Status: One shot :D check out some of my other stories! :D

Whoever She Is


Whoever She Is (Short Story)
I’m dreaming.  I must be dreaming.  I was screaming inside the venue, like every other fan.  But now I’m staring into Garrett Nickelsen’s blue-green eyes. 

“Can you hear me?”, asked a concerned voice, floating above me somewhere.  Oh, it was Garrett.  How did this even happen?

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

I was driving to Melanie’s apartment to pick her up for the concert.  Since meeting each other at the start of freshman year at Boston University, we spent so much of our time together.  Even though it’s summer now, both of us decided to stick around Boston.  The music scene around here is fantastic, and The Maine was scheduled to play at Tsongas Arena.  We had asked our boyfriends earlier that month if they wanted to come, but they both had summer plans.  Totally fine by us.  Girls’ night out! 

But then why am I not with Melanie? Not that I’m unhappy about being with Garrett… Ughh. Why can’t I remember what happened?

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

The Maine had just finished playing.  Mel and I were still freaking out about how fantastic they were.  I decided to split from her, going to the merch stand to get us some shirts. Oh. Right. My boyfriend had “summer plans.”  I remember now.  That girl.  With the long chestnut brown hair streaming down her back, and an impossibly tiny waist.  Who was she?  But I know it was definitely him.  He even saw me, and made eye contact. Then walked away. Just like a coward.  I didn’t even get our shirts.  Straight to the bar.  They didn’t ask for an ID, thank god.  So I went out behind the building and cried.  And apparently…got really drunk, because I’ve no recollection of Garrett.

“Where am I?”, I tried to say, my voice barely croaking out the words.

“You’re in our tour bus.”, replies Garrett.  “Are you OK?”

Under normal circumstances, I would be beyond excited, but my mind was so groggy that I could barely process what was going on.  “It feels as if millions of oompa loompas are using my head as a drum.”

Garrett laughed, asking, “Do you remember what happened?”

“Well, my boyfriend had ‘summer plans,’ so my friend, Mel, and I came together, but then I saw him with his ‘summer plan.’  And he saw me too.  Naturally, he just walked away.  Oh!  I need to find Mel to tell her I’m fine. She’s probably worried sick!”

“Woah, slow down.”, said Garrett as I tried to get up.  “Drink this first.”

However, as soon as I stood up, shooting pain ripped through my head. “Shit!  How much did I even drink?!”

“Don’t know, but it smelled like vodka, and it wasn’t just a shot of it.”

“Crap.  But I really need to find Mel, and I think I left my phone with her.”

“Here, take mine.  I hope you know her number.”

“Nahh. I’ll just call mine. She’ll pick up. Thanks. Wait…where do I tell her to come?”

“After you make the call, I’ll go meet her by the back entrance to the venue.”

Relieved, I gave him a tentative smile, and told her that someone would meet her by the back entrance of the venue.  “I’ll give you the details later.”

As Garrett left, I wondered, where are the other four guys?  Looking around, I could see the other bunks that they slept on.  So I was sleeping on Garrett’s? Or was it John’s? Kennedy’s? Jared’s?  Probably Garrett’s.  So which bunk belonged to what guy?  As I was trying to figure it out, Garrett came back with Mel.

“Are you OK?! How did this happen? Thank god he found you! I was so worried! Don’t ever do this to me again! But seriously, what happened!”, exclaimed Mel in a slew of words as soon as she walked in.

“Wow. OK. Slow down.  My head is killing me, and I have no clue what you just said.  But I think I can guess.  I’m fine, for the most part.  I saw Adam.  Remember how he had ‘summer plans?’” Well, apparently, they involved cheating on me. I bet Jeff is at home with his parents, not cheating on you…”

“Yea, you hit most of it.  But how did you get here? Like, before Garrett found you?!”

“Well…I got drunk?”

“What?! You never drink!  You don’t even have an ID!”

“Yea, well, they didn’t ask me for one, soo…”

“Well, that explains how you passed out.”, interjected Garrett.

Normally, I would have given him the look.  But even my super sluggish brain realized that it was Garrett Nickelsen who found me.  The one guy I have mooned over for the past three years, and never thought I’d be able to meet.  This must be destiny.  If not, fate is just plain cruel.

“Well, I’ll take it from here.”, said Mel, giving her sweetest smile to Garrett.  “And you, young lady, are going home and not sleeping so you don’t get a hangover tomorrow morning.  And while we’re at that, you’re going to tell me everything.”

As Mel helped me get up, I shot a grateful smile at Garrett.  “Thanks for everything. Hope I didn’t cause too much trouble.  And by the way, where are the other four?”

“Oh.”, he replied.  “They’re still in the middle of mayhem—signing, greetings.”

“Oh! I’m so sorry I’ve kept you! And plus, we should probably share you with the others.”

“Not a big deal.  I’ll walk out with you girls and rejoin them in a bit.”

Mel took the keys and went to get the car.  As we were waiting, I turned to Garrett again.  “Seriously, you totally saved my life.  And…taught me never to do that again, ever.  And I know I probably sound like a broken record, but thank you for taking me in.  You could have just left me passed out on the sidewalk, and I would have never known.”

Smiling at me, he said, “Anytime.  Plus, it’s not every tour I find a gorgeous girl passed out at a venue.” Leaning in closer, he whispers, “You have my number.  Use it anytime you want.  I’m not likely to forget you anytime soon.”

But of course, Mel chooses that moment to pull up. Getting in the car, I turned around one last time towards Garrett as he shuts the door for me.  “Remember what I said.  Anytime.”, he says, winking at me.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Crashing on the couch back at my apartment, Mel fixes her intense stare on me.

“Kay girl, I let you stay silent on the car, now it’s time to spill.”

“What’s there to tell? I told you.  Adam was cheating on me, and I decided to get drunk. Very, very drunk.”

Shaking her head at me, with a devilish smile on her face, she dramatically whispers, “Garrett.”

“Oh.  That was nothing.  He was just being nice.”, shrugging my shoulders.

“Nice?! Please! He sooo had the hots for you!”, exclaimed Mel.

“The ‘hots’ for me? What are we, in seventh grade again?!”

“Stoooop!”, she squeals.  “Seriously, what was he like?  PLEASE.  Don’t tell me you’re not freaking out.  How long have you obsessed over this guy? Only forever!”

”Forever? No! Only two years…”

“Sure,” said Mel, rolling her eyes.  “Only two years.  Whatever. Just tell me!”

“Fine! He was really nice, which by the way, I already told you.  And he just put me down in the bus and gave me some water.  And helped me find you.  That’s it!”

“Mmhmmm…then what was that look that he gave you when I pulled up?”

I played dumb.  As much as I loved Mel, this was something I wanted to keep to myself.  And he probably wouldn’t want me to advertise it either.  “What look?”

“Stop! Don’t tell me you didn’t see how he was looking at you!”

“Nope, I’ve no clue what you’re talking about! Can I go to sleep now?  It’s been practically three hours since…unpassing out!”

“Avoidance! Denial!”

“Stop!”, I laughed while throwing a pillow at her.  “I’m just really tired.”

“Yea, I know.  But…what are you going to do about Adam?”, Mel replied, becoming serious.  “Are you sure it was him?”

“Definitely.  He looked up, saw me, and walked away.”

She gasped, “That bastard! I am going to—”

“Stop! No graphic images right now please.  But thanks.  I really don’t know what to do about that.  Can I please sleep on it? We can talk about this in the morning.”

“Fine.”, she sighs, looking at her watch.  “I guess you’ll be fine in the morning if you go to sleep now.  But if you’re not, don’t blame me.”

“Fine.  Stay?”

“The things I do for you.”, she joked.

