Status: Completed! Check out the sequel! :-)

Long Live The Fast Times

Put your arms around me, and kiss me again

Alex had gone home about two hours ago. It was 10am and I should have been at school, mum had gone straight to work about 6am and as for dad well he never came back last night so I don't know where he was. I had brang my duvet downstairs onto the sofa and I was watching Harry Potter. This was definitely one of my favourite film series, I could watch them all day long. I hadn't spoke to my mum since last night, I didn't want too either. I was still upset that her and dad had decided to not tell me yet about them getting a divorce and especially since I had to find out that way...

My phone hadn't stopped ringing all day, I had 3 missed calls from my Dad, 2 missed calls from Jack, 1 missed call from Kara and 6 texts from Alex. I decided not to bother reading the texts or returning the calls individually so now since it was 12pm and they would be at lunch, I dialled Alex's number so whatever was so important could be talked about. His phone rang three times but still no answer each time I just got his cheesy answer machine message “hi it's Alex, obviously I'm not at the phone right now, but I'll try to return your calls love ya!” I cringed at the 'love ya' anyone could of rang him like a company of something and he's like 'love ya' made me laugh everytime.

I got up and went into the kitchen to make a hot chocolate, I put whipped cream on top just because. Then I had to run into the front room since my phone was ringing spilling half of the hot chocolate all down my front, and since it was burning hot let's just say I was a little bit pissed. I put the mug on the coffee table hard and grabbed my phone quickly pressing the accept button and putting it to my phone.

“Hello.” I answered grumpily.

“What's crawled up your ass?” Alex said jokingly.

“Well, I just spilt boiling hot, hot chocolate all down me. What do you want?” I asked.

“Where are you? Was expecting you too come in today or later.”

“To be honest I didn't really feel up to coming to school after yesterday... You know quite a lot happened. I'll come in, in the next couple of days.”

“But everyone misses you. Like seriously, everyone's different when you're not around... It's all boring I miss you.” Alex said glumly.

“Aw I miss you guys too! Come over after school?” I asked.

“Okay, well I gotta go now, finish lunch and everything. I love you.”

“Love you too Lex.”

He hung up the phone, then I switched it off. I was knackered for some reason so I laid back and shut my eyes, hoping that I could sleep for ages too just forget about things even just for a little while.


I woke up to loud knocking on the front door and the doorbell ringing about a thousand times. I groaned loudly, rubbed my eyes then headed to the door. I pulled the door open and was greeted with two smiling faces. Alex and Jack. I let them both in, Alex pulling me into a hug straight away. He smelled great. I let go of him and went to see where Jack had gone. I found him rummaging through my fridge, not that there was much food in there anyway. He came out with a pot of cold pasta that my mum had made me for my lunch today. He didn't even bother grabbing a fork, he just started shoving it in with his fingers as if he hated eaten in days. It wasn't a pretty sight, it was funny too watch though. I looked over at Alex who just had a disgusted look on his face. Someone started ringing the doorbell again, so I left Alex and Jack in the kitchen and went to answer it. I pulled the door open, shocked at who I saw. James. What was he doing here? Surely he wanted nothing to do with me, after I sort of lead him on. I took a step back to let him in, shutting the door behind him.

“Hey.” James said softly.

“Uh hey.” I replied.

“I just came him to er clear the air. I mean the last time I saw you, I was a dick. I just left and didn't come back...”

“Trust me you weren't a dick. You made me and Alex friends again. You're the best seriously. I'm really sorry for calling you Alex.”

“S'alright. I get it, you've known him for years and me well I have no chance next to him do I? It'll always be him, and as much as I want you, I want to be the guy that you want to be with, I can't change your feelings. And as long as your happy I'll be happy and I'll do my best to move on. I promise I'll try.”

“Even though I haven't known you long, you already feel like such a good friend. And I do actually want to stay friends with you, because loosing you even if you don't think it will change my life a bit. I've actually missed you, and its only been like two days!”

“Haha, I wanna stay friends too! I'd miss seeing your beautiful face all the time.”

“I'd miss seeing yours too.”

