Status: Was finished, now it's not... I'm working on that... :-) <3

You Had Me at Hello

Accidentally in Love

When I woke up at 6:45 I was pleased to see that Morgan was really in my arms and that I hadn’t dreamt it. As I lay watching her sleep, I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend. I knew that it would be hard with her being so far away and as bad as it sounded I was a little worried about going that long without sex. I knew that she didn’t believe in having sex before marriage and while I respected her for it and would never pressure her into anything I knew that it was going to be hard for me. I really hoped that she would say yes and started making plans on when we would get to see each other. By this time is already 7:00 and I decided to wake her up. When she woke up, we talked for a little while, and then I asked her to be my girlfriend. As soon as I asked I was suddenly more nervous than I had been in my life, I don’t know what it is about her that makes me want, no need to spend time with her.
Physically, she was far from the normal type of girl that I went for. I normally went for the girls with the Barbie doll body, tiny waist and huge boobs. Morgan was tall and by no means was she fat but she wasn’t skinny. I liked that when I lay with my head on her belly my head was cushioned and I didn’t have to worry about her ribs hurting my head. Also she wasn’t what fashion magazines would call beautiful. She is beautiful in a way that is easily over looked at first but once you spend time with her you notice things like how her eyes light up when she talks about something she cares about or how her whole face lights up when she smiles or how she is pretty in a shy kind of way. She isn’t like most of the girls that I go after. I can tell that she doesn’t think of herself as beautiful but she is very comfortable in her own skin. She is athletic and has a take no shit from anyone attitude. She is confident but not cocky. She will shoot someone down but then make sure to build them back up. She genuinely cares about people, even people that she doesn’t know. She has a high moral code of conduct and holds herself to high standards. I don’t know that I will be able to be the man that she needs in her life but I really want to try. I have only known her for less than a week and already can’t imagine not having her in my life. Even if she says no I’m hoping that she will be ok with us being friends. I feel like if I ever needed something she would be there for me, that’s just the kind of person that she is. That’s what going to make her such a great teacher. I realized that it wasn’t the most romantic way to ask someone out but I wanted to ask her before I lost my nerve. When she said yes, I was relieved and may have gotten a little carried away in my attempt to show her how happy I was but she didn’t seem to mind. We cuddled for a while then went to make breakfast. Soon we had to leave and although I was sad to see her go I knew I would see her in a few hours. After I dropped her off I drove to practice and started to get ready. When I sat down, Mike was already there getting ready.

“So, you and Jen huh?”

“Yeah, I really like her. I mean I know I just met her but there is something about her that just draws me to her. And the thing is, she is the kind of girl that is perfect for the kind of life style that we live. She is the type of person that she doesn’t want to see her boyfriend every day and is fine not talking to him every day too.”

“That’s awesome. I feel the same way about Morgan. I don’t know what it is but something about her intrigues me. I don’t know if it’s the fact that she didn’t throw herself at me or if it’s just because she is such a nice person and the fact that she doesn’t drink or anything like that is cool because we both know that I need someone like that every now and then. She is the type of girl that I would have no problem introducing to my mom. And she is perfectly fine with not seeing me all the time. I think that she would like at least like a text a day but I also think that she understands that even that will not always be possible.”

“If she is anything like Jen then she is a great woman.”

“She really is. And from what I have seen, those two seem scary alike in some aspects.”

“Agreed. Some of the things that I noticed that they do a like are really weird but I guess it’s just from spending so much time together.”

“Yeah, it’s cool though that our girls are so close.”

“Our girls? Does that mean that you made it official?”

“Yup, I asked her this morning.”

“Good for you. Are you guys doing anything before they leave today?”

“We are going to get lunch then go from there. You and Jen want to come too?”

“Sure, I mean I’ll have to ask Jen but I’m sure she won’t have a problem with it.”

“Good deal. Oh and hey I was thinking that we should do something special for the girls the day after the Pens game. I was thinking of asking Coach if you and I, if you wanted to, could stay in the city until Sunday morning. I figured that way we could spend some time with them for their birthday. And I was also thinking that because both of the girls like the Pens, seeing if any of the guys would be willing to meet them before the game. What do you think?”

“Sounds great to me. Jen will flip out if she gets to meet the Pens.”

“Good deal, I’ll talk to coach about it after practice today and then we can go from there. I want to keep at least part of it as a surprise for the girls though.”

“Ok, we can keep the meeting the Pens part a secret.”

“Alright, I’ll let you know what coach says. And I’ll call Geno later to see what he can do for us.”
After practice I talked to Coach and explained that Mike and I wanted to spend some time in Pittsburgh with our girlfriends for their birthday and that we would be back in time for the skate on Sunday. He agreed to which I was thankful. On my way to pick up Morgan, I called Evgeni Malkin who I had played with at the Olympics to see if he could pull a few strings for me. When he answered we spent a few minutes catching up then I asked if he could get a few of the guys to meet us before the game as a surprise for Jen and Morgan. He said that he would ask the guys and get back to me. I thanked him and disconnected the call just as I was pulling up to the coffee shop where Jen and Morgan were waiting. I walked up and gave Morgan a quick kiss before sitting down to wait for Mike who had to stay and get his hand checked after having cut it at practice.

Once he arrived, we decided that we would go get lunch then just go back to my house and watch movies before the girls had to leave. Before I knew it, it was time for us to drive them to the airport. I know that I had only known Morgan for a week but I was already used to seeing her every day and was sad to see her go. I couldn’t wait to see her next weekend and was really happy that I would get to spend time with her again so soon. I was a little nervous about going a long time without female attention. I wasn’t known for going home alone on any given night and I was worried about how giving up sex for an extended period of time would affect me. I know that Morgan is worth waiting for and if there is anyone on this Earth that I would willingly give up sex for it would be her.

When we got to the airport I was nervous as to what the mood would be. After unloading their carry ons I pulled Morgan off to the side and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. We stood like that, not saying a word for what felt like a second and a hundred years at the same time. When we finally pulled a part, it was only enough that I could lean down and press my lips to hers. The kiss was sweet and filled with every emotion that was raging through my body. When we finished kissing I placed my forehead against hers and stared into her green eyes. I reminded her again that I wanted her to call or text me when she got back to the airport and also when she got back to school. She agreed. Told me that she was going to miss me and made me promise to text her whenever I got a chance. I told her that I would and then it was time for her and Jen to leave. I said a quick good bye to Jen, received a threat in return and watched as they walked to their plane knowing that I was going to end up missing Morgan more than I thought possible after only knowing someone for a week.

Even though I knew that she already had a jersey with my name on it, I decided to send Morgan one my game jerseys for her to wear to the game on Friday, so Tuesday after practice I went and picked up a box and after writing her a note asking her to wear it, packed up my jersey and sent it to her. That evening I got a call from Geno letting me know that the guys were willing to meet up with Mike and I before the game so that Jen and Morgan could meet them. Everything was falling into place for Friday and I couldn’t wait to see Morgan again.
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Aww!! Morgan's boyfriend is soo cute! L0l. Btw Jen and Morgan's birthday's are the same day... same year. :-) And the title of this chapter was what was playing when I finished proofing this and I couldn't think of a good title so that's where that came into play. :-)

******Edited 10/26

Hey y'all, I combined a couple chapters again. :-)