Status: Updating frequently

The Only Exception

Chapter Six:

A month passed and the buzz about Draco Malfoy and Evangeline Morningstar, headboy and headgirl being a couple had passed, and Evangeline and Draco being seen holding hands and kissing one another was no unusual occurrence. Evangeline giggled with her friends who kept pestering Evangeline for information on the infamous and very untamable Draco Malfoy, all wondering if the rumors about Draco being true. “My lips are sealed, Millie,” giggled Evangeline as the group walked to the Charms class, in a moment Draco had wrapped an arm around Evangeline’s waist.

“I hope you don’t mind, ladies, but I will be stealing away my beautiful girlfriend,” Millie, Vanessa and Denise giggled at Draco’s words and waved their friend farewell.

“Actually make sure you’re in your seat in ten minutes when class starts,” giggled Millie as Evangeline was hauled off by her boyfriend, Evangeline’s giggles vibrated through the bustling hall.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I wrote my mother and informed her that we were both Head boy and Head girl, and are currently dating,” grinned Draco as Evangeline leaned back against the wall, her arms wrapped around Draco’s waist, Evangeline’s face tipped upwards, her eyes shining with joy. “And she informed your grandmother just the other morning at one of their brunches, Mrs. Blackwell was in for quite a surprise, and apparently your grandmother has invited my entire family to your home for Christmas and requests our presence this Saturday at the next Hogsmeade weekend trip, they want us to be at Madam Pudifoot’s for tea,” Evangeline groaned.

“I hate that tea house,” stated Evangeline. “What could she possibly want with your entire family and us?”

“I don’t know, it’s your grandmother, she’s quite a batty old woman, might want to warn us what will happen if I deflower you or some bullocks like that,” grinned Draco.

“Oh well, Saturday is what, in, well tomorrow actually,” said Evangeline scrunching her nose. “Oh dear, we’re expected to look our best, make sure you’re wearing your finest “casual” suit you own, Draco,” Evangeline was already nervous, but Draco kissed her lips softly.

“I know how to act around your grandmother, I’ll charm her bloody wand out of her pocket love, I’ve always been her favorite,”

“Don’t remind me,” scowled Evangeline.


Evangeline and Draco took the Heads carriages down the Village, Draco clutched Evangeline’s hand tightly once they descended down from the steps, helping Evangeline down like the perfect gentlemen, Draco held Evangeline’s hand as she clutched hers tightly into Draco’s, both were dressed smartly, Evangeline wearing black, tight, form fitting dress pants, she wore a white sweater that clung to her curves, a silk scarf hung around her neck, her black fur lined cloak was moving behind Evangeline as she moved with confidence that she lacked on the inside, her hands were covered in white silk gloves and a silk knitted beanie hung loosely around her head, her curls dancing around her face and around the hat, Draco wore an all-black suit, his own fur lined coat and black leather gloves, both entered Madam Pudifoot’s and saw Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy seated and between them was the ever so aged and very intimidating Mrs. Maxine Blackwell.

Draco helped Evangeline shed her cloak after both teenagers had hugged and given their proper exchanges with the elderly woman and the older couple. “You are so much more beautiful than I remember,” gushed Narcissa as she touched Evangeline’s cheek. “You make my Draco glow,” said Narcissa as she pulled Evangeline into a hug and whispered into the small petit girl’s ear.

Tea was ordered as well as small finger cucumber sandwiches and small talk was made. “So how far do you intend on going with this relationship with my granddaughter, Draco?” Asked Mrs. Blackwell growing tired of the small talk and growing straight to the point.

“As long as Evangeline will have me, I intend to marry her at some point in the future,” said Draco, Evangeline’s heart fluttered at Draco’s words and she gave a small smile she hid into her tea cup.

“You are aware on Halloween, Evangeline will inherit the entire Blackwell fortune and if I were to pass, the entire Van Allen fortune? She is the sole heir to both family names, I’m assure you are very aware of this,”

“Yes, I am, but as the Malfoy heir, I don’t care too much for the Galleons in Evangeline’s dawning Gringott’s accounts, I could care less for my fortune or Evangeline’s fortune, so long as she is happy and I can keep her happy is all I truly care for,” said Draco, Draco was surprised to see the look of pride Lucius had on his face but not so much his mother’s, Narcissa would always be proud of Draco, Mrs. Blackwell inspected Draco for long moments until she was satisfied with what Draco had said to be the complete and utter truth.

“What are your plans after Hogwarts?” Asked Mrs. Blackwell.

“I have an interview for the Wizengamot shortly after Christmas, I hope to be the youngest ever to be selected into the Wizengamot when I leave Hogwarts,” said Draco steadily. “I will always be able to provide for Evangeline if we were to marry, especially in the near future, with good honest work,”

“Do you have plans on joining Voldemort,” silence fell over the table and easy shifted between everyone.

“Honestly? No, I only care for Evangeline, but if it comes down to it, I will serve, not willingly, but I will do my family pride in doing what is expected of me,” said Draco.

“Not the answer I was looking for, my son died in Azkaban, but I am proud of your honest response, Draco. Hopefully, the Dark Lord will not gain interest in you,” said Mrs. Blackwell who shockingly was smiling at Draco. “It appears I am satisfied Lucius, so I say yes, over Christmas, Evangeline and Draco will marry as you wish,”