Mel fell asleep quickly.  It was a long day for her too, I guess.  But sleep wouldn’t come.  My mind reeled with what Garrett said to me.  As much as I loved it, I couldn’t help but be cynical towards guys at the moment.  Did he mean it?  Or was he being a typical guy, just hitting on another girl?  As I drifted off, I decided that the only way to find out was to test what he said about using his number anytime.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

One month later…

“Ughh.”, I complained.  “Every single guy I’ve gone out with this summer has been a complete tool.  Why do I even bother?  At least Adam acted nice…”

“But he was douchier than all the other guys combined?”

“You got that right.” I sighed.  “This summer blowed.”

“Woah! Say what? I have to say I think your summer has been fantastic. You did meet me right?  I’m pretty awesome.”

I start thinking about that night all over again.  Looking at the screen, seeing his face, and just…the fact that we were friends, close friends, hit me again.  I laugh.  “Besides for you of course Garrett.  You boys need to come back to Boston some time.  We can do something that is drama free for one whole night.  Wouldn’t that be fantastic?”

“I’m sure we’ll be back soon.  I do have a great reason, that’s for sure.”

“Lovely. You guys do that.  But I’m off now.  School starts in a week.  And I have no clue what books and other expensive shit they’re requiring us to buy this year. Later!”

“Ooh. Sounds fun! See ya!”

Shutting my laptop, I feel my heart do a little happy dance.  Maybe I think all the guys are tools because I’m too busy comparing them to Garrett, the actual Garrett, not a fictional one stemming from my imagination.  No matter how cool I played it, Garrett always unsettled me.  Now why can’t he be a guy that I can date? Life. So unfair.

Crap.  I only had two hours before the shops closed.  Where’s Mel when I need her?  She finally broke down to Jeff’s pleas and went to visit him and meet his family. Ughh.  Well, no splitting up to get books I guess.  Time to go.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

After the last of first semester finals…

Finally free.  Time to shop for Christmas gifts. Ohboy…

My phone buzzes in my pocket.  Weird.  Mel still has one more final, and Garrett is supposed to be on a plane.  But who else would call me?  I told my family not to bother me until the week was over.  It was only Tuesday…

Looking at my phone, I see one missed called from Garrett.  What?

“Heyy!  I thought you’re supposed to be on a plane?” 

“Ohyea! I was.  But my flight got moved up.  Weird right?  Normally, they push it back.  And I didn’t die! So I figured you’d be done.  So how were they?”

“How many times do I have to tell you?!  You’re more likely to die in a car than in a plane! And they were absolutely wonderful. Obviously.”, I replied sarcastically.

“So what are you going to do now?”

“Hit the mall.  I need to start Christmas shopping…and of course, reward myself for being done with finals!”

“Oh really?  What mall do you plan on going to?”

“You’re kidding right? Natick mall of course!  It’s the largest mall in New England!”

“Sorry!  I’m not in Boston often.  What do they have?”

“I said largest mall in New England didn’t I?  So they have everything!  American Eagle, Forever 21, Apple, and then like, all the department stores.  It’s fantastic!”

“Is that so?  Well, guess I’d better let you go.  See ya!”

“Kay.  Bye.”, I said while hanging up the phone.  Now, where to go first?  American Eagle?  Forever 21?  Sephora? Apple? No Apple.  Not quite rich enough yet… But American Eagle was totally doable, so I’d drop by AE first to see if there was anything I wanted…or rather, didn’t already have.

As I was browsing through clearance, my phone buzzed again.  A text.  Garrett.  “I dare you to turn around and give a huge hug to the person behind you.”

What? “How will you know if I do?”, I texted back.

“I will, just trust me.”

So I turn around…and he’s standing behind me.  Squealing, I gave him a huge hug, just like he asked.  “How’re you even here?!”

“I can be wherever I want, now that we’re on a touring break.”

“But you were supposed to be on a plane back to Tempe!  And as much as I suck at geography, I have heard this rumor…that Boston…isn’t in Arizona.  Shocking, I know.”

“Well, I did say I’d be back didn’t I?  I just decided that the next tour was too far away, so I just delayed my trip back to Tempe for two weeks.”

“Two weeks?!  You’re going to stay here for two whole weeks?”  As natural as our friendship has come to be, the fan girl inside of me still reappeared every now and then.

“Two whole weeks.  I’m all yours if you want.  Well, you said that this was the largest mall in New England right?  C’mon!  I want to see it.”

“We will most definitely do that, but no hurrying will be involved.  Perfection takes time, you know?”

He rolls his eyes at me.  “Girls.  Of course.  Just go shop!”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Wow.  I knew this already, but every time I talk to him…he’s just seriously amazing. We were curled up on my couch eating Chinese food we picked up in the mall.  He’s so funny, and insanely smart.  And dorky.  And for the billionth time, it hits me how lucky I am, and how strange this should be despite how normal it felt.

“I need to talk to you.”, he said suddenly.

“Haven’t we been doing that?”, I joked.

“Yea, but this is more seriously I guess.  Just hear me out OK?”

“Sure.”, I replied, my interest piqued.  “What’s up?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now.  And it’s so…out there, but this really matters, which is why I decided to come here.  And I feel like we’ve become pretty close.  And you’ve come to matter so much to me in such a short time.”  He pauses.

“I really don’t know how to say this poetically, or prettily, and I probably should have brought something, but I really like you.  Just wait.  I remember how hurt you were this summer, and how frustrated you were.  And I know I’ll be away most of the time, and that you need to finish studying at BU.  I have no clue how to do this, I just know that I need to say this, and possibly take a shot at this.  Or you’ll always be my hugest ‘what if,’ and I can’t let that happen.  So I guess what I’m asking is, will you give me a chance?  Be my girlfriend and we can try to make it work?”

I just sit there. Stunned.  I can’t believe this.  Now why won’t my mouth work?

“…or not.”

I smile.  “Are you insane?  Of course that’s a yes!  I just…didn’t know what to say.  You’re an amazing person, and I just…wow.”  I smile again, laughing.

“Wait.  I don’t get it.  What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.”, I replied, still laughing.

“Well, come here then.  I’m so lonely on this side of the couch.”, he says, giving me a mischievous smile.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“Dude!”, yelled Mel through the door, while banging it so hard I could feel my floors shaking.  “Open up!”

“Jeez!”, I yelled back.  “Give me a minute will you?”  Plodding towards the door in my pajamas, I open up the door.  “Hi!”

“Don’t you innocently ‘hi’ me!  TWO WEEKS.  Two weeks, and all you tell me is, there’s a new guy in my life, and I’ll give you more details when he leaves.  Well, your two weeks are up, and what did that even mean?”

“Ohmygod calm down!  I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him before he left.  And sit down.  You’ll be so shocked when you hear this.  Because I was too.”

“Alright.  Just tell me already will you?  I’ve been dying here.  Leaving your best friend out in the cold like that? That was plain cruelty.”

“I love you too.  Now.  He’s perfect and fantas—“

“Don’t tell me that!  He’s gone.  If he’s so perfect and fantastic, then why is he gone?”

“Wait!  I wasn’t done yet.  You don’t even know who it is!”

“Fine! Then who is it?!”


“Wait…the Garrett?  How?  What even? Wait. What? I’m so confused.  He just randomly showed back here and went, ‘be my girlfriend,’ and you said yes?”

“Dude. No.  I’m so not that shallow, even when it comes to celebrities.  We’ve…kept in touch these past few months.  And we are really tight.  And he came back, and asked me.  And don’t tell me that all band guys are douches or whatever.  He’s seriously been amazingly sweet to me for the past few months.  Plus he’s been super supportive about everything.  I don’t know…just…he really is fantastic.”

