Status: In Progress

9 1/2


The Doctor stuck his head out of the TARDIS and took a look around. "What's out there?" Rose called from her twirly seat.

"Well, it looks just like any old abandoned home to me." He answered. He turned his head around to wink at her, and gave her an award-winning smile. "Let's go check it out." He plopped one foot into the water, then the other and turned around to hold a hand out to Rose. She took it and hopped in after him, laughing at the cool sensation that sent shivers up her calves. She took her flip-flops off and threw them back into the TARDIS before closing and locking the door behind her.

The wallpaper was fading, but she assumed that it used to be a pleasant green. There was an old baby cot in the corner of the room with a torn, lace canopy over it. "Wow, this is beautiful." Her accent made the 't' in 'beautiful' non-existent, which made the Doctor smile at her.

"Yeah, it certainly is." He put his hands in the pockets of his tan trench coat and pushed the stubborn bedroom door open. "Well, let's take a look around." He started down the hallway, Rose following close behind, and his coat trailing on top of the water behind him.


The Doctor checked in each room he passed for any sign of Rose or the TARDIS, but there was none so far. Then he heard two people whispering down the corridor. He tried to be as quiet as possible, being careful not to lift his feet out of the water as he walked. Finally he came to a stairway.

Hanging from the ceiling was a beautiful crystal chandelier. It had cobwebs entangled in it, and there was no shine left, but it was beautiful none-the-less. He peered over the banister to see exactly what he'd been searching for.


She was wearing a purple T-shirt with jeans, casual, as usual. That made him smile. Her hair was up, which he hadn't seen her do before, but oh- she looked perfect. A sight for sore eyes.

She was with someone, though. He had ruffled brown hair. Lighter than his own, but not too light. And her wore a peculiar tan coat, that he thought looked ridiculous. The man wore dark rimmed glasses, regarded her as a friend, it seemed.

The strange man started walking into another room and Rose laughed. "Doctor, come back here!" She said chasing after him.

Doctor? But...
♠ ♠ ♠
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