Status: Done. Lost hope in this story. Sorry. kay?bye. :/

Pretty Young Thing

Chapter 4

The next two days went by really fast. Dad and I took care of everything that needed to be done for me to stay there. I called work and told them I couldn’t be working there anymore, because of the move. Ironically, Blair was the one who answered. She was happy for me and said that she’d tell the manager, and that everything would be fine. Dad took care of my address change.

We painted my room together, and got the paint all over each other. In the two days we spent just together, doing all random things, I learned a lot about him. And a lot about Shield.

Tomorrow we were leaving to go on the hellicarrier that Shield wanted the Avengers on. I kept thinking about what I could do. I wanted to know what all I could do. I had just finished packing to go tomorrow. Dad was sleeping and I was in my room.

I was sitting on my bed, staring at a book I had placed on a shelf across the room. I wanted to move it. I wanted to test myself, to see if I really did have powers. I kept staring at the book, thinking about how much I wanted it to move. That was the only thing on my mind. The book stayed in place. I was getting frustrated, I couldn’t move the book. I laid back on the bed and sighed, I gave up on the book. Maybe Shield was wrong about me. I couldn’t have anything special about me. All the times I thought I caused something, were just accidents. I had nothing to do with them. I was disappointed. I wanted to have some ‘power’ or something. I really thought that I had something special, something Shield and my dad could use to help whatever problem was threatening the world.

All of a sudden there was a noise. It sounded like something had dropped to the floor. I sat back up and looked at the shelf. There was no book. I got up and walked to the shelf. Sure enough, the book was laying there on the floor. I did it! I looked around and there was no other way the book could have possibly moved. I was beyond happy, I couldn’t wait until tomorrow so I could tell my dad about this.

I actually could move thing with my mind. But, I still felt like I could do more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Omg someone recommended this :')
Whoever did it, you seriously made my day, no my summer!
Thank you so much! <333333

& there you go! that's what she can do, I plan on having her being able to do two more things, but you'll have to wait (:

One more chapter until Captain America makes his appearance (:
I watched his movie today, I cry every time when he's about to crash the plane. :'(
Remember, if you're reading this, I love you!