Payne in My Ass.


“Okay everyone, follow these dance steps!” the instructor called to the group. Everyone was watching intently as we all tried our damnedest to get these steps down. Personally, I kept messing up. So did the kid next to me. Every time he stepped out of beat he would groan, stop and hang his head. Even I was doing better than him.

The instructor stopped us all with a sigh, gazing over to the guy for a second. “Okay, everyone ten minute break.” he announced.

The boy next to me quickly ran off the stage. I followed him, narrowly avoiding Liam’s arm. I quietly sat down next to where he was. His eyes were closed and his head rested again the brick wall. “I know I’m horrible, you don’t need to say anything.” he mumbled, not looking at me.

“Did you see me? I’m horrible too.” I replied with a light laugh. My hands played with the ends of my ginger hair that I had tied up. “You know, they’re not judging us on this. It’s just to see if we can move.”

His eyes snapped open, “You know they will judge us on this. If we can’t move our performances will suck and they can’t have that.” he said, giving me a small glare.

I frowned and bit my bottom lip, not knowing how to respond to that. Even though we were told that we weren’t going to be judged didn’t mean that our dancing skills weren’t going to be accounted for when they voted us off.

I tugged at my gray shirt before jumping up. I stuck my hand out to him. “Well then, we’d better work on our dancing.” I boldly said.

He looked up at me, his brown eyes wide. “Wh-what?”

“Get up.” I ordered, pushing my hand further towards him. “Look, I’m not normally this nice, take the opportunity while you got it.”

Slowly he took my hand and allowed me to pull his skinny body up. “I’m Zain.” he said once he was safe on his feet.

“Elle.” I answered, taking my hand from his and squaring my feet.

We spend the rest of our ten minute break away from everyone else doing exactly what we were supposed to be breaking from. I had gotten it down and so had Zain, but he was still convinced that he was doing poorly when we were all called back to the stage. We took our places again and I smiled over at Zain, who gave me a shy smile in return.

I looked forward and caught Liam watching us with a weird tint in his eyes. I ignored him and paid attention to our dance instructor. We went through the dance a few times and he actually congratulated Zain on getting the steps down.

Zain was grinning widely, but it was gone once it was announced that Simon and Louie were here to watch us. The instructor told all the boys to go on the stage and I noticed Zain quietly going through the back, quickly running away.

Once again I followed him, lightly touching his shoulder. Cameras were on us, waiting for me to say something, but instead I just sat next to him and whispered “I think this is stupid too ya know.”

He nodded. “I don’t dance. I’m not here for dancing, why should I?” Zain mumbled, crossing his arms like a five-year-old.

I laughed a little “Because they say so.” I replied, shrugging.

He rolled his eyes and the next thing we knew Simon was back by us. “Elle, go on the stage.” he shortly said. Not giving me another thought. I did as I was told, praying that he wasn’t going to tell Zain off.

Liam walked over to me, smiling slightly. “Hey Elle.” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I mimicked him, but didn’t say a word, opting to just look for Zain, hoping that he was going to come out.

“You’re dancing is really good.” Liam tried again. I noticed that he licked his lips before and after he spoke, almost like he was nervous. And he should be, I’m still pissed about the whole naked guy thing.

I sighed, looking pointedly away from him. My lips pursed together and I sighed. Now is not the time for Liam to bother me. I almost made a friend! It can’t be ruined.

All of a sudden Zain had made his way back to the stage. He was looking awkward. A few people-me included-clapped for his return. Liam sighed when he realized that he had to go back to his spot. I grinned in victory. The boys went through their dance again, and Zain hit all the moves just like he was supposed to.

Then it was the girls turn. I felt sick again. My breath blew out just as the music started. I quickly jumped into the dance steps, loosing tempo, but catching up to where I was supposed to. Thank God I was in the back so it didn’t matter all that much. But next time, next time I’m in front. Being judged.

“Switch lines!” Our instructor called, I closed my eyes and allowed my combat boots to walk to the front. I could feel eyes on me, and I looked to my left to see Zain watching me. He gave me a quick thumbs up. I smiled widely and returned the gesture to him right before the music started.
With the thumbs up from Zain I had my confidence back. I danced all the right steps, and even free styled better than I had before. I smiled widely before I had to go back to the side of the stage and let the next group dance.

When we were finished with our dances everyone was supposed to go get something to eat. I slid behind everyone else and pulled my phone out of my purse, dialing home quickly. I bit my thumb as I waited for someone to pick up, but no one did.

I frowned deeply before sighing. “Hey, it’s Elle. Just wanted to call and check in. I love you guys. Call me later, kay? I’m about to go get something to eat. Bye.” I bit my lip before quickly scrolling through the phone and finding my father’s number, I called it, allowing it to go to voicemail before listening to his voice and hanging up. Then I shoved my phone into my purse and walked out of the building and down the road to the restaurant.

My body slid into a chair at the girls table, where everyone was chatting amongst themselves. I smiled over at Zain who slid his chair next to mine.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked, his own mouth full of his burger.

“Nah. I’m not very hungry.” I answered, noticing that my stomach felt queasy. “And don’t talk with your mouth full. You’ll never get a girlfriend that way.” I laughed.

He swallowed and grinned. “I already have a girlfriend so ha.” he said, taking another bite of his food. “And you should at least eat something small. No need to not feed yourself, you can like die from that ya know. And then I would be sad, cause you’re the only friend I’ve made here.”

I frowned “I already feel like shit Zain, no need to make me feel worse.” I mumbled, pushing myself up from the table and going to order food. As I waited for my order to come up Liam’s body slid next to mine.

“Are you okay Elle?” he asked, handing me a lid for my pop.

“Yeah fine.” I shortly answered, snapping the lid on and ripping the paper off a straw.

He sighed and opened his mouth to say something else, but my order number was called. I quickly grabbed it and flung myself in the seat next to Zain.

“Quick, talk to me before that guy does.” I mumbled, shoving some fries into my mouth.

Zain raised an eyebrow “Do you know him?” He asked, his mouth once again filled to the brim with food.

I faked a gag before nodding. “Unfortunately.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Elle's outfit.

Eep, I love this story :) I have BIG BIG BIG plans for it. Please comment and tell me what you think!

Before anyone says anything I spelled Zayn "Zain" because of when the story takes place.