Status: Updating frequently

The Only Exception

Chapter Five:

Evangeline knew what had happened when she woke up, he only thing that comforted her, as she sobbed and clutched the locket her grandfather had given her before she moved away, was Draco who held her tightly in the Hospital Wing bed, rubbing circle on her back and shushing her softly whilst rocking the entire time. “Evangeline, everything will be alright, he wouldn’t want to see you cry,” urged Draco, his heart breaking at the sight of Evangeline, he would make whoever did this to her, took her grandfather, would pay for killing a small part of Evangeline’s heart that went out to her grandfather.

“It-It was Voldemort,” sobbed Evangeline, the name chilled Draco, but he suppressed the shudder that threatened to flow through him, he would not show Evangeline fear, he would remain confident and whole, he would not allow her to think Draco could not care for Evangeline in her time of need.

“And he will pay, Evangeline, I will make sure of it,” said Draco.

Evangeline pulled away and stared up at Draco, Draco softly caressed her tear stained face and wiped away all of her tears. “Do you promise?”

“Of course,” said Draco softly.

“That means you’ll help myself and Harry Potter when the time comes, are you willing to do that Draco?” Asked Evangeline, Draco nodded without pause.

“I swear it, Evangeline, I will help Potter if the time ever arises, I will help you and him, whatever you have to do with it, in defeating the Dark Lord,” Evangeline gave a small smile and kissed Draco’s lips in a brief but sparking kiss for just a moment. “Draco, I can’t help but wonder if I’m changing your heart,” Draco didn’t say anything, just pulled Evangeline closer to his form and allowed her to rest her head against his chest.


Evangeline opened the box in the Common Room with Draco, she hadn’t read the last letter her grandfather wrote her, she was too terrified of reading what was inside of it, instead, she allowed her fear to beg Draco to go through the things her grandfather left her, and Draco hesitantly agreed, unsure if he should be going through such family matters with Evangeline, but in just a month, even without a title, Draco felt as though he owed Evangeline this; as though he owed a girl who was his intimate friend a favor in doing the best thing in his life; opening his heart, even if it was just to her and changing him for the better.

To Draco each item Evangeline pulled out seemed like junk, the box itself smelt heavily of lavender, cigar smoke and some sort of incense Draco couldn’t place his finger on, so all in all, it smelt almost like Professor Trewlaney’s classroom, but Draco didn’t comment on such things, he just knew that each item, and the scent these items held meant the world to Evangeline as tears slipped from her alluring eyes.

“He made these totems for me when I was little, like toys I suppose and told me stories about each animal that our people related to why these animals were important, they are clan signs,” sighed Evangeline softly. “It probably seems like junk to you,”

“Not to be rude love, but just a little, but I find this book fascinating,” said Draco looking at the cover.

“You can read it, maybe learn a bit more about… well whatever we are,” said Evangeline adverting her eyes in embarrassment, she longed to put a title on herself and Draco, they had been carrying whatever it was between themselves for weeks now, and she was unsure and lacked the usual confidence she usually held.

“You mean my girlfriend?” asked Draco, a smirk on his lips as he noticed Evangeline’s flushed cheeks. “That is if you’ll let me be your boyfriend,” Evangeline felt a tug on her lips as a smile graced her lips, while she mourned, Draco kept the entire mourning process one not based on the past and regrets of never trying harder to see her grandfather as the years passed, but one strictly on healing and growth, Evangeline was grateful for Draco’s presence and even more glad that Dumbledore had chosen Draco to be her headboy.

“You’d be a daft ninny if you’d ever think my answer would be no,” giggled Evangeline letting her eyes meet Draco’s icy ones, that in this light, shone like smooth gray marble that entranced Evangeline. Draco gave a smile as he pulled Evangeline’s small form to himself and kissed her, the items gathered around them were momentarily forgotten as Draco pulled Evangeline onto Draco’s lap, his hands roaming under Evangeline’s spaghetti strapped top that cut above her belly button showing off a belly button ring that was just so sexy at that moment.

Evangeline allowed Draco to slip off Evangeline’s top, exposing her breasts, Draco’s mouth found Evangeline’s neck and the soft spot that made Evangeline moan, a flush spreading across her lips, she was never capable of making such a lust filled noise before, and it felt so right for Draco to gain that response from Evangeline, Draco immediately hardened from Evangeline’s moans as Draco’s kisses trailed down to her breasts and he gripped the one that hadn’t the attention of his nibbling teeth, his skilled tongue and his sucking lips.

