Status: Please comment and tell me what you think! :)

Born To Be Your Baby

Chapter 2


I rolled over and looked at the clock: 5:30. My head was pounding from my hangover. Thank you Mr. Jack Daniels....Ugh, this sucked. I had to be at work by 8 so I'd better get out of bed. I work at a PR firm, where I work with a few different rock bands. I've worked with Papa Roach and Buckcherry for the past 2 years, and I've been with Halestorm for the past year. Today however, I'm supposed to be getting a new client. I'd never heard of the band, but they were pretty good from what I'd heard.

I dragged myself out of bed and went to get ready. I took a quick shower and then went to get dressed. I picked out a tight black pencil skirt and a tucked in white button up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up half way. I finished off the outfit with a pair of shiny black stilettos. My rocker side was not completely lost however. My hair was straightened to perfection and my makeup was all natural except for my smokey black eyes. As you can see, I have my own style.

Once I was ready for work, I grabbed my purse, my keys, and my phone and headed out the door to my black Mustang that sat in the parking lot of my apartment. I hopped in and started the 20 minute ride to work. Traffic in LA is awful, so the 20 minute trip ended up taking me 40 minutes.

By the time I got to work it was already 8:20. Great.

"You're late again," my boss, Richard, said. He looked up from a pile of paperwork to give me a seriously aggravated look.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

I walked towards my office at the other end of the hall.

"Good Morning!"

My overly perky secretary, Shiri, said a little too loudly considering my still pounding headache.

"Oh, please, speak at a normal volume."

"I'm sorry," she apologized, clearly trying to control her voice. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just a little hungover."

I walked to my office door trying to avoid the string of questions I knew was coming.

"Well, do you need anything? Aspirin, water, I can run to the store if you--"

"No thanks," I cut her off. "I'm okay. I'm going to be working on some files, so just let me know when my new clients get here."

I quickly shut my office door. Shiri was a nice girl, but sometimes her preppy personality made me want to shoot myself. I poured myself a cup of coffee and got started on going through some e-mails, mostly about upcoming events. By the time I finished responding to all of the emails in my inbox, it was 9 o'clock.

"Storm?" Shiri peeked into my office. "Your new clients are here."

"Ok, send them in," I said barely looking up from my computer.

I looked up as a tall, muscular, heavily tattooed guy walked in and took a seat. Behind him, a guy with spiky black hair, a leather jacket, and aviators came in talking to a tall, skinny guy with glasses. If I hadn't looked around the tall, skinny guy I probably wouldn't have even noticed the shorter guy that had walked in behind them. No one else followed them in, so I assumed that the four of them made up the whole band. For some reason, I thought that the guys looked kind of familiar, but I didn't think much of it.

"So..." I started.

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

Another guy walked in. He, like the others, was heavily tattooed. He had snakebites and his hair was jet black. My jaw dropped open, just about landing on my desk. It was the guy from the Whisky last night. He looked over at me and smirked. I quickly tried to compose myself before he noticed. His smile faltered as he recognized me.

"Hi," I said, my voice giving out slightly. The guy just smirked again. I blushed as I saw him look me up and down, which only made him smile at me more. If the other guys had noticed they thankfully didn't let on. "So, you guys can take a seat."

I sat down also, because my legs felt as though they were going to give out at any moment.

"So, I'm Jimmy," the tall, skinny guy said. "But you can call me the Rev." he smiled. "The body builder down there is Matt, also known as M Shadows, and this guy," he said, pointing at the guy to his left, "is Brian, or Syn whatever you wanna call him. That's Short Shit--"

"Hey!" the guy said. The rest of the guys laughed at him. "I'm Johnny," he said, shaking my hand.

"And the guy that couldn't bother to show up on time," Jimmy looked at the last guy. "That is Zacky V."

Zacky V? Yup, that name definitely suits him.

"So, what's your name, Cutie?" Zacky asked.


"The name's Storm, and if you don't want me to kick you in the balls, I suggest you don't call me cutie." I said raising my eyebrow at him.

Jimmy snickered, "Shot down," he whispered to the other guys.

"Shut up," Zacky mumbled. He almost looked like he was blushing. I had to admit....It was pretty cute.

"Anyway," I said, praying for a change of topic. "What do you guys call yourselves?"

The guys started looking around at each other.

"Wait a minute," Zacky said. "You've never heard of us?" he asked, stunned. "You seriously have no idea who we are?"

"Should I?" I asked.

"Well...yeah." Zacky replied. "We're Avenged Sevenfold."


"And? What do you mean 'and'? You work for guys like Buckcherry and Papa Roach and you seriously don't know who we are?"

"Wow, you're a hopeless flirt and an egomaniac."

All of the guys except Zacky started laughing again.

"I like you," Brian said. "You've got spunk."

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

I looked over at Zacky who seemed to be glaring at Brian. Jealous? A part of me kind of hoped so.....
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Well...I lied....I decided to post another chapter so you could get a better feel of the story :) Comments please!