Sequel: Our Day Will Come
Status: Finished...and the sequel has begun.


When Megan Perry gets into some trouble at home, she is sent to stay with her cousin, Janine. Megan despises the idea of living in a small town in Alabama, but the arrangement has its benefits, the main one being that Janine is engaged to Avenged Sevenfold rhythm guitarist Zacky Baker.

Megan is soon introduced to Brian Haner Jr., