Status: In Progress

9 1/2


You’re fantastic, Rose...

Her eyes shot open, and she heard the hum of the TARDIS going to a new location. She blinked a few times to get rid of the tears that filled her eyes. Her legs swung over the side of her cot, and she walked out of the room.

“Ah, good morning, Rose!” The Doctor called. He was playing with his sonic screw driver, but that was a lie. Or- Kind of.

Her doctor was gone. The one that she’d come to know and lo- No. She wouldn’t even think that.

“Good morning, Doctor.” She smiled, and sniffled.

He, of course, knew that she was upset. He also knew that she wouldn’t talk about it, because she didn’t want to hurt him. “So where would you like to go today? Hawaii, Cancun? The Victorian era? Your choice!”

She chuckled a little. “Let’s try Bulgaria. Seems interesting.”


Rose woke up on the floor of the TARDIS with the Doctor’s arm across her body. He was still asleep. She took a moment to look at him. His brown hair was disheveled, and his mouth was set in a frown, but slightly open.

He was saying something in his sleep, so she crouched down to listen. “Ro.. Rose?” She smiled. “ROSE!”

The Doctor flailed around, waking. “Rose?”

“Doctor, I’m right here! Please, I’m here!” She put her hands on his shoulders, trying to calm him.

He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “WOW. That was quite the dream. Why are we on the floor?”

“I dunno,” She replied. “That’s where I woke up. Come to think of it, I don’t remember going to sleep.”