Status: Please comment and tell me what you think! :)

Born To Be Your Baby

Chapter 1


"Ugh!" I turned over to see that the clock said 5:45. Why did the alarm have to go off so fucking early?! I reluctantly rolled out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and groaned. My dark brown hair was a matted mess and my usually sparkly green eyes were bloodshot from having cried myself to sleep last night.You see, my boyfriend and I got into a huge fight last night which resulted in me telling him that it was over. He had stormed out of my apartment and said that he never wanted to see me again. Well, that was completely fine with me. It's funny though, he cheats on ME and he's the one that gets mad....pathetic.

Oh well, it's time to move on. My best friend Georgina and I are going to be having a girl's night out tonight.

"Storm!" Georgina called to me. She and I share an apartment which is great; we get to hang out all the time.

"Yeah?" I walked back into my room and opened the door to see her standing there looking very excited about something.

"Guess what?"


"So," she said, walking into my room as she spoke. "You know how we weren't sure what we were doing tonight? Well, so that way you can get over your dumbass, self centered, egotistical-"

"Georgina!" I cut her off mid-rant.

"Right, sorry. Anyway, we're going to the Whisky," she smiled. "They've got some great bands playing tonight."

"Yeah, sure," I said trying to sound happier than I really was at that moment. "Sounds fun."


"WOOOO!!!!!" Georgina and I screamed.

Some new band that I had never heard of just finished playing and they fuckin' killed it.

"Come on, let's go get a drink," Georgina said, grabbing my arm and leading me through the crowd to the back of the room towards the bar.

We each grabbed a seat at the bar and ordered a couple of shots of Jack. After about half an hour, she and I were...well, let's just say that "slightly tipsy" would be an understatement.

"Yooo, Mr. Bartender!" Georgina slurred. "Two more!"

"You do realize that we are going to be hungover as HELL tomorrow, right?" I laughed.

"Ah, fuck it," she smirked.

The bartender came over with two more shots, "That guy over there said that your drinks are on him." He pointed towards a table in the corner. There were five guys there, and four of them appeared to be with their girlfriends. The seemingly single guy was looking over at the bar. He had black hair, tons of tattoos, and lip piercings. I had to admit, while he wasn't my usual type, he was most definitely good looking. 'Hot' would actually be more accurate. I could have sworn he smirked at me, but I highly doubt that a guy like THAT would even pay attention to me.

"Oh my god, that guy is totally checking you out!" Georgina squealed.

"Please," I scoffed. "He is not."

I secretly hoped he was, but there was no way I was gonna tell her that. Knowing her, she would probably make me go talk to him.

"Go over and talk to him!" she said.


"No way, he's probably drunk. Chances are the bartender gave the drinks to us by mistake. That guy was probably talking about those girls over there."

I pointed out some girls that were sitting a couple seats down from us. They were the typical type for a place like this: slutty dresses, bleached blonde hair, and more makeup than RuPaul would wear.

"Ok, ew no. He was definitely talking about you. Seriously though, go talk to him."

"I don't know...."

"Well let me make up your mind for you. YOU ARE GOING TO TALK TO HIM!"

"Ugh, fine."

I slowly stood up. Between the alcohol and the sky high heels that Georgina had put me in tonight, I wanted to make sure I didn't fall over. I looked over towards the table where the guy had been and saw that he was still there. I started walking through the crowd. All of a sudden some drunk guy ran right into me.

"Oh hey sorry," he slurred. "So," he said with a drunken smirk, "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Um, no."

I continued walking towards the corner table only to realize......they were gone. I looked around to see if I could find them anywhere but no. They, or most importantly HE, was definitely gone. I should have known not to get my hopes up. I walked back to the bar to order another shot.

"We can come back tomorrow if want," Georgina said sympathetically. "Maybe he'll be here again."

"I doubt it."

I quickly downed my shot.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, here is the first chapter! I have 3 other chapters written, but I still need to edit them. I will post those in the next couple of days...Please let me know what you think so far! :)