Look What Happened


The next day Quinn sat at her regular spot for lunch, under the tree. She had only been there about five minutes when someone suddenly sat down in front of her; she looked up to see Matt.

"I know why I want to be your friend Quinn."

She eyed him to tell him she was listening, so he went on, "We use to be good friends, and I took that for granted, we all did. I now I didn't listen in the beginning and I know I let the rumor fly. If you will let me I want to get our friendship back, you're like my sister, please I'll do anything."

With that he ended his speech and waited for her answer.

"Friends." Quinn was skeptical, but she agreed nonetheless.

Matt sat with Quinn at lunch for the rest of the week. Tommy was having a very hard time watching Quinn laugh and joke with Matt, but all he could do was sit and watch.

Matt promised to help Tommy out and he was going to. When he and Quinn were eating lunch one day, he decided to see if Quinn would bite.

"Hey Quinn, what do you think of Tommy now?"

Quinn felt about Tommy, just like she did the first time they met, she was head over heels for him, though she would never tell Matt that.

Yes, Tommy had hurt her, but for some reason she couldn't stop loving him, they had been through so much together. She stole a glance at Tommy before she looked at Matt.

"He's just like he use to be, but he doesn't laugh like he use too, but how could anyone get a word in with Cassie around."

Matt smiled, he knew he could get Quinn to let Tommy back into her life. Quinn knew this smile; she was beginning to see what Matt was up to.

She wasn’t going to stop Matt, but she wasn't going to completely let her guard down, because she was still hurting, but she would let Matt and Tommy try.
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