Status: In Progress

9 1/2


What the hell is going on? The Doctor thought. How could there be another man being the Doctor if he was still alive? He pinched himself- such a humany thing to do, but it comforted him that he didn't wake up to find that this was a dream.


The Doctor knocked on the wall, trying to find some sort of secret passage way.

"You could just sonic, you know." Rose murmured, crossing her arms.

"Don't huff at me." The Doctor retorted with a chuckle. "I'll do just that."

Rose blinked in surprise, but her lips twitched up. The old Doctor never would have taken the easy route and used the screwdriver. He liked a challenge- but having her thought be taken positively was a nice change.

"What are you smiling for?

Rose jumped a little, being sucked back into the real world. "Oh, nothing!" She turned around to leave the room but there was an elderly looking woman standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?" The woman's wrinkles shook when she spoke and her beady eyes were squinted.


"WHO ARE YOU" The woman bellowed, interrupting Rose.

The Doctor pointed his sonic screwdriver at the stranger and checked it's readings. He smirked and pulled out his psychic paper. "I'm John Smith." The paper showed a driver's license. "And this is my girl, Rose."

Without another word the woman left the room. Rose stuck her head out the door to see where she was going, but there was no sign of her. Not even a ripple in the water.

"So- uh- John, where are we?" She winked at him. "You don't look like a John, by the way."

The Doctor smiled, "Doctor John. I think it fits me. But to answer your question- I'm not really sure. The readings say it's Earth."

Rose's lips pursed. "This does not feel like Earth. I don't care what time period it is."

"My thoughts exactly." He rubbed his lightly stubbled chin with is hand and readjusted his glasses. "Also, Rose, that woman wasn't human."

Rose eyes him suspiciously. "Then what was she?"

"I don't know."