Status: Done. Lost hope in this story. Sorry. kay?bye. :/

Pretty Young Thing

Chapter 2

Ten minutes later I walked through my front door, still confused about what my mom had said. My mom was standing with a man that I have never seen before. He looked very professional in a suit and tie; he also had an identification card clipped on to his pocket and a Bluetooth device in his ear. My mom and the man were laughing together at something he must have said. Once my mom had stopped laughing, she acknowledged I was there.

“Oh! Hun, you’re here! Phil here was just telling me this hilarious joke about a golfer and his pants” My mom was still laughing a little.

“Yeah, I’m here. Umm...” I didn’t really know how to say this to them. “Is he my dad?”

My mom and “Phil”, because that was apparently his name, laughed.

“No, I’m here on behalf of your father. He’s very busy with all of his, work.” I couldn’t help but notice that Phil hesitated before he said work.

“And what work does my father do?

Phil and my mom looked towards each other. I could barely hear my mom mumble ‘just tell her’.

“Your father is one of the most well-known engineers in the world today. You probably have heard of him. Vivienne, your father is Tony Stark.”

Tony Stark, the weapons maker that stopped making weapons? The well-known playboy was my father?

“Why would he just out of the blue want me in his life? It’s been seventeen years.”

“He just found out about you. Apparently your birth mother kept you a secret from him, up until yesterday when he received a letter. Tony wants you in his life. If he wasn’t insanely busy with his work at the moment, he would have been down here last night to see you. He’s hoping that you’d want to come and live with him for a while in New York City, in Stark Towers of course. He’ll help you get a job of course, only if you want him to. We have a jet ready to take off to New York as soon as you want, in a few hours even. You can just pack enough for today, and the rest we’ll get packed up for you and shipped straight to the tower. Tony really wants you to be in your live.”

All of my life I’ve wondered about who my real father is. Now that I knew, I definitely wanted to meet him. The town I lived in had never really had anything for me, except for family and friends. Now the only person left there was my mom. I sat down on the couch and looked at my mom. I wanted to go, I really did, but I couldn’t leave my mom. She was a single mom, always was. I put my head in my hands. All that I could think about was leaving my mom.

As if she heard my thoughts, my mom spoke. “Honey, I’ve already thought about this. I’ll miss you but if you want to, then go. I’ll be fine here, you would be off at college anyways, and New York won’t be that much difference. Meeting Tony would be a really good thing for you. I’ll even come visit you soon.” She smiled down at me, and I knew what I wanted to do.

“Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll go; I wanna go live with him. I’ll pack as much as I can right now, and we can leave right away then.” I smiled up at my mom and Phil. I actually was excited to meet Tony, my dad.

I went into my room to pack what I needed. There was so much in my room that I loved; I didn’t want to leave any of it. I grabbed most of my jeans and skirts, only taking a few of my shorts. I grabbed a lot of flats, two pairs of tennis shoes, and all of my heels. I quickly threw in my jewelry, magazines from this month, my two Stitch stuffed animals, my Simba stuffed lion, my straightener, my hair dryer, my favorite book series, a couple purses, all of my makeup and bathroom stuff, and a bunch of random things. I threw my favorite movies, my laptop, iPod, and all of my chargers in another bag. I put my favorite black leather jacket on, and threw my red and white one in with the rest of my clothes.

I looked around my room, trying to think of anything else I’d miss if I didn’t have it for too long. I grabbed my Nicki Minaj, Pretty Reckless, and Panic! at the Disco CD’s and an extra pair of headphones. I took my sunglasses off of my mirror and threw them in my purse. I hauled out all of the bags; Phil took my biggest bag from me. My mom stood there with her arms open for a hug, I dropped all my bags, and practically ran into my mom’s arms. I was on the verge of crying, and I could tell she was too. When I looked up at her too smile up at her, I saw the tears running down her face, and that was it. I couldn’t help myself from crying. My mom and I stood like that, crying and holding each other, for at least ten minutes.

Finally, Phil said that we should probably get going, if we wanted to get into New York at a decent hour. I said my final good-byes to my mom, and followed Phil outside to his car. The sleek black Rolls Royce Phantom took us all the way to the nearest airport. There, Tony Stark’s, well my dad’s, jet was waiting. Everything got loaded on and soon we were in the air, next stop, New York.


A little over five hours later, Phil was waking me up. We were finally in New York. I quickly texted my mom to tell her, even though I knew she would already be sleeping. It was five in the morning here in New York City, so it would be around one am in Arizona.

Phil had another car pick us up and soon we were heading out to Stark Towers. The driver dropped us off at the doors, Phil flashed his I.D. card through the security system, and we were in the elevator going to the top floor in no time.

When the elevator doors opened, there he was, my dad. Even though it was very early in the morning, he look wide awake, and he looked better in person then in the magazines. He was sitting down on his couch, and the television was on, but muted. Phil stepped out from the elevator first. When I did, you could see the smile on Tony’s face. He immediately jumped out off the couch, walked over to me, and embraced me in a big bear hug. The smile was still on his face as he looked down at me.

“You’re even more beautiful as I imagined.” Tony said, causing me to blush.

“Thanks?” I laughed a little bit, then yawned. “Sorry, I’m still a little tired. But, um, I’m Vivienne.”

“I know.” The huge smile was still stuck on his face. “I’m Tony, but I’d prefer you call me dad, only if you want to. We can get to know each other more and catch up later though, you should go back to sleep. Tony put his arm around my shoulder. “Jarvis, get the bed ready for her will you? You can go back to sleep. Your room for right now is just down the hall, a few rooms away from mine. But we can discuss your permanent room later.” He started walking me to my new room. “We can paint and everything soon.” He looked back at Phil. “Hey, Agent! Grab her bags for her, will ya? You can just leave them on the floor.” We kept walking for a bit until he stopped at a door. “Go back to sleep, we’ll talk when you wake up. I should just be by the TV out there, but if I’m not, just yell at Jarvis, he’ll tell you where I am.”

He pulled me in for another tight hug, and Phil slipped in the door behind us with my bags. Phil was quickly back out and went back into the living room.

“Goodnight Vivienne.”

I looked back up at my dad. “Night Dad.” I went into the bedroom and shut the door. The bed was gigantic, but the room was mostly are. I let out a sigh and collapsed on the bed. Sleep took over me almost instantly.


Tony’s POV
After letting Vivienne go back to sleep, I walked out into the living room. Coulson was waiting for me. He said that he my daughter seems like a good and responsible girl and that he had to go take care of something for Fury. Right as he was about to go into the elevator he turned to look at me.

“Stark. Fury knows about her, and he knows even more about her then you do. You need to tell her everything.” With that, he walked into the elevator and left, leaving me to my thoughts about my daughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know it seems like she decided to go live with him really quickly and when she met him it wasn't awkward, but all her live she's never had a dad, and thats all she wants. Plus, she was stuck in a small town with only one friend, which is her mom, and a job to do. I kinda modeled her after myself, and thats how I'd act in the situation.

Next Chapters pretty long, then a really short one, and two mediumish ones untill Captain America FINALLY comes into the picture. Right now, a lot is going to be focused on her ability and Fury's reaction to all this.

But, Tony's girlfriend is still open, same with making a banner (:

If your reading this, I love you!

& Ciao! and goodnight!
oh; & it's 1,587 words