Status: Done. Lost hope in this story. Sorry. kay?bye. :/

Pretty Young Thing

Chapter 3

I woke up a few hours later the same day. I looked at the clock; it was one of the few things in the room. It was already 1:28pm. I had slept around 8 ½ hours. I still had on my clothes from yesterday, so I grabbed my favorite sweatpants, a red pair from Victoria Secret, and a blue and white crop top. I quickly changed into my clothes and walked into the living room. I had to stop myself from laughing when I got there.

My dad was playing golf, with Jarvis, sort of. Dad would hit the ball, having it go in the screen he had, and then would get mad when Jarvis’s ‘shot’ would be better than his.

“Can’t you just be horrible at this?” Dad practically screamed at Jarvis. I could help it then, I broke out laughing. I had to sit on the floor because I was laughing so hard. Dad turned around. “Well good afternoon sleeping beauty. Laughing at me already I see?”

“Can’t you just fly out to a random golf course and play with real people?

Dad walked over to me and kissed my forehead. “Not when I have to wait for someone to wake up. Wait anything to eat?”

“An omelet and orange juice would be amazing, thanks.”

“You heard the lady Jarvis, get the eggs cooking.”

“Yes sir”

I laughed a little at my dad again. “Does Jarvis do everything for you?” He thought about it for a second.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Dad replied while shrugging.

“Alright then Dad.” He’s smile grew when I said that. He set a glass of orange juice and the omelet in front of me, and I basically inhaled it. I was starving. “So, what’s on the agenda for today then?”

Dad sat down next to me. “Well, first, you need to choose which room you want. I was thinking that you could have a whole floor to yourself, since I have so many that I’m not using for anything. The one straight below us is designed the same practically, it’d be like having your own apartment. Then, I think we should go get paint and you should probably unpack all of your stuff. The rest of your stuff came a little bit ago, by the way. Then, I was thinking we should have Jarvis order some food for us, and we should have a nice dinner together and learn more about each other.”

“Sounds like a plan man. I think I’d like to have the floor below you, even though I’ll be up here most of the time anyways. We should go get the paint now then. Oh, and I’d love to have dinner tonight, we should play 20 questions!”

Dad laughed a little about that.

“Alright, let’s go get some paint then. We’ll just get enough to paint your room for now. Jarvis, if we aren’t back by 6, go ahead and order us Chinese. You like Chinese right Vivienne?” I just nodded. “Alright, get what I always get” Dad looked at me.

“Just order me a chicken and broccoli, and gets some soup!”
“Alright, you got her order. We’ll be back later.” Dad pulled me out of the door before Jarvis could reply.
“Let’s go get some paint then, shall we?


We got back to the tower around 6 o’clock. Dad had insisted that we buy blankets and pillows for my room. I choose to paint the walls turquoise and one wall was white. My bed sheets were pink and my comforter was white. It took us forever to choose what to pick for my room.

Jarvis had already ordered our food and had kept it warm for us. Dad got all of the food ready while I brought all of the stuff into the room I had slept in earlier today. We decided that I’d sleep there until my room was completely painted.

I left everything in the room, and walked out to the living room. Dad had all of the food ready. I sat down by him on the couch. He gave me my food and looked at me.

“So, tell me about you.”

“Well, I don’t really know what you want to know. Ask me stuff.” I laughed a little.

“Alright. Let’s start with the basics then. Favorite color?”

“Pink and Blues.”

We continued like that for 10 more questions. Then I started asking my dad questions. We had barely started to know each other when the elevator opened, making the little ‘ding’ noise. Phil walked out, holding a bunch of files in his hand.

“Stark. We need to talk.”

Dad got up. “Obviously this isn’t a good time, Agent. Come back later.”

I just sat there staring at the two men. “Dad, I can wait if you two need to talk.”

Phil handed dad the files. “It’s about the Avengers Initiative.” Dad looked through all of the files. “Shield needs all of you, as soon as possible.”

“The super-soldier, God of thunder, the two assassins, the mean green fighting machine, and…” Dad looked at Phil startled. “Why do you need her?”

“Fury wants her, and what Fury wants, Fury gets. He knows what she can do, even if she doesn’t. You need to tell her about all of this. You’re part of this Stark. No backing out.”

“Fine.” Dad almost snarled. “Leave, I’ll tell her everything. You tell Fury we’ll be there, in two days. I want to at least know her before we go fight some dumbass who wants to take us on.”

“We’ll see you then Stark.” And with that, Phil left.
I got up and walked towards my dad, who was glaring at the elevator as if Phil was still there. “What was he talking about? What’s in those files?”

Dad sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “The Avengers.” I looked at him confused. “It’s a group of ‘special’ individuals; Captain America, the super soldier, Thor, God of thunder, Black Widow, master assassin, Hawkeye, the master archer, Hulk, the big green monster, and me. Shield wants us all to help them, save the world, you know, yada yada.”


“Yeah, Iron Man. You might of heard of him, you know red and yellow flying guy made of iron. Yeah, that’s me.”

I was shocked. “And this ‘Shield’ wants you guys to save the world?”

“Not just us. Fury wants you. I don’t know why, but he does.” The incident with Blair came right into my mind. I figured it had to do with that, I knew when it happened that I had caused it. I had pushed that thought out of my mind a long time ago though. I figured there was no way that I could of done it.

“I think I know why. A while ago one of my co-workers had an accident. Right before I happened, I was thinking about how she should have one and have something done to make her uglier. I was jealous. She ended up with a big scar on her face. I think I caused it. When I was little my mom had taken me to the zoo, and I saw some of the baby tigers there. I couldn’t help think that they should be free. All through the day I kept thinking about them. When I tried to tell my mom to get them out of there, she wouldn’t. I got really mad at her. A few minutes later one of the workers said we had to leave. The glass in the tiger’s cage had shattered and they escaped. I’m almost 100percent sure I did both of those.”

Dad was looking threw one of the files. “Fury thinks the same thing. He’ll want to talk to you. They have a hellicarrier for the ‘team’ to be on. They’ll want both of us here. We’ll go in a few days. I don’t want you fighting for Fury. The bastards gotta deal with that. Your my daughter and I’m keeping you save.” He pulled me into a hug and I yawned.

“I think I’m going to go back to sleep. I’m pretty tired, I’ll leave you to your files. Let’s talk about this later okay?”

“Alright hun. I’ll see you tomorrow. Night” Dad gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I walked into the room and laid down, thinking about everything that had happened.

Could I really have made those accidents happen?
♠ ♠ ♠
There ya go(:
Next one will be pretty short. Then Fury! (:
Ciao! I love you!