“My god.  You really like him don’t you?  I see that goofy smile on your face.  And your eyes were thousands of miles away when you were talking about him.  And wait.  Back up a second there.  You guys have kept in touch?  How is this the first time I’m hearing about this?  Months you’ve been talking, and I didn’t even know?!”

“Sorry!  I just thought he would appreciate it more if I kept it quiet.  I mean, I know he’s not like, super huge, but…I really don’t know.  After that night, I guess I just didn’t think it was a super big deal.  And I do really, really like him.  He came back for these two weeks just to see me, when he could have spent it relaxing with the band and his family.  Ahhh!  Now that I’m saying all of this aloud, I still can’t believe it!”

“No.  Seriously.  Omg.  Stop.  Seeing you is sickeningly sweet, but super cute at the same time.  And I don’t think I’ve said congratulations yet.  I’m so happy for you!  After that summer of douche bag Adam and narsty boys, you totally deserve this.  But…if he hurts you at all, I will mess him up so badly.”

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?  And how awesome you are?  But don’t call my relationship ‘sickeningly sweet,’ considering you and Jeff…”

“Oh shush!”

“Well, anyways, we don’t really know how this will work.  I guess, it’ll be a wait and see kind of thing.  He’s back right now to prepare for their next tour—set lists and arrangements and whatnot.  Ughh.  I miss him already.”

“Damn girl.  You’re in deep.  I hope everything works out.  Really do.  Well, I have a date with Jeff tonight.  So I need to go.  And I would apologize to you for waking you up at your ‘such an early hour’ on a Sunday, but I’ve waited so long, and the stuff you told me was so great, so I just can’t.”

“Alrighty!  Have fun tonight!  Call me when you get back.  Or tomorrow.  Late.  Waking up before 2 pm during vacation should be a sin.  Don’t do that to me again!”

“Sure lazybones!  Oh.  Question.  Are you going back to Long Island for Christmas, or…?”

“Errr…no.  I think I’m just going to mail my gifts like last year.”

“OK.  In that case, my parents invited you over to spend the holidays.  You in?”

“Are you sure?  I don’t want to intrude or anything…”

“Are you kidding?  They don’t even celebrate a legit Christmas anymore!  It’s Southern California.  It’s difficult to take Christmas seriously when there’s no snow.  Especially since I grew up in Michigan.”

“I guess I’ll tag along then.  Thanks.  Your parents are the sweetest.”

“Kayy.  I’ll tell them the news then!  And I’m leaving now.  Bye!”

“Bye!”  Oh wait.  Southern California?  Doesn’t Arizona border California?  Running to the door, I shout down the hall, “Wait, Mel!”

She turns around, “Yea?”

“Can we have a mini road trip so I can surprise him?  If your parents don’t live too far from Tempe, that is?”

She rolls her eyes.  “And you were making fun of me and Jeff.  But of course we can.”

“Yayy!  You’re the best!  Have fun on your date!”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“Should I call him and tell him first, or do I just surprise him like he did to me?  But what if he’s busy?  Ughh.”

“Calm down.  Your anxiety vibes are messing with my ability to drive.  And just text him!”

“Please.  You’re fine.  But what if he doesn’t reply?!  Gahh.  Maybe this wasn’t a great idea after all…”

“Stop!  You two are so cute!  You guys are constantly talking, whether you’re texting, calling, video chatting, IMing, whatever.  You can figure this out, I’m sure.  Plus, if he had his phone on him, he would never ignore a text from you.”

Biting my lips nervously, I say, “But I haven’t seen him in almost a month!”

“Drama queen.  It’s been two and a half weeks max.  Wait. No.  Not even that.”

“Whatever.  It feels like forever.”

“What.  Are.  You.  Talking.  About. Every time I see you on your phone or at your apartment, you’re either talking to or texting him, or about to do that.”

“You know what, I’ll just text him and ask him what he’s doing right now.”

“Isn’t that what I said a minute ago?”

“Yea.  But a minute ago, it didn’t seem like a good idea!  Now, it seems like a fantastic idea.”, I say laughing.

“You’re so weird.  Just text him.  Half an hour until we reach Tempe.”

“Ooh!  They’re preparing to play a small gig at Tavern on Mill.  I think it’s a bar.  Or a grill?  Something like that.  Can we find it on the GPS?  Since they’re preparing, they’ll probably be there for a few more hours.”

“Yea, just go back to the menu and go to search.”

“You know, it’s funny to think that they still play gigs.  And cute.”

“You think everything he does is cute…”

“I wasn’t talking about Garrett!  I was talking about the band!”

“Mmhmmm.”, she replied, with a sideways glance at me.  “Whatever you say.”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“OK!  We’re here.”, announces Mel.

I give her a look.  “Thank you Captain Obvious.  I can see that.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go! Be cute and adorable and all that.”

“Right!  Let’s go.”

As soon as I walk in, I see them playing.  My heart beats just a little faster watching Garrett play.  I can do that forever.  He’s so into the music, and what he does.  Him playing bass is so mesmerizing.  I know I’m going for a biology major right now so that I can take my MCATs and go to medical school, but watching him makes me question everything.  Is that what I really want?  Looking at my future right now, no matter what, I know that I’ll never love what I do as much as he loves what he’s doing.

“Why are you just standing there?  Push your way up!”

“I’m getting to it!  Let me just…savor my moment of admiration of his gorgeousness.”

I push my way to the front of the crowd that was getting bigger and bigger as news spread that The Maine was performing.  How do I get his attention?

When they finished playing Every Road, I screamed, “Hey you guys want to pull one of us up there with you to sing?”

When Garrett hears my voice he squints at the crowd.  Our eyes meet.  This sounds so cliché, but literally, it was like the world froze for a moment.  Before they started playing again, Garrett went to tell John something.

“Hi everyone!  How you all doing tonight?”, asks John, as the crowd goes wild.  “We have a special surprise for you tonight.  A special friend of ours is going to sing for you tonight.  Who’s excited?”

As the crowd lets out yet another deafening scream, Garrett jumps offstage and comes up to me.  “You said you’ve always wished you had the guts to sing in public.  I’ve heard you, and you’re good, really good.  The crowd already loves you.  Please, can you go up there? For me?”  Without waiting for my reply, he pushes me gently towards the stage.  “Just go.  You can sing whatever song you want.  Just tell John.”

Looking back at him, I step onto the stage.  I tell John and the other guys what song I want to sing while Garrett makes his way back through the crowd.

Closing my eyes, I begin singing.  “I walk the tightrope, on my way home, you’re my backbone…”  As Garrett gets back on stage, I turn to him, singing, “You leave in December, what can I do to make you stay?”

As John joined in with the harmonies, I began to understand why so many people tried to make it in the music industry despite the hardships.  Singing on stage was exhilarating.  And I understood a piece of Garrett’s mind and what he felt while playing bass.  It was unbelievable. 

Stepping back into the crowd to find Mel after the song, I feel so elated.  However, that feeling soon evaporated when I saw Mel.   “You sang for him too?  That took me months to get you to do!”, she said to me accusingly.  “And you’ve been with him for …what?  Three weeks maybe?”

“Wait.  Are you serious?  I’ve been friends with him since the summer!  It’s not like I’ve known him for three weeks.  You’re just blowing everything out of proportion.  I don’t get it.  Can’t you just be happy for me, and stop criticizing everything about us?  You never did this when I was with Adam.  What different between Adam and Garrett?  Besides for the fact that Garrett is a better person?”

“You think that I criticize you guys?  You’re joking right?  I’ve been nothing but supportive.  I even agreed to your crazy idea of driving hours just to come see him!  And you know, you never tried this much for Adam.  Maybe you can’t blame everything on him.  He’s not a bad person!  He and Jeff are best friends!”

