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Born To Be Your Baby

Chapter 4

The next morning went as it always does. Wake up, get ready for work, go to work, and come home. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I had spent most of the day thinking about Zacky. More specifically though, what Georgina had said about Zacky. I mean, could he really like me? As impossible as it was for me to believe maybe the signs were there....the other night at the Whisky, the way he'd hit on me yesterday, and the thing that really stuck out in my mind was how he'd looked jealous when Brian was talking to me. Well, I guess only time will tell, but I refuse to get my hopes up.

I was just getting home from work after a very long and stressful day. I walked up the stairs to my apartment and saw Georgina heading out for night.

“Hey girl!” she said.

“Hey, where are you going?” I asked her.

“Well, remember that guy I met last week? He called me and asked if I would like to go out to dinner,” she smiled.

“Aw, that's awesome! Have fun!”

We hugged goodbye and I walked into the apartment. I was kind of excited to have the place to myself tonight. I went and got changed out of my work clothes, putting on a pair of cut off shorts and a Guns n' Roses t-shirt. I went into the kitchen to the fridge and pulled out a frozen pizza for dinner. After I put that in the oven, I decided to head into the living room and watch some TV. I flipped through the channels trying to find a halfway decent show. All that was on were some crappy reality shows. I finally decided on some Friends re-runs. As I sat there watching the show, I heard something outside. I went over to the window and saw that some guy's car died outside of my apartment building. I grabbed my phone off of the coffee table and headed outside.

The guy was now laying on the ground looking underneath his car, so I couldn't see who it was.

“Hey, do you need any help?” I asked.

I must have startled him because he slammed his head on the underneath of the car.

“OW! Shit!” he yelled.

“Oh my God! I'm so sorry!” I ran over to him so I could see if he was okay.

He crawled all the way out from under the car so that I could now get a good look at him.


“Yeah?” he asked, his hand on his forehead to see if he was bleeding. He hadn't looked over at me until just then.


“Oh my God. Zacky, are you okay?”

I sat on the ground by him.

“Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine,” he said looking slightly embarrassed.

“Do you wanna come in? We can call someone to tow your car.”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks,” he smiled.

We stood up and walked upstairs to the apartment.

“What's that smell?” Zacky asked.

I noticed it too.

“Oh crap!”

I quickly ran into the kitchen and opened the oven to see that my pizza was totally black. Zacky followed me into the kitchen and saw me holding the tray with the burnt pizza on it.

“So, what were you trying to make Rachael Ray?” he laughed.

“Shut up,” I laughed.

“ this is totally up to you, but if you'd like, after I call someone about my car, I could order us a pizza,” he said. “Ya know, one that isn't burnt. We could hang out, maybe, if you want," he seemed slightly nervous about the last part of that.

Wow, did Zacky Vengeance just say that he actually wants to hang out with me?

“Um, yeah sure. That would be great,” I smiled at him.

“Cool,” he smirked, as he turned and walked into the living room to find the phone I had dropped when I flew into kitchen.

This could be fun hanging out with Zacky.....
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