“Anyway, I gotta go. I was only popping round to clear the air yano so...”

“Better text me soon.” I said jokingly.

“Of course babe.” James replied pulling me into a long hug. He left after a few minutes shutting the door behind him.

I sat down on the sofa and Alex and Jack came into the front room joining me. Jack turned the TV on and flicked through loads of channels till he found one that he could actually stand to watch. I couldn't concentrate on what was on the TV, Alex kept fidgeting. He always did that when he had something on his mind.

“What's up?” I asked him quietly so Jack couldn't hear.

“How comes James came over earlier?”

“Too clear the air. He still wants to be friends which is great.”

“So you're not getting back together?”

“No? Why didn't you come out...”

“I thought that you were getting back together didn't want to interrupt. Do you really think its a good idea being friends and all? I mean he's a good guy but he still has feelings for you and things might get-”

I cut him off before he could say anything else.

“Right Lex, I'm single so... But yes I do think it's a good idea being friends because he is a great person and I don't want too lose him from my life.”

“So you're just 'single'?” Alex asked.

“Well yeah. I mean no guy has come along wanting to change that apart from James.”

“I thought you liked me?” Alex asked visibly confused.

“I do. Alex I love you. But you haven't said anything about where or if our relationship is going so how am I meant to know? Just guess? You've just gotten out of a relationship, maybe you need some time just being single. See how it goes, go on a few dates... See if you still like me and then who knows?”

“But I don't want too go on dates with other people, I just want to be with you. Hell I've liked you for ages! Why do we have to go through all this shit of waiting? Why can't we just be together, it's not like we both don't want to be together?”

I looked over to Jack, he still looked like he was watching the TV but you could tell that he was listening too.
“I just don't want you too regret being with me. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't know what I would do if I lost you Alex...” I admitted.

“Oh for god sake! Get together already, its obvious you both love each other.” Jack moaned.

I started laughing at his outburst. Me and Alex liked each other, so why couldn't we just be together? It'd be a lot simpler, no awkward tension between us. I just really didn't want to lose him, and I couldn't help thinking that if I got into a relationship with him and we broke up then we couldn't be friends anymore because it'd be so awkward. The thing is Alex was right there was no point in just waiting, what if he went on other dates? Kissed other girls I would get jealous, even though I was the person who told him to go and do exactly that. He might end up not liking me, that could wreck our friendship in the end rather than just seeing if we could make this work. If it didn't work then at least we gave it our best shot, that's better than not trying at all.

“I would never regret being with you Jen. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But there's no harm in trying is there?” Alex said quietly.

“You're right. You're both right. Let's just see how it goes? Take it slow?” I asked.

“Sounds good too me.” Alex said.

“Wait this doesn't mean that you're breaking up with me does it Alex?” Jack asked jokingly.

“Afraid it does buddy.” Alex replied laughing.

Jack faked crying and pulled out his phone. A few minutes later his phone was beeping like mad. Me and Alex looked at him confused, but he just looked back at us and winked.

“Smile, I wanna take your first photo as a couple.” Jack said.

Alex put his arm around me, we both put huge smiles on our faces. Mine was genuine because I was actually really happy that I could finally be with Alex after all this time. Alex's phone beeped next, he had an irritated look on his face. It was sorta cute.

“I gotta go. Mum just text me, what's me back. We have family over or something, Jack you still coming to dinner?” Alex asked.

“Yes dude! Couldn't miss your mum's cooking for the world.” Jack replied.

Jack stood up, giving me a swift hug goodbye and leaving so it was just me and Alex alone in the room. I stood up too hug Alex. He bent down and pressed his lips hard on my forehead. Then gave my hands a squeeze said goodbye then left.

I didn't think much was really going to change between me and Alex apart from the obvious. He was now called my boyfriend, and I was his girlfriend, we could kiss and stuff but he was still my bestfriend, I could still tell him everything and anything that wasn't going to change. We were still going to hang out all of the time, we were still going to argue sometimes, but that's just what bestfriends do. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
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im so sorry for the shitty chapter, idk i tried but it just wasnt going right:/ still thanks for reading comment/subscribe/recommend <3