“Wait.  So it that what this is about?  Adam?  OK.  So say what you’re saying is true.  I didn’t ‘try as hard’ for Adam.  But he still cheated on me.  Nothing I did or said ever gave him the right to do that!  And guess who listened to me cry and talked me through that?  Oh…wait…Garrett.  You’ve never even talked to him, or given him an actual chance.”

“First of all.  I was there for you every time you needed me when you were freaking out about Adam.  And no, I never talked to Garrett because you never really introduced us.  And you told me that nothing was going on last time!”

“Because you asked me the night he found me passed out.  And yes, he hit on me I guess.  But whatever.  Guys just do that.  I didn’t think it was a big deal.  I’m sorry I don’t report to you every time a guy hits on me.  I’ll make sure to do that from now on.”

“You know what?  Don’t even bother.  I’ll tell my parents that you had last minute plans somewhere else.  You can stay with your boyfriend here instead, since you’d so very obviously rather spend time with him anyways.”

“Fine!  I’ll do just that.  I hope you have a lovely time with your parents.”  With that, I pushed my way back through the crowd to get nearer to the stage.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“Hey.”, Garrett greeted me, giving me a kiss.  “Where did Mel go?”

“Oh…long story.  She left.  Like, left left.  Back to Cali.”

“Are you alright?”, he asks, tilting up my chin.  “What happened?”

“Hmm?  What?  Sorry.  I got lost in your eyes.”, I say while leaning in closer to him.

“Don’t avoid the questions.”, he gently chides.  “Why did she leave?”

I sigh.  “We got into a fight.  It was dumb.  I’ll just stay at a motel or something here.”

“No way.  You let me crash at your place when I was in Boston.  So you’ll stay with me here.”

“I’d love too.  But…do you guys like…go home?  Parents…and…other people?”

“Don’t worry!  It’ll be fine.”

“Wait.  So your parents are going to be there too!”, I asked, freaking out.  “Are you sure they’d be OK with this?”

“Well, considering I’ve told them just about everything about you, I’m sure they’ll be ecstatic to finally meet you.”

“It’s not too soon?  And seriously?  You talked about me?  That’s too cute!”

Laughing, he said, “C’mon.  Let’s go eat.  And although they kind of just met you, I think the rest of the band wants a formal introduction.”

Taking my hand, we walk over to the rest of the band.  John looks up first saying, “Damn Garrett.  So nice of you to finally introduce us to the girl you haven’t shut up about for the past two weeks.  Hi Jenny, I’m John.  Nice to finally meet you.  But he didn’t tell me you could sing.  You’ve got an insane voice.”

“Wow.  You know, right now, there’s a little part of me asking myself if you actually just said that.  But thank you!  And wow.  You are seriously tall.  Or maybe I’m just short?”

“It’s true.  And he seriously won’t stop talking about you.  And no, you’re not too short.  I am just a bit tall.  But when he first told me about you, I was like…my mom?  I was disturbed.  And then greatly relieved when I realized it was just someone else with the same name as my mom.  He always did have a thing for my mom, you know?”

“Seriously?  That’s way funny!  That song is fantastic by the way.”  Turning to Garrett, I raise my eyebrows.  “John’s mom, really?  Should I be worried about this too?”

“Thanks John.”, says Garrett.  “You couldn’t have just kept that to yourself.”

“Nah man.  I’ve got your back bro.  Anytime.”, John says, winking at me.

“You guys are silly, and I’d love to meet the rest of you.”

“Well,” says Garrett.  “That’s obviously Pat, Kennedy, and Jared.”

“Hi!  John’s right.  Your name has come out of Garrett’s mouth so many time this past week.  Great to finally meet you.”, says Pat.

I glance over at Garrett.  Is that him blushing?  Well, at least I know that I wasn’t the only one freaking out over this either.  “Hi Pat!  I wish I could say something really clever, but chances are if I started talking, I’ll just sound like a dork, so I’ll leave it at this.”  Turning to the other two guys, I say, “Hi Jared!  Hi Kennedy!”

Both smile back at me when John calls out, “Guys, I’m hungry!  Can we go eat now?”

“Yea, same here.”, says Kennedy.  “Let’s go!”

Turning towards me, Jared says, “We’ll show you the best places to eat in Tempe.  No tourist would ever be able to find these hole-in-the-wall places.”

Smiling, I say, “Awesome!  Let’s move then.”  I turn and wait for Garrett, who was packing up his bass while I was talking to the other boys.  “They’re so nice.  I can see why you’ve all stuck together these past years, besides for the music I mean.”

Looking at me, he says, “I was lucky with them.  And now I’m even luckier, because I have you.  Let’s go now.  They will leave us behind, especially if they’re all hungry.”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Three Weeks Later…

I knock on Mel’s door.  With dark Godiva chocolate.  “Mel?  I know you’re in there!”

“What.”, she snaps while opening the door.

“I’m back.”, I try to say brightly.

“I can see that.  What do you want?  I’m busy.”

“I miss you.  I had a fun time, but it would have been ten thousand times better if I had my best friend were there to share it with me.  Please?  I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you weren’t a good friend, or if I mentioned Garrett too much.  But I really really miss you!  I even brought dark Godiva chocolate.  Your favorite?”

She narrows her eyes at me.  “Forty piece arrangement?”

I laugh.  “What other?”

“Fine, come in.”  As soon as she closes the door, she gives me a huge hug.  “I’ve missed you so much too!  To be honest, staying with my parents was so boring that I ended up going to LA for a few days.  But even that didn’t cheer me up.  And I felt terrible for all the things I said to you!  I totally didn’t mean any of it.  Adam is such a loser for letting go of a girl as awesome as you.  And I am happy for you and Garrett.  It’s just that, I don’t want to see you hurt, and you’re already so close to him, and I don’t know.  I’m really sorry too.  I wasn’t sure when you were coming back, but I was going to visit you as soon as school started again.”

I hug her back.  “We’ve both been super dumb, haven’t we?”

She laughed, agreeing.  “Well, how was Tempe?”

“Pretty fantastic.  The band is so awesome.  You seriously should’ve stayed.  You would have loved them.  John and Pat are hilarious.  Pat acts like a seven year old.  It’s so funny.  And you know how people say that John is shy?  Totally not true.  Well, not with the band.  Although, I guess that makes sense.  Jared is super quiet, comparatively, but he and Kennedy were great too.  Kennedy talks a lot.  But he’s so nice.  And Garrett’s parents are sweethearts, and his brother stopped by for a day.  He seemed pretty chill.  Well, all of the boys’ parents were so nice.  Seriously.  They’re all so tight.  It’s so sweet.”

“Awwwh!  I really wish I had stayed.  And, by the way, I still have your clothes.”

“Oh right, those.  But since I didn’t have to stay at a motel, I just got a few new outfits.  Tempe had some pretty cute stuff.  Not…metropolitan-y, but I kind of liked it.”

“Ooh.  I want to see!  Later I guess.  But I have a question.  And I’m just curious.  But did you meet Rachael?”

“Uhh…no.  And I don’t know if I want to.  That’s the one thing that’s never come up, but I don’t really want to ask him about it either…”

“Kayy.  Got it.  Just wondering.  Now.  Ready for next week?”

“My god.  Why would you even?  I wish I was still on the other coast right now.  After this break, school seems so useless.”

“After this break?  Please, I’ve always thought that.  But it’s inevitable.  Unfortunately.”

