Status: Please comment and tell me what you think! :)

Born To Be Your Baby

Chapter 3

"So, it was great meeting you guys. I'm excited to work with you," I smiled at them as I shook each of their hands.

As I shook Zacky's hand, I felt electricity shoot right up my arm. I quickly looked away and tried to ignore it. As the guys walked out of my office, Zacky turned back towards me and looked as though he was going to say something. Just as that happened however, my phone started to ring.

"Um, one second," I said.

By the time I answered it, there wasn't anyone there.

"So," I said, turning back to Zacky. "Were you going to say something?"

He suddenly looked kind of nervous.

"Um, no. No, it was nothing. I'll, um, I'll see you later."

He quickly walked out of my office.

I wondered what he was going to say to me......

(Zacky's POV)

I can't believe I just did that. First, I made a total idiot out of myself trying to flirt with her, and then I acted like a complete jackass. Now, to top it all off, she thinks I'm a babbling moron. Way to go Zacky V..... I am such an asshole! God.....and then Brian....Brian...trying to what? Flirt with her? I'm gonna kill him. He's already got a girlfriend! He better back off or I'll kick his ass.

(Storm's POV)

After work, I had planned to just head home so that I could relax for a while, but I got a text from Georgina.

GEORGINA: hey girl...I need food. wanna meet 4 dinner?

STORM: yeah sure where?

GEORGINA: Chinese?

STORM: u there :)

I hopped in my car and headed to the Chinese restaurant that was just down the road. Georgina showed up about 5 minutes after I did. We went in and grabbed a table.

"So, how was work?" she asked me.

"It was interesting. I'll put it that way," I said.

"Really? How?"

"Well, you remember that guy from the Whisky last night? It turns out that he's in the band I'm now going to be working with."

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" she was already starting to freak out. "What's his name? What is he like? I didn't get a good look at him the other night. Is he really cute? Come on, tell me everything!"

"His name is Zacky. He's completely arrogant...Oh, and he already tried to hit on me."

"You didn't answer that last part....Is he cute?"

I could feel myself start to blush.

"Storm?" Georgina smirked at me.

"Well, I mean he isn't bad looking," I said.

Yeah that's for sure. He's fuckin' gorgeous!

"Uh huh," she smiled, not looking convinced. "What does he look like?"

"Black hair, he's got a ton of tattoos, snakebites," I listed. I was trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but I could feel myself getting excited just talking about him. "He has really nice green eyes too." Shit, did I just say that?

"Oh my God, you're blushing," she said, smiling like an idiot. "You really like this guy!"

"What? No, I don't." I could only imagine how red my cheeks were at this point.

"Yes, you do. And you said he hit on you? What did you say? I mean he was probably being arrogant because he wanted to impress you or something."

"First of all, he was SO not trying to impress me. He's just conceited. And second of all, I turned him down."

"Wait, you told him you weren't interested?!" she squeaked. "Why would you do that?"

Why had I done that? I mean, I know I just got out of a relationship, but a cute guy actually seems interested in me. Maybe I did judge him too quickly.

"I don't know. Jeff and I just broke up. Isn't it too soon to move on? Plus, aside from him cheating on me, we broke up because of his ego. I don't wanna go down that road again."

By that time our food had come, and we started eating. After about 5 minutes of silence, Georgina couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"Just promise me something, Storm."


"Don't write this guy off so soon."

I sighed.

"Okay, I won't."

While a part of me still thought that this was a bad idea, another part of me couldn't wait until I saw Zacky again......
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 3! So, what do you guys think so far? Is Storm justified in her opinion of Zacky or is she being too harsh? SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: Follow me on Twitter @FrontPaigeMetal and make sure you check out Front Paige Metal News at for awesome interviews! :)