Status: Was finished, now it's not... I'm working on that... :-) <3

You Had Me at Hello

I Don't Even Have a Passport!

Morgan’s P.O.V.

“Do they pay you extra to compliment the girls that are unconscious or don’t they teach you that in medical school? Damn you’re attractive. Oh wow, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I don’t seem to have a filter today. Where am I by the way? Oh and who are you?” I rambled on wondering what the hell was going on and why this random attractive man was complimenting me and why I was in the hospital.


“Yes, and you are?”

“I’m Alex, do you not remember me?”

“Hi Alex, and I’m sorry. I’m really bad at names and faces,” I told the man with a frown. He looked kind of familiar but I wasn’t sure where I had seen him before. I saw something that looked like pain flash across his eyes but it was gone to quickly for me to be sure. Suddenly I felt something touching my hand and realized that he was still holding my hand. I thought that it was nice that this random nurse seemed to care about me but I was sure that he was just professional. Come to think of it, he really isn’t dressed like a nurse.

What the hell? I mentally freaked out when he brought my hand to his lips. Like seriously? Who the puck is this guy? Wait… puck… hockey… HOLY SHIT!!!!!!



“Yeah?” he asked quietly.

“Why am I in a hospital in Washington and since when do the Capitals visit adults in the hospital? And don’t you guys normally wear jerseys? I thought hockey teams only visited kids?”

“Wait you remember who I am?”

“Of course I do! You’re Alexander Fucking Ovechkin! I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you sooner Mr. Ovechkin, I’m so embarrassed. Although I did just wake up so that’s part of it. And oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I’m rambling again.”

“Morgan, it’s fine. Please call me Alex. I need to talk to the doctor really quick. I’ll be right back ok?” he said quickly sounding kind of worried, which confused me. I know I was acting like a little bit of a fan girl but I’m sure he’s used to it.

“That’s fine. I’ll wait here.” I said with a slight smirk. As soon as he walked out of the room I decided to try to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. I flipped the sheet off of me and starting at my toes, moved everything to make sure it was all working. Everything felt fine until I got to my shoulder but after rotating it a few times to loosen it up, it felt fine. I let out a sigh feeling frustrated that I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I looked over at the table beside my bed and noticed that there was a hair tie sitting there. With a huge smile I grabbed it and went to put up my hair in a bun (I hate having my hair down). As I was scooping up my hair, I must have hit a tender spot because all of a sudden a felt like someone had just hit me with a baseball bat in the back of the head.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to force the pain away and after a few minute, it did subside. It didn’t go away completely but it was better than it had been. Okay, note to self… don’t fucking do that right now. That answered the question though of at least part of the reason I was there… I must have somehow hit my head pretty hard. It bothered me that I couldn’t remember what
I was doing when it happened though.

The more I thought about it, the more I started to remember. Oh shit! Jen’s gonna kill me! I promised I would be fine alone for the day while she visited Jake! Shit shit shit! That must be why Alex was here. Now that I think about it, I remember going to lunch with him and Mike and Nick and Sasha. Then we went back to walk around the memorial again. I still couldn’t remember when I had fallen but at least now I knew why this hockey star was here. It was so sweet that he cared enough to stay with me.

Ha! See Jen! He is a nice dude! I couldn’t wait to see her to tell her about this! She’s gonna shit a brick!

Shit! Where’s my phone, I have to call her! I frantically searched for my phone and found it sitting right by where the hair tie had been. I was just about to swipe across my phone to unlock it when I realized that the lock screen was a picture of my niece but I had no memory of taking that picture. What the hell? I shook my head and continued to unlock my phone, figuring it was a mistake. I got an even bigger shock when I saw my home screen was a picture of Alex and I kissing. What the actual fuck!?!?! I just met him and I sure a fuck don’t remember kissing him. I was seriously in the middle of an epic flip out when Alex walked back into the room with the doctor.