“Well, I should get back now.  And can I have my clothes?  I still need to unpack.  And do the laundry.  And that nothing mysteriously happened in my absence.  Yea…I basically came here first.  Just dropped my stuff off at the apartment, got the chocolates, and came here.  I seriously missed you.  We have to go out sometime before school starts.”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Three Years Later…

I’m pathetically curled up on my couch.  It’ll be December 2nd tomorrow, what should’ve been our three-year anniversary.  But I broke up with Garrett when I began med school.  I hated not being able to see him, and I knew with med school, I’d be even busier, and that staying ‘together’ would not have been fair to either of us.  But every time I thought about our conversation, I died a little more inside.

“Garrett, I need to talk to you.”

“Is everything alright?”

“I don’t think so.”, I had whispered quietly.  “You know I love you right?  So much.”

“Yes,” he responded cautiously.  “But…?”

I was crying.  “I really can’t do this.  I hate not seeing you, not being with you.  And, I don’t think it’s fair to either of us.  You should be able to be with a girl who has the time for you, and since I got into med school, I’m going to be so busy.  I don’t know when I can see you, and…I just don’t know.”

“Wait.  What are you saying?  We didn’t know how we’d make it work when this first started either!  But we did.  For the past over two and a half years, we’ve made this work.  And so well.  You know all of us are so insanely proud of you for getting into such a great medical school?  I don’t care if you’re too busy, and if you think you can’t give me enough.  You’re perfect.  And I love you too.  Please don’t do this to us.  Shouldn’t I be able to decide what’s fair for me?”

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts.  Huh?  Mel is in school.  We got into the same med school, so naturally, we stayed together.  But I called in sick today.  And I know I probably will tomorrow as well.  I ignore it.  It’s probably someone trying to sell something to me.  But whoever it is knocks again, but louder.  “I know you’re in there Jenny!  Please open up!”, came a voice from outside my door.  What?  Was I dreaming?  That was Garrett.  I ran to the door to open it.  Ohmygod.  It was him.

“What are you doing here?”, I squeaked.  

“I nee—,” he begins saying.  But when he sees my face, he asks, “Wait.  Are you OK?  What happened?”

“Nothing happened.  I’m completely fine.”, I reply, straightening my back.  “What were you saying before?”

“You’re lying.”, he accused.  “I know you’re not ‘fine.’  Tell me what’s wrong?”

“No, no.  You go first.”

“Fine.  I was saying that I needed to see you.  You know tomorrow is supposed to be our three-year anniversary?”

I begin crying again.  Wow.  I’m a serious wreck.

“Jenny, what’s wrong?  You know you can talk to me no matter what,” he said concernedly as he moves closer to me.

“Are you serious?”, I ask him through my tears, burying my head in his chest.  “I know what tomorrow is.  How could I forget?  You were the only guy I had ever been in such a long, and serious, relationship with.  And I love you.”

Holding me out from him, he says, “Wait, did you say ‘love,’ like, in the present tense?”

“Of course I did.  I told you three months ago that I loved you, and I still do now.  Unfortunately, my feelings don’t just go away.”

“Is that what you want?”, he asks quietly.  “For our feelings to go away?  Because I still love you too.  That’s why I’m here.”

“How did you even know that I didn’t go to school today?”

“I came anyways, and would’ve been prepared to wait however long I needed to in order to see you, but Mel told me that you called in sick today.  I wanted to check on you to make sure you were alright.  But you’re avoiding my question again.”

“I am, or was.  Whatever.  I missed you so much it made me sick.  But you’re here now.  Do you know how miserable I’ve been?  I’ve tortured myself watching the videos from your concerts.  And you looked perfect.  It hurt so much, but seeing your face and hurting was better than nothing at all.”

“Is that why you want your feelings to go away?”

I sigh.  “No, of course not.  At this point, if they did go away, I don’t know what I’d do with myself.”

He smiled slowly.  “Good.  Because the reason I came back was to ask you to change your mind about us.  I’ve been lost.  Do you know how many times I’d reach for my phone to text or call you when something awesome had just happened, just to realize again that we weren’t together anymore?”

I smiled ruefully.  “You could have still called.  I might’ve cried for hours after, but I would have loved to hear your voice.”

“Well, can you see now that this wasn’t a good idea for either of us?  Please?  I’ve missed you so much.  These past several months I haven’t been able to sleep or eat properly.  I think this is what’s least fair to us.”

I look up at him.  “And they say that John is the wisest of you five?”

“Was that a yes?”

“Yes, yes!  A million times yes.  I really don’t know what I would have done this Christmas if you hadn’t come.  Probably mope around.  Thank you for being the smarter one.”

“Says the one in medical school.”, he teases, lowering his head towards mine.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Summer, four years later…

As gloomy as London seemed to be in the rain, it also seemed more magical than any other place I’ve ever visited.  The one time the sun did shine for a few hours, the city seemed to glitter, with the sun throwing its seldom-seen rays over everything.  The Maine had two shows in London as part of their latest tour.  Luckily, it fell in August, the one month of the summer that I didn’t have to do anything for medical school.  But come this fall, I had to decide whether or not I wanted to specialize, and if not, where I would want to complete my residency.  But I had told myself earlier that I wouldn’t think of that until September. 

The day I was done working with my lab, I boarded the midnight flight to London.  Seven hours later, after going through security and customs, Garrett met me at Heathrow.  We planned stay around London for a week, and then the boys had to hit the road for shows in Wales, Scotland, and other European places.  And obviously, I’d go with them.  But stay at hotels.  As much as I love being on tour with them, I also love the luxuries of actual bathrooms and showers.

“Garrett!”, I called, running towards him.

As he turns around, I see him smile when he turns toward me.  Grabbing me in a huge hug and spinning me in circles, he says, “You’re finally here!  I’ve missed you so much!”

We were probably freaking out the people around us, but I didn’t even care.  Giving him a kiss, I reply, “I missed you more!”

“I don’t think so.”, he says while tickling me.

While giggling and gasp for air, I squeal, “OK! OK! You win.  Now stooop!”

Chortling, he walks over to baggage claim to look for my suitcase.

“Look for the one that advertises you guys all over it.”, I say.  “Uhh…and by you guys I mean mostly you.”

“Naturally.  On behalf of the band, we thank you for all of your free advertising.”

“One of the perks of having an awesome girlfriend, you know?”

“Well, we better hurry up.  The guys are waiting for me to prepare for the show.”

“Awwwh!  I could’ve called a cab if you told me you were busy!”

“I know, but I wanted to see you sooner.”

Smiling at him, I think that despite being together for nearly eight years (I never counted my few-months-lapse-of-judgment), he never failed to say the right things to make me smile.  And even better?  He always meant them.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

For some reason, the band seemed extra pumped up for their show tonight, Garrett in particular.  Except, instead of being excited, he seemed weirdly anxious.  “You guys will be fantastic!”, I tell him.  “You always are.  Are you feeling OK?”

He smiles at me, “Of course I’m fine.  I’m not nervous about the show!”

“Well, you look pretty nervous about it to me.  Are you sure you’re fine?  You’re not sick or anything?”

“I’m perfect.  Don’t worry about it.”

“I already knew you were perfect.”  Leaning in for a kiss, I whisper, “For luck.  And for me.  I love you, you know that?  Now relax.”

Pulling back, he looks me in the eyes.  “I love you too.  Now, I need you to do me a favor.  Can you just go stand right before the stage?  Like, not where our lovely, but crazy, fans can demolish you, but like, so I can see you?”

“Anything for you.  Uhh…as long as it’s reasonable of course.  And this definitely is.  But why?  I kind of like being backstage and gossiping with the rest of the crew about how fantastically you guys are playing.”

“Well, I haven’t seen you in forever, and we’ve been prepping practically the whole day.  I love seeing your face, and if your face is in front of me, that’ll be much easier.”

