Payne in My Ass.

Flashback: Two Years, Four Months Ago.

I brushed my fingers through my ginger mane before Mrs. Hulden called me to the front of the choir room. I adjusted my black v-neck and smiled at my classmates before she started my piano accompaniment to the solo I desperately wanted.

My voice ran out in the classroom, the perfectly hit notes bouncing off the walls and back to my ears. As the song ended my eyes found Liam’s and I gave him a smug look while Mrs. Hulden clapped her hands twice.

“Very good Elle, please take your seat.” She said with a smile. Her hand scratched my name off her list of students who were trying out and then called out “Liam dear.” once I had taken my seat.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest as he went up to the front of the room. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest while I impatiently waited for him to get done with singing, yawning to show how unimpressed I was.

When Liam was done he took his seat, which was two down from me. I scooted to the other side and watched Mrs. Hulden, hoping that she could decided on the solos right this instant.

“The solos will be listed at the end of the day.” she said, not looking up from the list in front of her, scratching words down next to names of people that she wanted. I tried to figure out where I was on that list, but since I was so far away I had no clue.

With a sigh, I grabbed my bag, exiting the room as the bell rang and heading to the cafeteria. I ate lunch with my sisters and their friends, went to my last three classes and found myself and the group of students who tried out for solos crowded around the door of the choir room.

Mrs. Hulden reached her hand out the door and pressed a piece of paper to the door. The flimsy piece of tape that was holding it up was suddenly ripped down as an excited voice read “I got my part! Third solo!”

A breath of relief escaped my lungs as she read the list aloud, letting everyone know who got their solos and who didn’t. “First solo, Kyle! You got it! Second solo, Megan! Fourth solo Liam! Fifth solo..”

“Wait! What?” I asked, my eyes going big and my breathing stopping. “Forth solo?” I questioned, rapidly pointing at the paper.

Her eyes scanned it again, “Liam got it, sorry Elle.” she said. My stomach dropped as I pushed my way through the group of people.

Liam was at the back, looking down at me with a small smile. Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes, that damn solo was his! “Congratulations.” I hissed before roughly pushing past him and sprinting out of the school.
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elle's outfit

I got a new job and I've been so busy! Ugh I promise that you won't have to wait so long next time! I'm already working on it and I'm sorry!

Please comment and tell me what you think! <3