Chelsea spat back.

“Woah, bit far Chels.” Alex grumbled.

I stared at my work blinking back the tears. Why couldn't he stick up for me more? I thought I was meant to be his best friend, and his 'girlfriend' had just called me all them names? I had stood up for Alex plenty in the past when my ex's had said shit but he just took it all as a joke. Properly didn't care about my feelings at all, it was all about Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. The bell rang about twenty minutes later, I shoved my books back into my bag and left the classroom without saying goodbye to Alex. Jack caught up with me in the car park giving me a hug from behind which made me scream a little since I wasn't expecting it. I laughed a little afterwards hugging him. I saw Alex and Chelsea making out by his car it made me feel sick. I grabbed Jack's hand and walked back to my house with him since he was staying at mine tonight with Rian, and Kara.

Nobody was home when I got in, not that I was expecting anyone to be. I went upstairs unpacked my bag then came back downstairs too see Jack eating a burrito out of the fridge (that was meant for my dad) and watching shitty TV. I sat down next to him, laying my legs onto of his chest and leaning back on the couch. Kara and Rian didn't arrive till about 7ish, I got a text about then from my mum saying that she wasn't going to be back till Monday for a business trip and dad was coming with her. Obviously Jack had to point out that it was properly bullshit and they were properly having a sexy weekend away with each other, but to be honest I didn't really want about my parents like that...

We ordered a pizza to eat before we went out and got drunk at Zack's party. Then me and Kara went upstairs too go and get changed. It took much longer than I had originally thought. Kara braided my long hair into a fishtail plait and gave me a smoky eye effect with a generous amount of lipgloss. I just straightened her hair, and applied eyeliner, mascara and a pale pink lipstick which suited her skin shade perfectly. I changed into a tight, short, black dress and some black tights with some black peep-toe heels. Kara wore some white high waisted shorts and a black vest top with some high heeled sandles. She looked gorgeous.

We went back downstairs, Jack and Rian had changed some how into casual clothes just jeans and a top. I had to admit they looked very handsome. We watched some films till 10pm then got into Rian's car, for the short half an hour drive to Zack's. We got there in good time, when lots of people were starting to arrive. This was going to be a good night, I could feel it. I pushed open the car door and grabbed hold of Kara's hand going inside Zack's house. There was bottle's of alcohol everywhere, how Zack got it I don't know properly his parents. I gave Zack a quick hug before plunging into the party.

My head was starting to throb around 1am, I had been dancing for ages, mostly with Kara sometimes with Zack even though his type of dancing was grinding. I couldn't think straight I had, had way too much to drink. The party wasn't even going to be finished for ages, it was only really just getting started. The only thing I knew was that I needed to piss badly. I stumbled up the stairs, banging into people who were making out. I roughly knew where Zack's bathroom was, it was somewhere upstairs. I pushed open the first door I could find nope wasn't there unless there was a massive bed in his bathroom? I pushed open the next door and saw a shower and a bath this was definitely the bathroom. I pushed the door shut behind me and went too pull down my pants before I realised that someone was already occupying the toilet. One Mr Gaskarth was standing right in front of me peeing. I groaned loudly and slumped to the floor waiting for him to finish. I couldn't even move.

“What da fu-fuck is t-that you Jenny?” Alex slurred.

“No, no, no it's Jennifer. Dat's what my mummy and d-d-daddy call me.” I said giggling.

He collapsed down next to me laying his head on my shoulder.

“W-what are you doing in here, w-when I was p-p-peeing.”

“I didn't know you were p-p-peeing. I thought it was e-empty. I n-needed to piss.”

I tried to get off of the floor, but it was literally impossible. I just laid back against the bath.

“Y-you have pretty eyes.” I said to Alex poking him in the eye.

“F-fuck. That hurt Jen.” Alex said moodily.

“S-sorry.” I giggled.

“I l-love your laugh.” Alex said poking me in the mouth.

“I love your nose.” I said poking his nose.

“I love your li-lips.” Alex said leaning forward and kissing me on the lips.

It started off slowly but it soon got faster and more deep until we were full on making out. I had dreamt about kissing Alex about a million times but this was so much better. His hands roamed around my back unclasping my bra. My hands went to his jeans and I started to unbuckle them. Things were starting to get heated.

“What the f-fuck!?” Someone shouted as the bathroom door burst open.

This caused me and Alex to break away from each other rather quickly. The voice belonged to Jack, he had the biggest 'O' shape mouth ever. This was properly something he never thought he would see he's two best friend's making out in the bathroom. I felt a shade of red cover my face as I buried my face in my hands. Jack stumbled out of the room, and Alex got up and went after him. Shouting his name down the corridor. I had just kissed Alex Gaskarth, my best friend and I liked it I really liked it, which left me more confused than ever before.
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Short chapterrr, another update soon. Thanks for reading.

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