“You’re too sweet.  I’ll talk about your fantasticalness with security instead.  Uhmm, as long as they’re not too busy holding people back I guess.”

“Garrett!”, calls John.  “Get ready.  I can hear people screaming.”

Shooting one last smile at me, Garrett gets his bass and goes with the others as I get off the stage and stand by the security guards.  “Hi!  Garrett told me to watch from down here today, I hope that won’t be a problem!”

Somewhat creepily, the guards all smiled at me.  “Don’t worry.  He already told us earlier this morning.  You guys make a lovely couple.”, said one of the female guards.

Surprised, I say, “Oh!  Thank you!  And I’m Jenny, by the way.  What about you?”

As I heard a chorus of names, the stage lights came on, and the crowd got even louder.

“Hello everyone!  How’re y’all doing on this typically rainy London night?”, John asks as he walks to the front center of the stage.

The crowd cheers again.

“Well, you guys didn’t know this, but tonight’s a very special night.  So today will be a very special show.”

The crowd lets out another deafening roar, possibly louder than even the last.  Wait.  Special show?  Garrett didn’t tell me anything was going to be different.  That’s weird.

John continues.  “Now, who’s ready for some music?  Feel free to sing along if you know the words.  Let’s start off with some rock shall we?  We like to call this…My Heroine.”

As always, I watch Garrett perform.  But this time, every time he looked up, our eyes would meet.  I think I agree with him.  Watching from up front is much better than being backstage.  As he jumps around stage with his four best friends, with his hair flopping in his face, I reminisce about all the fantastic times we’ve had.  Whether it was watching them practice, helping them come up with a set list, or just being alone with him, I think about its near perfection.  And despite the promise I made to myself, I think about my looming decision, and how it could affect me, and our relationship, even more than med school.  I’d have to be on call twenty-four seven, and I’d never know when I could even spend time with him.  My stomach twists just thinking about it.

I look up at Garrett again.  And I know that no matter what, letting go of him again is not an option.  Straight from My Heroine, they bridge into Color.  I look out behind me at the sea of people going wild, waving cell phones in the air, moshing, crowd surfing.  And although I know he loves me, I wonder how much he’d be willing to give up for me.  And how much I’d be willing to give up for him.

Pushing these thoughts away, I watch and listen to them play their set.  As they finished up their last song, I smile and wave goodbye to security.  “I’m going to go backstage now so I can meet them when they come out.”

“Oh no,” says one of them (I couldn’t remember their names).  “You have to wait here until they’re completely done.  It’s not safe right now.  The crowd is crazy.”

“Oh, sure then.”  I just stand there and wait for John to finish.  However, instead of telling everyone goodnight, John says, “Now here’s our special surprise.  Ready everyone?”

Just when I thought the crowd couldn’t get any louder, they scream deafeningly yet again behind me.

“Wait.  Just kidding.  One more song first.  Every Road.”

Oh.  An encore song?  But he said there was something else.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see like everyone else.

When I look up at the stage, John catches my eye and gives me a grin.  Looking out at the crowd again, he says, “Now everyone, will you welcome Jenny on stage?  Not my mom, by the way.”

Wait.  Me?  I haven’t been on stage with them since the time I went to Tempe to surprise Garrett way back when.  What’s going on?  I shoot Garrett a puzzled glance, but he’s messing with the wires of his amp, or something like that.

John helps me on stage, and gives me a mic.  “You’re going to help me sing this song, OK?  Remember seven or eight years back?  The last time you did this?  Same song.  You start, and then cut off after the chorus, got it?”

Looking out at the crowd, I go, “Wow.  This is a lot more people than last time.”  Looking back at John, I answer.  “Sure.  Hit it.”

After I cut off, I stand there, listening to John sing.  ”And I remember how your lips taste on holidays.  You leave in December, what can I do to make you stay?”

Then, he throws another mic at Garrett.  “It’s all you bro, good luck.”

Now, I am officially confused.  Jared, Kennedy, and Pat are still playing behind us, but kind of fading away.  I look at Garrett again.

Smiling at me, he begins speaking to the fans.  “Hello everyone!  Hope you had a good time tonight!”  He waits until the cheers die down.  “So I want to take a few minutes and tell everyone a story.  Eight years back, but a few months earlier, I saw this gorgeous girl passed out on the ground.”, pointing at me.  “So I wondered, do I leave her there, or make sure she’s OK?  Ultimately, and thankfully, I brought her to our bus and waited until she woke up again.  After that, we became really close friends.  And a little less than half a year later, she agreed to be my girlfriend.”

Where is he going with this?

“Then a little three years after that, I almost lost her.  To medical school.  Crazy right?  But that sucked.  But because of my extremely awesome persuasiveness, and amazing looks of course, it didn’t stay that way for too long.  It’s been a little less than five years since that happened.  And I realized that I could never let that happen again.”

Turning towards me, he says, “So I remembered the first time you sang with us, and you turned towards me during that line in Saving Grace.  So I thought we could semi-relive it, with a larger audience.  Except, this time, I know what I can do to try to make you stay.”

I watch him flip his bass behind him and turn back around to his amp again.  Then, he gets down on one knee.  Ohmygod.  My eyes go huge.  And did the crowd get louder or softer?  I don’t even know.  Taking the mic again with one hand, he goes, “I can’t stand to see you leave me again.”  Opening the black velvet box with his free hand, he asks, “Will you marry me?”  He gets up, and slides the ring onto my finger.  A perfect fit.

I can’t speak.  This was so unexpected, but it feels so right.  Reaching out to Garrett, I nod my head.  As he leans close, I finally whisper, “Yes.  A million times yes.”

Taking me into his arms, he spins me in circles all around the stage.  I laugh, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes.  Faintly, from somewhere outside of my overjoyed thoughts, I hear John say goodnight.

As the rest of the guys usher us backstage, I finally take a look at my ring.  “Ooh.  So sparkly!”  Flexing my fingers, I watched the lights bounce off the diamond.

“Like it?”

I turn around to look at his eyes.  “Love it.  But I still love you more.”

“Good.”  He spins me around, leaning in.

“C’mon lovebirds!  We need to pack up.”, says Pat.  “And I want food.”

“Alright, coming!”, he shouts back.  Turning towards me, “Coming?”

“Actually, I need to call Mel.  And I’m tired.  I think I’ll go back to the hotel.”

“Oh. Alright.”, he replied, looking a little dejected.  He turns away.

“Wait.”, as I pull on his arm.  “Are you coming by later?  Room 612.”

“Of course!”

“OK!  Don’t forget.”, I say, winking at him.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“AHHH!”, I squeal as soon as Mel answers my video call.

“Woah. Woah.  Calm down.  How’s London?  And why are you so happy?”

“LOOK!”  I hold up my hand.  Turning it around, I look at the ring again.  “Isn’t it so pretty?  It’s so pretty!”

“Ohmygod stop.  He proposed?!  How did he do it?!  And don’t you even dare think about leaving out any details.”

“It was so sweet!  You know how I usually help them finalize their set list and everything right?  Well, Garrett basically got the whole band in on it, and they added Every Road and Saving Grace to their set list.  Remember the last time I sang with them?  How I sang Saving Grace?  Well, they basically recreated that.  And then Garrett was all, ‘But this time I know what I can try to do to make you stay.’  And then he proposed!  In front of everyone!  And I was so shocked.  But it was so sweet, and so perfect.  But I said that already didn’t I?  But it really was!”

“Speaking of, where is he anyways?  I would’ve thought you guys would have been, ahem…celebrating, by now.”

“Stop!  He’s out with the band…but he’s coming by later.  Plus, I had to tell my best friend first, don’t I?  And I have no clue how we’re going to set this up, but you’ll be my maid of honor right?”

