Payne in My Ass.

Flashback: Three Years Four Months Ago

I stood almost on my tip toes as I waited for the football to roll my way. My eyes were locked on Liam’s body as he jerked forward, easily keeping the ball between his feet as he ran down the court. I let out a slow breath as I kicked the ball away from him, grinning in victory as I made my way down to the other end of the court, going to pass the ball to my other team mate.

But Liam’s foot stuck between mine, successfully taking the ball back and forcing me face first into the mud. As I was pushing myself up I heard cheers. I whipped my head back to see that Liam had scored a goal and groaned loudly.

“Okay team, that’s enough for try outs!” the coach called. I got up off the ground and went over to my bag where I pulled out a towel and wiped the mud off my face. I cracked my knuckles and watched as Coach made a few more marks on his clipboard before clearing his throat.

“As you all know this team will be made up of first string and second string. Everyone is important to the team, everyone is as strong as everyone else. But some of you played better than others today.”

I did my best. I silently told myself. Liam did no better than me. In fact, he tripped me! That a foul right? Ugh. I swear to god if he makes first string I’ll kill something. I gripped at the ends of my green stripped shirt and bit into my lip while waiting for Coach to make the announcements.

Coach grabbed a bunch of yellow shirts and looked at the awaiting faces of the new team. “Second String.” he said coolly, flicking the page over on his clipboard.

My lip was replaced by my mud covered thumb as I started to anxiously bite at my nail.






As he said each last name he throw them a yellow shirt. He only had one yellow shirt left and my entire being prayed that he yelled out ‘Payne”.

Instead he called “Ultin.” and my heart just about stopped as I grabbed the shirt from him.
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Elle's Outfit