Look What Happened


The rain poured down as Quinn trudged home. Her eyes were focused on her soaked shoes until she heard a car pull up next to her.

"You want a ride?" A voice came through the rain.

Quinn tore her eyes from her shoes to see her past staring back at her. Tommy and Matt were in the car next to her. She stared at them blankly.

"Come on Quinn it's pouring, get in," Matt encouraged.

Quinn step off the curb and got inside the car without a word. Tommy who was in the driver seat eyed her through the rear view mirror, before driving off.

Tommy stopped the car in front of her house; he had been there many times before. She mumbled a thanks before running through the rain to her door.

They watched her step inside before driving off.

"Man, that's not the talkative and funny Quinn I know," Matt said looking over at Tommy.

Tommy glanced at Matt and shook his head.

"You're still too proud to admit it was probably a rumor," Matt sighed.

Tommy turned sharply and glared at Matt. "I'm too proud? I don't see you dropping to your knees and asking for forgiveness. And how am I supposed to get her back now Matt, I wouldn't listen to her then why would she listen to me now??”

Tommy slammed his hand against the steering wheel, as he focused his eyes back on the road; the rest of the ride was silent. They were both at fault when the rumor spread.

They both abandoned Quinn, they wouldn't talk to her and they wouldn't listen to her story.
That night both Quinn and Tommy laid awake in their rooms thinking about today's events. They hadn't even sat so close together in over 2 months.

He missed her, but in his mind she had betrayed him. She missed him, but he hadn't believed her.
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