Status: Updating frequently

The Only Exception

Chapter Two:

It was strange for Draco, he hadn’t really thought about Evangeline in the years that followed their falling out, but now he had constantly thought of Evangeline, he watched how her body seemed to fill with happiness whenever something amused her, he noticed that sometimes, things would happen around her, small things that no one should notice, like when they were children, at the time, Draco thought it was a strong deep seeded root of magic inside of Evangeline that she hadn’t been in control of, but Draco noticed like he had then, but it wasn’t the strange encounter that made Draco curious, it was her beauty, the spark, the life that animated Evangeline that made the Slytherin transfixed, feelings Draco never had before bubbled inside of him, feelings he only ever carried for Evangeline when they were children, feelings that were once innocent, were now taking over and he longed to fix things between Evangeline.

Draco was jealous of Evangeline’s boyfriend Marcus Cain, a pureblood Slytherin, who, if Draco remembered, was Evangeline’s best friend and obviously their relationship turned into something beyond friendship, he hated how Evangeline brightened up at the sight of Marcus whenever he made his way from the Slytherin table to the Ravenclaw table to give Evangeline his morning kiss and sit with her for a few moments before going off with his friends and she went off with her own, the shy smiles and the not so secret glances drove Draco mad with jealousy, and he realized, that could have been him, Evangeline obviously had no qualms about being friends with a Slytherin, Draco noticed that most of Evangeline’s friends were Slytherin’s and only had a small handful of Ravenclaw friends, most of which Draco was sure were her dorm mates, and Draco noticed as his attention slipped from Pansy that she was becoming jealous, immediately knowing where his attention was being sent towards when Draco should have been listening to her, and in turn, Draco realized, Pansy was picking fights with Evangeline in classes, in the halls, during meals and on the weekends when classes weren’t in session. Draco also realized that Pansy wasn’t very good with picking fights, Evangeline was obviously beyond advanced when it came to Pansy attempting to hex her, and often times, Draco would find Daphne Greengrass or Millicent Bullstrode informing Draco that Pansy requested his presence in the hospital wing, most of the time, Draco in fact ignored the demand, in a fit that Pansy of all people thought she could demand to have Draco do anything. Afterall, even with their pureblood and social status, Pansy was still a Parkinson and Draco was a Malfoy and the Slytherin Prince to top things off, no one demanded Draco’s presence, and he would rather think of ways to gain Evangeline’s attention, no matter how much he grew angry at himself for letting a girl of all things to infiltrate his mind and nestle herself into the very heart of this thoughts, especially if she never bothered to notice Draco.

But in truth, Evangeline was finding herself mad with thoughts of Draco, she noticed the way his eyes would find her no matter where she was, if she passed Draco in the hall, he would watch her, and she would watch him from the corner of her eyes, to make matters worse, the more she thought about Draco, the more she doubted her relationship with Marcus, the more he grew frustrated with Evangeline’s inattentive attitude, and faked even paying attention, which Evangeline was becoming increasingly good at. But Evangeline knew she couldn’t just approach Draco and pick up where their eleven year old selves had left off at, they ended their friendship on a terrible note and he would thing Evangeline was mad for even approaching him.

But Evangeline found her opportunity to maybe start to rebuild their friendship the moment the pair were partnered up in DADA, they were partners in the new mandatory lessons on dueling that consisted of Professor Snape and the presence of Professor Dumbledore to proctor the duels, there of course was a practical lesson part, each partner had to write down a list of curses and what each did in at least a five sentence paragraph, and the class found themselves with library passes for the next three lessons with Professor Snape hovering each pair.

“I think I can list all the spells, commonly used, ones with dark magic and magic of light without much though as well as their uses, I could even use ones that only my people use,” said Evangeline as she let her quill scratch the against the parchment fill the voiding silence between the two.

“I forgot that you were a Ravenclaw and had almost memorized each book in this library,” said Draco, but his voice didn’t hold a sneer, instead there was utter amusement laced in his voice and the sound of said voice made Evangeline’s heart flutter and cause her to stop writing because she grew so absolutely nervous. “Cain is staring at us by the way, glaring holes into your back,” remarked Draco looking over Evangeline’s shoulder with his trademark Malfoy smirk plastered to his lips. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was ridiculously jealous,”

“Well, you two aren’t the best of mates around, are you?” Sighed Evangeline, her eyes rolled in annoyance and her brow puckered together showing off her physical aggravation. “He’s just a bit… overprotective I suppose,”

“More like insecure, but I don’t blame him,” said Draco.

“Why’s that?” asked Evangeline quirking her brow.

“Because, you are quite ravishing Evangeline, I’d be afraid you’d find something better than someone like Marcus Cain,” Draco’s words had an effect on Evangeline, one that caused her to flush, her heart to thump loudly in her chest and her to advert her eyes, speechless at the obvious flirting Draco was slapping on her after years of purposeful avoidance between the two former friends, when Evangeline did look up, she saw a smirk on Draco’s lips, his eyes watching Evangeline carefully, pleased with the reaction he was getting from her.

“Are you trying to flirt with me, Mr. Malfoy?” Asked Evangeline with a teasing smile.

“It depends, Miss. Morningstar, is it working?” asked Draco leaning forward.

“I suppose it is,” smiled Evangeline softly, hope filled her heart that maybe, just maybe they could be friends again, and though Evangeline would never admit it, she hoped that maybe something more would happen, which made her feel increasingly guilty because she was thinking about such traitorous thoughts with her boyfriend no more than twelve feet behind her.

“Well with that cleared, how about we take a walk around the grounds this evening? We should catch up in the years we haven’t talked,” said Draco, his heart swelled with hope, a smile threatened to grace his lips as Evangeline’s eyes stared at him, the two lost in their brilliantly bright and hypnotizing gazes, neither the Ravenclaw nor the Slytherin had any idea what they were doing to one another. “We’re both Prefects, and technically, I have rounds and Pansy is still in the Hospital wing, so it’s the perfect excuse for the both of us to just wander about, we can ask Professor Snape and Dumbledore right now,”

Evangeline gave a smile that seemed to light up the dusty old library and nodded her head before she stood and briskly walked towards the two talking Professors, in less than three moments, Evangeline held a signed off note making both Evangeline and Draco permanent patrol partners, shocking Draco.

“He’s removing Pansy Parkinson from her prefect duties, actually and assigning Denise Daniels as the new Prefect, this Friday the new Heads will be announced sense Potter, Weasley and Granger haven’t shown up and Potter and Granger were originally given the high honor of Heads over the summer break,” Draco nodded surprised at Dumbledore’s new assignment and even more glad that it was permanent, he could care less about the appointment of the Heads up until that point, Draco hoped to Merlin that by the weekend both himself and Evangeline were selected and moved to the Heads dorms.