Evangeline wrapped her legs around Draco’s waist as he pulled himself and Evangeline onto the couch, Draco and Evangeline groaned as they both ground against one another as they fell into the couch, Draco pulled down Evangeline’s shorts, her knickers going with them, Draco smirked seeing the bald mound, she was so innocent, yet so sexy and Draco admired everything about her softly tanned skin, tanned body and perfectly hour glass shape, Draco let his fingers trace down from the valley of her breasts until they sunk into the tight folds of her warmth, his fingers moving expertly, savoring every piece he touched of Evangeline, loving the sounds she made, Evangeline’s body shook as she came, and Draco was pleased at feeling the wetness from her heat gush down from his fingers to his hands, satisfied with what he was capable, but surprised when Evangeline flipped Draco with strength he was surprised with.

Draco realized he was bulging and his member was begging for release from the tightness of his black pants, Evangeline gave a small smirk as she slipped her hands under his shirt and pulled it over his head, her kisses trailing down his chest to right where his pants waist line was, Evangeline fiddled with Draco’s belt, and soon his pants and boxers were tossed aside, and Evangeline’s mouth expertly found Draco’s member, her tongue flicked over Draco’s head, the softness from his member felt so good in Evangeline’s mouth and she was filled with excitement as she felt Draco groan and knot his hands in her hair as he gently pushed down for her to go deeper, and Evangeline did just that, her lips created a type of pleasure Draco never felt from getting head with another girl, it was truly spectacular as her lips wrapped around her teeth and her mouth took Draco’s well sized package in and out of her mouth. “Oh Merlin, Eva, how’d you get so bloody good at this?” Evangeline didn’t respond, instead she made Draco respond, groaning and bucking his hips ever so slightly yet not enough to gag Evangeline. Draco was on the verge of release, and when he did release his seed into the back of Evangeline’s throat, she gulped every bit down and pulled away when Draco’s member was soft, she kept working even after he had released himself and he felt himself twitch now so sensitive to the soft folds of Evangeline’s mouth.

Evangeline cuddled into Draco, both naked and panting heavily, Evangeline’s jaw was a little sore, Draco was much bigger than what she expected, but she didn’t mind, Evangeline was content as their naked bodies pressed against one another and Evangeline traced he defined muscles of Draco’s abdomen, all the years of Quidditch training had done Draco extremely well.

“Are you a virgin, Eva?” Asked Draco softly, Evangeline looked up and flushed.

“Well, yes, is that bad?” Asked Evangeline as she adverted her eyes and looked away from Draco, her flush growing deeper at her admittance, though her acts weren’t completely innocent, and she hadn’t been that innocent with Marcus in the past (even though Evangeline would never go into detail with Draco about that) Evangeline refused to give in to what most of her friends were part taking in with their boyfriends or other blokes in the school, a lot of the times, Evangeline was smacked for denying Marcus, and often times she would have to hex him to get Marcus away from her and to keep from being raped.

“I just-I just thought Marcus-“ Evangeline shook her head no.

“He tried a lot, and I hexed him a lot,” said Evangeline softly wincing slightly at the memories of her beatings and all she had to do to protect her virtue. “Is that bad to you Draco?”

“It’s bloody amazing!” exclaimed Draco, a smile tugging on his lips, he would have driven himself mad knowing Marcus had ruined Evangeline in such a way, that he would have to somehow seem better than Marcus when the time came for them to share themselves in such an intimate way, much more intimate than what happened only minutes ago. “I suppose your grandmother drilled it into your mind that you are to only save yourself of the most worthy of purebloods?” Asked Draco, Evangeline flushed remembering the conversation adamantly in her third year when it came to Mrs. Blackwell’s attention that Evangeline was a well desired girl by many, pureblooded (who were the only option for Evangeline to ever share her bed with), halfbloods, and muggle borns.

“Aren’t all heiresses given that speech at some point?” giggled Evangeline as she sat up and began to tug on her clothes, Draco was disappointed but said nothing as he slipped on his boxers and with a wave of his wand sent his clothes to his dorm room.

“I would drive myself mental if Marcus had ever gotten that far with you-that I wasn’t your first,” said Draco softly as he pulled Evangeline close to his upright form, Evangeline cuddled into Draco’s side and sighed in content, this felt so right, and she couldn’t imagine why she thought Marcus, at one point, was her one and only. Draco had proven her wrong in a matter of weeks and she loved every moment of it.
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