Status: Updating frequently

The Only Exception

Chapter Four:

Evangeline, the following afternoon sat out in the lawn of Hogwarts, laughter filled the air around her, her laughter and Draco’s, both were laying on a blanket that Evangeline had conjured and were enjoying the last of the warm weather that Britain rarely had to offer, both laid on their backs, heads drawn together as both guessed random shapes of passing clouds, laughing at the strangest outcomes the two could muster. “That one looks like a nargle,” giggled Evangeline pointing upwards.

“A nargle? What the bloody hell is that?” Asked Draco. “Have you been listening to Looney Lovegood’s ramblings?” Draco laughed with Evangeline as she rolled on her side and stared down at Draco, the way she looked at Draco had his heart spluttering out of control, her eyes were lined with liquid eyeliner, bringing them an alluring shape, her eye lashes long, her eyes set in some sort of determination.

“Why yes, I do listen to Luna’s ramblings, because they can be quite plausible, just because she isn’t all their doesn’t make her that mad, Draco,” said Evangeline, her eyebrow quirking, laughter hanging from her lips.

“You’re a nut,” laughed Draco, but the sultry look Evangeline gave Draco silenced his laughter and for the first time in Draco’s life he longed to reach up and pull Evangeline down to him, he wondered if her pastel, plump pink lips were as soft as they looked, he longed to feel the warmth of them against his own thin lips, but Draco quieted that urge and looked up at Evangeline, wondering he should do before he made himself out to be a fool in front of Evangeline.

So Draco acted and pulled Evangeline down, his cool lips touching her warm ones with his own, he let his hand tangle into her hair as their lips move together, soon his tongue was begging for entrance and Evangeline gave him that entrance he so desired, their first kiss was passionate and though it felt like it lasted hours, in all honesty, it lasted only moments.

“Wow,” breathed Evangeline as she pulled away to look down at Draco. “Where did that come from?”

“I’m not sure, but I really wanted that,” grinned Draco, his Malfoy exterior crumbling under the gaze of Evangeline, if it was ever up around her to begin with.

Evangeline returned the grin and flopped onto her back and stared up at the sky, a comfortable silence falling between the two, the two were silently content with the rest of that evening.


Across the Atlantic Ocean, Chief Daniel Morningstar stared at the latest photo granddaughter, his eyes scanning her perfectly carved features, she was a natural beauty, but her eyes were her father’s yet her face was completely her mother’s, she was like a shining ray of light that always brightened the elderly man’s world, but his daughter hadn’t a will when she passed, and shortly after Annette had passed, her former husband had passed and he indeed did have a will that stated, if anything were to happen to both parents, guardianship of Evangeline would go to his mother, where she would be brought up in a world of wealth, status and power, what more could any Native American could want?

Even today, in the magical community, Native American’s were still considered barbaric peoples, there practices frowned upon, but no one doubted the power of the once great nations that once freely roamed the North American continent centuries before the settlers came, but Evangeline was still part of them, she was their Ghigua, Evangeline, for years wrote to the elderly Chief, her lessons of their people, their history, were all written down in a century year old volumes that were scattered around the run down, and poorly lit office of the Chief.

Chief Morningstar used his quill and wrote his granddaughter a letter, in a way, it felt very final, as though it were to be the last letter he would ever write her, something tugged in his mind, and Chief Morningstar realized his time here on this earth was coming to a close, after eight decades of life, five of which he spent as Chief in his father’s place, was coming to an end, his spirit would ascend to the heavens where he would join his father, his wife, his daughter and the poor excuse of a son-in-law, he would join his goddess, in a haste, Daniel packed up everything he knew was dearly important for Evangeline to have, what she must have, pictures, amulet’s, totems, books, diaries from the most powerful of Ghigua that ever graced their lines and most importantly, her mother’s things, things that the old batty woman, Maxine Blackwell had denied their granddaughter.

It was a matter of time, the Chief’s last moments were ticking away, as the Chief sealed the box and sent it through the Floo network to Albus Dumbledore, Evangeline’s Headmaster in England, he saw a shadow cross the sky, several shadows in truth, and he knew the Death Eaters were coming, the Chief picked up his wand and walked out of his study, he would not die without a fight, he was a warrior, Chief Morningstar rose the alarms in the small sacred village in North Carolina, ancient grounds that this small magical community managed to keep and hide from muggles centuries ago when so many of their people were forced on the Trail of Tears and slowly exterminated until they were pushed onto Reservations.

Chief Morningstar, was the light bearer, and as he rose his wand and fought valiantly with his peoples, killing the foe, killing his enemies, he knew that Evangeline in just minutes would feel her ancestry power fill her, she would feel his death and feel her ascent, it was a matter of time and time was running out as Voldemort circled the brilliant Wizard.

Chief Morningstar knew he couldn’t win, in his old age, many ailments affected the once strong man, made him weak physically while his mind remained as sharp as when he was Evangeline’s age.

“Where is the girl?” Hissed Voldemort as he shot a spell towards Chief Morningstar, Chief Morningstar barely deflected the spell and stared at Voldemort, so this was what it was all about, Evangeline, Voldemort had no idea that Evangeline was right under his nose across the Atlantic, and with any luck, Voldemort would never find her, Evangeline would remain safe within the walls of Hogwarts, Voldemort will never acquire her.

“Hidden,” said Chief Morningstar. “I will never betray the Morningstar’s safety,”

“You are the Morningstar,” snarled Voldemort, but the Chief shook his head.

“You know just as well as I that my time here is going to be cut short, that you will succeed in killing me,” said Chief Morningstar. “And when I die, Evangeline will be unstoppable, she will have a guiding hand into your demise, and from the Heavens I will laugh and rejoice when that time comes, for just as my life is running short, yours is as well, I know your secret, and you must know, it is a curse you have placed on yourself,”

Chief Morningstar fell to the ground, his expression vacant, his life gone, his magic pulled from his body and flew into the night sky.

The Great Hall silenced as Professor Dumbledore stood, tonight was the night he announced the new Headboy and Headgirl and every student and Prefect were nervous, the que was open to all students as they had been properly examined for days by each Professor, the choices were written on the parchment the Professor held and the reason for why each student was easily chosen in his speech.

“Tonight, due to unseen circumstances, Hogwarts staff have chosen the new Headboy and Headgirl for this year, these students have been picked for their leadership skill, their skill behind the wand, their wit, their intelligence, the example they have set upon the other students here at Hogwarts, first, to announce our Head boy, I would like Draco Malfoy to please join me on this stage to be awarded his Heads badge and to enter the back room here where Professors Slughorn, Professor Snape and myself to begin the explanation of the duties of Head boy, so please, give Draco Malfoy a warm round of applause,” though Slytherin applauded thunderously, the rest of the school clapped slowly and unsurely as Draco strutted with pride towards the front where he shook hands with Professor Dumbledore and accepted his Headboy badge and pinned it to his robes after removing his Prefects badge. “Our Headgirl has been chosen due to her compassion for others, her brilliance in mind, her kindness as well as her strange and wonderous magic that shows, that no matter what your heritage speaks of you, that you can over come the expectations of society, so please give a warm round of applause to Evangeline Morningstar in welcoming your new Headgirl,” Evangeline stood up and bounded to the stage, a grin over coming her features, but that grin slowly faded as a bright ball of light burst through the glass window of the Great Hall and lodged itself in Evangeline’s heart, sinking through skin, bone, breast tissue and muscle. Evangeline fell to the ground as the light overcame her being and her body thrashed violently, the hall gasping in surprise as Professor Dumbledore, with a knowing mind and heavy heart rushed to Evangeline’s side.
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