I stared at the man in question wondering just what the fuck was going on and I was about to demand that Alex tell me when the doctor spoke up introducing himself as Dr. Nichushkin. He started to talk quickly and I had no idea what he was saying. After a minute, I looked at Alex hoping he could understand him and tell me what he said. Alex said something in Russian and the doctor stopped talking.

“Morgan,” Alex said before sighing. “I know that you think you are in Washington but we are in Russia. Dr. Nuchushkin’s English isn’t very good so I offered to translate, if that’s okay with you.”

“WAIT WHAT?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M IN RUSSIA! I DON’T EVEN HAVE A PASSPORT. I’M ON A SPRINK BREAK TRIP IN WASHINGTON, D.C., USA!” At this point my head was pounding again and I felt like I was going to cry. “Alex, please just tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“Morgan, we met four months ago when you were on spring break in D.C. and have been dating ever since. You agreed to come to Russia with me and were shopping with my mom and sister-in-law when you collapsed. I have no idea why, they wouldn’t tell me because we aren’t engaged or related. If you say it is ok, the doctor will tell me what’s wrong and I will tell you. I’m so sorry this happened baby, but we are going to do whatever we need to, to make it better. I promise.”

I stared into his eyes for a few seconds searching for the truth and while I didn’t think he was lying and I couldn’t figure out why he would, I still couldn’t understand why he would have picked me to be his girlfriend in the first place. However, I was more interested in figuring out why the hell was wrong with me and decided to figure out what was going on with Alex and me later.

“We will talk about the whole dating thing later but for now, I just want to know what the hell is wrong with me.”

“That’s fine,” he replied before turning to the doctor and talking to him in Russian. They spoke for a while before Alex turned to me.

“He said that the reason you fainted was because your blood sugar was really low which was from not eating and that when you fell, you must have hit your head which caused you to get a mild concussion. The thing is, I could have sworn you had eaten this morning, but I must have been wrong.” Oh shit, I thought. Had I really started that again? When I looked down, I realized that I was thinner than I remembered and realized that I must have started to not eat again. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I thought that I had stopped that shit after I left Stefan. Dammit! I know how bad anorexia could be. I wondered what had triggered it this time?

“I’m sure I ate this morning… I must have just not eaten enough or we shopped really hard. I’m sure it’s nothing serious.” FUCK! “As for the concussion, does that explain why I can’t remember the last, what did you say? Four months?”

Alex turned to ask the doctor who nodded before saying something else that I soon learned was “Yes, a concussion can cause memory loss and unfortunately, they have no way of knowing how long the memory loss with last.”

“Well shit,” I said. “When can I get out of here… I’m sure being cooped up here will not help anything.”

“They want to keep you overnight to be sure nothing else is wrong and they will decide in the morning.”

“Fine. Thank you.” With that Dr. Nuchushkin walked out of the room, leaving me with my supposed boyfriend, which would explain my home screen and the time difference explained why my niece looked older, but not what we were going to do now…
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize if it seems random but I was trying to capture Morgan's thought process (which on a normal day can be a little random but with the concussion is even worse.) You will get more background and what not in the next chapter. :-)

What do you think is going to happen with Morgan and Alex? Do you think that her memory will come back? What do you think will spark it?

So confession time:
1. I am just pretending that a Russian hospital may be run like an American hospital, if I'm wrong I'm sorry....
2. I've never had amnesia or a concussion nor have I battled anorexia so if I mess anything up with that feel free to set me straight.
3. I have soooo much prep work I should be doing right now... I'm student teaching! But yeah...
4. This story has been opened 1000 times... That blows my mind! Thank you so much to everyone that is reading this. Thank you to those of you who have been with me for the whole two years and those who just found this story. I hope that all of you have many wonderful things happen to you. :-D &amp;lt;3

*~<3~* A giant thank you to maddiecaps and Thatmom for their comments! I love hearing from you guys and if you comment, I know that people are actually reading it. :-) *~<3~*