“Of course!  And since I know Jeff and I aren’t getting married anytime soon…”

“Oh please!  You guys decided to wait.  But we know, and you know, that you’re getting married.  You’ve been going out forever.  And you obviously love each other.  But seriously, why so practical?”

“Sorry.  But again, speaking of practicality…how is this going to work?  You know you have to complete residency?”

Biting my lips, I say, “Yea, but please don’t bring this up.  I don’t want to think about this until absolutely necessary, and right now isn’t absolutely necessary…”

“Alright.  Whatever you want.  Now let me see that ring again!”

I hold out my hand.

“You’re right.  It’s pretty.  Sparkly.  And simple.  Perfectly you.”

“I know right?  Well, I want to shower before he comes, so I have to go.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow!  Send Jeff my best.  You guys should really come out for a bit.  It’s gorgeous here, despite all the rain and everything.”

Mel snorts.  “I think you’re looking at everything through a rose-stained glass of looove.”, she teases. 

“Eewww.  Stop.  Please don’t bring up high school literature.  And I am not.  It really is a beautiful city.  Don’t be hating!  Just come out here, with Jeff, and you’ll see how right I am!  Beeaaauuuutifuuuuuuuuuuuuul.”

“Go!  Go shower and get ready for your guy.”, she retorts, raising her eyebrows.

“Fine.  Put it that way, but I am going.  Love you!  Talk to you tomorrow!  Visit me!  Bye!”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“Jenny.”, Garrett stops suddenly and turns towards me.  We’re walking through Greenwich Park.

I look up at him, bewildered.  “What?  Are you OK?”

“I know you haven’t asked me this, and I don’t know if it’s because you’re avoiding it, or if you don’t want to know, but I thought I should tell you.  We, as in the band, decided to take a break from touring for at least a year.  It’ll give us all a chance to stay in one place for a bit, and write and record new music.  Most likely in Arizona, but I could be somewhere else.  I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to stay with you.  A big reason they agreed to this was for me, and so that I’m able to see you not only sporadically, but all the time.  I know you have your residency and other choices coming up, but I’ll follow you anywhere.”

“Do you know how perfect you are?  And I was just planning on not thinking about it until I had to.  But you…you’re perfect.  Just, I don’t have any other word for it.  But now that I think about it, no.  You’re not going to be away from four of your best friends just for a residency.  Wait.  Let me finish.  I’m still going to complete my residency, but I’ll do it in Arizona instead.  It’s just a matter of location.  I’ll still have everything I need there.  Some of my friends may be a little further than I originally planned, but I don’t need them to do my job, and music is yours.  Plus, I can’t imagine you without them.”

“And you say that I’m perfect?  Well, you most definitely are.”  Taking my hand back in his, we continue walking. 

“If that’s the case, maybe we both are, especially together.”, I say smiling.  And every now and again, I couldn’t help but stare at my ring, watching the light dance between each facet.

“I’m glad you like it.”, he murmured, turning around to give me a kiss.  “It suits you.”

But I think it’s him that suits me the best.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Four months later…

“The band, including the crew, your family, Mel, and my sister.  Those are the only people that I really superbly want at the wedding.  And then the rest is up to you.  Do you want to invite any other people?  Old friends, band friends…”

“I want whatever you want.  Small, big, private, public, whatever.  As long as you are walking down the aisle and saying ‘I do.’”

“But it’s your wedding too!”

“Yes, it is.  But all I want is you.  Why can’t we just get a license and do it now?”

“Because we have friends!  And family!  Who are wishing us the best!”

“Fine!  We’ll have a wedding.  Where do you want it?”

“Uhh…it’s kind of far from here.  But I’d really love it there.”

“Wherever is fine!  I’ll take you to Australia if that’s where you want it to be.”

“No!  Just Long Island.  Even if I haven’t been the closest to my mom and dad, my sister is still near there.  And its beaches are beautiful.  And that’s always where I’ve wanted to get married.  Not on a boat, but on the actual beach.  With the sunset behind me.  And the ocean’s waves.  And my friends.  And yours of course.”

Bringing my body closer to his, he replies, “Whatever, wherever, as long as you’re there with me.  I’ll be the happiest man in the world.”

Twisting my head to look at him, I smile.  “Thank you.”, I whisper tenderly.

Suddenly, he shifts away from me.  “OK.  Well, we should plan out the rest of this later.  It’s getting late, and you have to be at the hospital early tomorrow.  You need sleep.”

I give him a look.  “You’re saying…you want me…to sleep?  Like, actually sleep?  And oh!  But don’t forget we have to book everything and talk to our friends and family.  Do we have to do official invitations?  I’m really not into that.  But—”

Cutting me off, he says, “Yes.  Sleep.  This is why you need to actually sleep.  Don’t worry so much about the wedding.  Half a year is more time that it seems.  Goodnight.”  Kissing me on the forehead, he turns off the light.  “I need to go brainstorm song lyrics, now sleep.”, he admonishes gently as he walks out of the room.

“I’m getting married to Garrett.  This is real.”, is the last thing I think as I drift off into sleep.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.  Earlier that week, as Garrett’s family and the band and the crew trickled into Long Island for the wedding, Garrett’s mother gave me a beautiful silver necklace.  It is a simple chain with a mobïus strip on it, with the words “Forever & Always” engraved in it.

“This is so beautiful, and thoughtful.  Thank you so much.”

“This was a gift for my mother from my father for their ten year anniversary.  I’ve kept it all these years to give to the wife of either Trey or Garrett.  You are such a sweet girl, and I’m so happy that my Garrett found you.”

“Literally.”, I joked.

“Since neither of you will let me contribute to the funds for the wedding, I thought you could at the very least have the classic ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue’ for the bride.  This necklace is old.  Your dress is new, and your headband of hyacinths will be a beautiful blue, especially against your gorgeously rich dark hair.  And I’m sure your friends will bring something for you to borrow.  I believe you and Garrett are one of the best matched couples I have ever seen.  Both of you nourish and understand each other, and will lead a wonderful life together.”

With tears in my eyes, I replied, “Thank you so much.  This means so much to me.”

Pulling me in for a hug, she said, “Welcome to the family.  With anyone else, I would wish the best of luck for a long, healthy, and happy marriage.  But I truly believe that you two will make it all the way through, and with great success.”

Too full of emotion to reply, I hugged her even tighter.

When Mel came just a few days later, true to Garrett’s mom’s prediction, she brought her chandelier earrings for me to borrow.

Putting the earrings and the necklace on, and finally slipping on the dress, we look in the mirror.  I decided against shoes, since the sand was smooth, and the shoes would just sink in the sand.  Smoothing down my simple white sundress, I spin in a circle.  Both Mel and I are quiet.  Looking at my reflection, I’m at a loss for words.

I turn around and look up at Mel.  “I’m getting married.  To Garrett.  Tomorrow.”, I say to her, my smile getting bigger with each word.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

As I’m staring into his beautiful eyes that match the color of the ocean, the judge asks, “Do you, Jennifer Amber Lee, take Garrett Daniel Nickelsen as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

“I do.”, as Garrett slips the ring on my finger.

“And do you, Garrett Daniel Nickelsen, take Jennifer Amber Lee as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

“I do.”, as I slip the ring onto his finger.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss the bride.”

With the sun setting behind them, casting an orange and pink glow in the sky, the ebb and flow of the orange blue ocean behind them, it was truly a picture-perfect wedding.  The setting sun engulfed the couple in a loving silhouette as the groom pulled his bride in close for a passionate kiss, sealing their vows.  Their small audience was moved by the simple beauty of the handsome young man and his stunning bride. 

