Status: Done. Lost hope in this story. Sorry. kay?bye. :/

Pretty Young Thing

Chapter 1

Summer was finally here. I had just finished my senior year of high school, graduating at 17. I was taking a year off, just to make up for the age. I wanted to be able to legally live on my own when I went to college. Sometimes, being younger really had it's disadvantages. Barely anyone believed that I was still only 17, many thought that I was at least 20. I looked older than I really was. School had always been easy for me. I ended up skipping 8th grade. Math was never hard for me to understand. I knew what to do after things were explained the first time. But, English was what i loved. Reading and writing are my favorite past times, and possibly the only things that kept my sane all threw my high school years. When everyone else was out drinking, smoking weed, or having sex, I was curled up in my bed, reading stories about mythological beings or stupid teenage love. The only thing I loved more than English, was fashion. I'm a shopaholic, and my favorite store is Forever 21. I even worked there, in fact, that was where I was right now. It's a Tuesday, one of our slowest days. Only a group of girl, about four of them, were in the store. They looked to be in their early teens.
It was getting close to closing time, almost 8pm. I looked at the clock, only 10 minutes left. There were only two other girls working with me tonight, and it was there turn to close up. One of the workers, Blair, was already walking up to the girls, to ask them if they had anything they wanted to buy, since we were closing soon. I watched as the girls shook their heads, giggled a little, and whispered to each other, watching Blair retreating figure go back to the shoes.
They were most likely laughing at the scar on Blair's face. The scar was from a accident at work, one that I helped cause. Once when Blair and I were closing up, we had to pull some clothes off of the top shelve. We both could reach the shelve if we went on our tippy-toes. I had just started working at the store, and I was jealous of Blair, she was dating one of my ex's. She didn't even know he was my ex, so it wasn't really fair to her that I didn't like her all that much. But as we were stretching to reach for the clothes, I couldnt help but wonder why he liked her so much. We were almost complete opposites. She had blonde hair, brown eyes, and barely five feet tall. I have light brown hair, blue and green eyes, and was almost five and a half feet tall. She was preppy, and I had a more fun and glam style. She stayed to pastels and I wore everything from hot pink to sequins. I was stick skinny, where Blair was a healthy weight. Blair had a tan, where I was almost pale. She had more of a natural beauty. And I was more of the uncommon beauty, almost exotic. My ex had never liked a girl like her.My jealousy grew as I kept thinking about how happy she said him and her were. I wondered if he would still like her if she a scar or something, to make her what society thinks is ugly. I wanted them to not be together. I wanted her to somehow, become gross. Almost the same second I thought this, Blair's ankle twisted in her heel as she reached for something too high. She feel to her left, and her face hit the rack we had close to us, so we could hang clothes on. The bottom of the rack came undone, and it collapsed on her. I heard her scream out, and I quickly pulled the rack off of her, and helped her up. He face was bleeding. One of the hangers had broken when she fell on it, the end of it becoming sharp. The hanger had cut into her cheek and blood was quickly coming out. I helped her sit down, had her hold one of the shirts to her face, and ran to the phone. I quickly called 911, and 10 minutes later, Blair was being rushed to the hospital in an ambulence to get stitches in her face. I couldn't shake the feeling that my thought had caused Blair's accident. But that was crazy. A week later, I saw Blair back in work, with the scar on her face.
I was ripped out of my thoughts when I heard the store door opening. I watched as the four girls walked out of the store. I checked the clock again. There were only five minutes left before it was time to finally go home. I turned and walked into the room marked 'employees only'.I grabbed my keys, purse, and my phone. I walked back out when there were only three minutes left to go, I walked quickly threw the store, checking for any clothes on the floor. When there were none, I went and waiting for it to be eight. When the clock finally turned to eight, i clocked out, yelled out a quick goodbye to Blair and Amy, the other girl working, and practically ran to my car, a black Toyota Corola.
When I was just about to pull out, the sound of Nearly Witches by Panic! at the Disco filled the car. My mom was calling. I quickly pulled my hair into a high ponytail, and answered. "Hey mom,"
"Hey hun, are you on your way home?"
" I was just about to pull out."
"Alright hun. When you get home, we have something we need to talk about."
"Like what? I hadn't done anything to get in trouble for, so I was confused about what she wanted to talk about. I heard my mom sigh on the other side of the phone.
"Honey, your biological father wants you."
♠ ♠ ♠
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But six subscribers! Whoo! (:
Little info on what the "special" thing that Vivienne has is.
The next chapter will be longer, i pinky promise.
but PLEASE COMMENT. I'll give my commenters a shoutout!
Anyone who wants to make a banner for me can, pwease? :3
And if anyone wants to be in the story as Tony's girlfriend in the near future, just tell me!
Suggestions are always welcome.
Ciao! and I love you<3