Status: Working really hard

I don't deserve this

Chapter 2

When we pulled up to Linda's house, she turned down Katy Perry and shut off the car i jumped out and walked up her walkway to her door. I waited for her to unlock it.
''Come on you slow poke!'' I laughed and jumped up and down.
''Calm down dude. So we'll do home work in the living room or kitchen?'' She asked finally unlocking the door.

''Kitchen. We can sit at the counter top thingy.'' I dropped my bag on the counter and looked into her fridge.

'' Want me to order some pizza?'' She smiled at me.
''Suuuuuuuure!'' I took out my English homework and began.''Lin? What does this mean?'' I pointed to a word on the paper.

''How am I suppose to know, you're the smart one.'' She giggled. ''Great, Rick and his idiot friends are coming over.'' She rolled her eyes. Rick is Linda's twin brother. He looked like Linda but in a guy body and taller.

10 minutes later.
The pizza finally arrived and i was starving!

''Hell yeah! Did you see what she was wearing. *whistle* '' Rick walked into the kitchen being a perv.

''Rick.'' I said.

''Ahhh Ryder.'' He sighed.

''Was up sister from another mister.'' He ruffled my hair.
''Brat. Nothing..'' I punched him in the arm.
''Hey, hey now. No punching allowed. Oh also I heard from a little bird that you are sitting next to Nick in English. Hows that.'' He winked.
''What do you mean?'' I raised an eye brow.
''Oh you know, you've had a crush on him forever now.'' He laughed giving his friends high fives
''Ahhahaha very funny. But i slightly remember you having a crush on me forever. Isn't that true Lin?'' I winked at him.

''Oohhhh!'' His ''boys'' yelled.
''Nuh-uh. I was like 10.'' He denied it.

''Right.'' I laughed and got up. He knew what was coming and he started sprinting up to his room.
''You suck!'' He screamed as i chased him into his room and tackling him to the floor. What usually happens on a daily bases.