Status: In Progress

9 1/2

Part 8.

Rose tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear and stared at her doctor with bewilderment. "B-but that can't be... I saw you change right before my eyes!" Yet it was him. The same floppy-eared doctor that she'd traveled with only days before. The same doctor who she'd danced with, saved the world with, who saved her life, who she defied all odds to save. The same man who had transformed and was supposed to be lost to her forever.

The doctor ran up to Rose, wrapping her in a hug. "I have been worried sick about you, Girl! What the hell are you going on about?"

He smelled of leather from his jacket and she could feel the head of his skin through his T-shirt, and from his faced pressed up against her hair. When he finally released her from his arms she was speechless. All she could do was look from one doctor to the other with tears in her eyes.

The man with the messy brown hair just watched with his lips parted, obviously puzzled. "Who are you?" The Doctor asked, taking Rose's hand.

"Well, um... I'm you."

Again the watched each other. Rose piped up, "He's not lying, Doctor. I watched you turn into him. It only happened a few days ago- and I know it was you! Right after you-" Rose's cheeks turned pink and she played with her fingers. "Right after you kissed me and saved my life..."

The Doctor's lips twitched up at the thought of kissing her, but the other Doctor narrowed his eyes at him.

"How is this even possible?" Rose asked.

"It's not." They both snipped.

Outside the TARDIS water started sloshing onto the sides. Then the entire vessel began to shake. The tree clung onto the railings, trying not to topple over. "Doctor, what's happening?"

And they shouted together, "I don't know!" Then the quaking stopped.

"Blimey, it's gonna be hard to talk with you two. I'm gonna keep calling you John whenever this Doctor is around, okay?" She said to the new Doctor.

"Of course." He said, with a nod. He didn't say it with any particular emotion, but Rose could tell that he was thinking, and the memory of their interrupted conversation was still bouncing around in her skull.

"Oi. You two are a headache."

The Doctor turned to Doctor John with a sassy smile, "You have the sonic screwdriver, correct?"

In turn, Doctor John flashed the screwdriver from his coat pocket. "Of course." He said with, if possible, even less emotion.

"Just making sure we don't leave anything behind." He flipped a switch on the console, looking excited to be back in his ship. "Lets try to get out of here."