As the seemingly eternal moment ended and they pulled apart, all the women sighed while dabbing at their tears. There was no doubt about the purity of the love they shared.  It would be infinite, with endless compassion and understanding.

Walking back down the aisle, hand-in-hand with Garrett this time, we head to a limo waiting to take us to our reception.

However, when we reach the Marriott, where we rented a small ballroom, there is a crowd of people waiting outside the hotel lobby.  Garrett and I give each other a look.

“Want to make a run for it?”, I suggest.

“Our first married adventure!  I’ll be your personal Luke Skywalker.”

I look at him.  “You’re such a dork.  My dork.  I’ll be your Princess Leia.”

“Ready to battle through our very own Galactic Empire?”

Taking off the shoes I put on for the reception, I say, “I’ll put these back on inside.”

Opening the door, the sound of screaming fans, which seemed to multiply from just two minutes earlier, greets us.  Laughing, we run through the crowd with our heads down.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“Can you please tell me where we’re going?”, I whine, reaching for our plane tickets.  “I need to make sure everything I need is in that suitcase.  What if you forgot something?  I should be able to double-check it right?”

“Nope!”, grinned Garrett, holding the tickets just out of reach.  “Plus, it was your sister and Mel who packed everything you could possibly need for this trip.  Not a thing for you to worry about.”

“I bet if I call one of them, they’ll tell me!”

“Possibly, but not probably.  They’ve been sworn to secrecy.”

But Mel’s my best friend!  And Elodie’s my sister!  They can’t not tell me.”

“But they can!  Because they want this to be a surprise for you too.”

“Traitors.”, I mutter under my breath.

“I heard that!”, admonished Garrett.  “It’ll be perfect, I promise.”

Smiling again, I look at him.  “It’s not the perfection of the place I’m worried about.  I already know that it’s going to be fantastic.  But I just really want to know where.”

“Just wait and see.”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“I can’t believe you got your friend to charter a private flight for us!”

“What can I say?  I have a few connections.”

“Nooo!  I wanted to see where we’re going!  And I can’t believe those tickets weren’t real either.  But if I saw them, would I know where we’re going?”, I ask, smiling hopefully.

“Of course not!  I’m surprised you didn’t take them actually.  They said, ‘These aren’t real tickets, so you still don’t know.’”

“Wow.  You really think of everything don’t you?”

“Only when it comes to you.”

I smile.  “I can’t even stay mad at you.  You have an unfair advantage!”

“Well, I can live with that.”, and pulls me closer towards him.  “Don’t worry.  You’ll know in approximately…nine hours.”

“But we’ve been on the plane for like, two hours already!  This means we’re going to…somewhere in Eastern Europe! Yayy!  A hint!”

“Oh.  I should keep my mouth shut.  And how do you even know that?  That’s what I get for marrying a smart girl I guess…”

“Oh shush!  You love me.  Is it Italy?  Or Greece?”

“You know you’re way too inquisitive for your own good?  Let’s talk about something else.  Or sleep.  You’ve had a long day.  Jenny Amber Nickelsen.”

“Mmm, I like the sound of that.”  I giggle.  “We’re married now!”

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

“You chartered a private plane, and a private boat, to take me to Greece!  I’ve wanted to come here since I was a little girl!”

“Well, actually, this is Paxos.  But yea, I know.  That was the point.”

Jumping on him, I give him a huge hug.  “What can we do first?”

“Whatever you want.”

“Can we rent a boat and drive it around the island?  Ooh.  Can we snorkel?  Or go to the beach?  Or just look at its prettiness?  It’s so beautiful!”

“We can go to Moggonissis.  The beach there is fantastic!  And you can do other stuff if you want…like wind surfing?”

“YAY!  Super fun!  Let’s go.”

By the end of the day, we had done everything there was to do.  Wind surfing, peddle boating, even Greek dancing!

“Oooh!  Ice cream!”

“And I’m the little kid,” Garrett says while rolling his eyes at me.  “Want some?”

I look at him.  “It’s ice cream!”

“Of course it is.  And of course you do.  I’ll get you some.”

As he hands me the ice cream, I say, “Wait.  Hold onto that for a second?”

Laughing, he starts eating it.

“Hey!”, I protest, while jumping onto his back.  I grin.  “I’m tired.  Can I have my ice cream back now?  Plus, you never did carry me across a household.  Isn’t that like, a rite of passage for a bride?”

Giving my ice cream to me, he says, “I was planning on that for tonight, but you’re so light anyways…”

Giving him a kiss on the cheek, I take a spoonful of ice cream and stick it into his mouth.  “This is so yummy!”

Laughing, he says, “I know, I just had some!”

“Well, eat more.  Let’s share.  It’s too yummy to eat alone.”

Just laughing and walking in the moonlight, we enjoy the brisk breeze and the foamy waves lapping gently on the beach.  The first day and night of the rest of our lives.

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~

Epilogue; nine years later…

Looking at my family, I have never felt happier.  Daniel, our little Danny, named after his father, just turned seven.  He was practically a spitting image of his dad—those beautiful eyes and the light brown hair.  He was chasing his little sister, turning five years old in two months, around the yard.  Amber Lynn was named after me, but we just call her Lynnie.  She also inherited her father’s blue-green eyes, but not his hair.  Hers was more like mine, dark and flowing.  Maybe I’m speaking as her mother, but she will break hearts one day.  The sun is shining bright in the sky as spring gives way to summer.

Although the first two years were hard, we established a good family.  After the residency, I set up my own practice near Tempe, so that I could stay close to Garrett.  My practice was only open from early October to mid-April.  The rest of the time, if The Maine was on tour, I accompanied them, except for when I was extremely pregnant.  But we always tried to stay together.

Now, however, the rest of the band started settling down as well.  Last year, Jared was married to an old classmate that he reconnected with during one of their stays in Tempe.  Pat, surprisingly enough, has been dating his girlfriend for the past two years.  The rest of the band and I have placed bets on when he would propose, unbeknownst to him of course.  Garrett, Pat, and Jared have been urging Kennedy and John to settle down.  The five of them still got together to play music often, but mostly for fun.

Mel and I have still kept in touch.  She and Jeff got married when they finished medical school and their residencies, but decided to stay in Boston.  Every summer, Garrett and I, and the kids, would fly out to meet them.  They come here every winter, with their only child, Michael, who is a little over half a year older than Lynnie.  The three children, despite their infrequent visits, were best friends.

“Danny! Lynnie!”, I call.  “It’s time to go back inside.  You need to wash up.”

As their dad ushers them back in, I start making dinner.  When I reach for the spices in the top cabinet, a pair of strong arms snake around my waist.  Turning around, I look up into Garrett’s eyes, smiling.  “Hi.”

Capturing my lips in his, he reaches behind me to turn off the stove.  “You can do that later.  The kids are busy right now anyways.”

I grin at him.  “Yes.  But we’re parents now.  We need to set a good example.  And I know you’re hungry.”

“I’m definitely hungry, but not for food.”

Shooting a teasing glance at him as I turn back towards the stove, I ask, “What if I shape whatever I end up making into Darth Vader?”

Rolling his eyes at me, he starts towards the stairs.  “I’ll leave you and your motherly duties here.  I need to go talk to John about some music.”

I turn around and smile at his retreating back.  Almost nine years of marriage, but every day was a gift.  Neither of us ever took anything for granted.  Despite our arguments, some of them inconsequential, others significant, we’ve always been able to get through them, and come out stronger at the end of it. 

I play with the necklace that Garrett’s mom had given to me before our wedding, which I now wore every day.  Forever & Always.  That’s what we’ve planned for our love to be.  Maybe she was right, we are the perfect match. 

~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~
♠ ♠ ♠
Super long? Lol. Hehehee(: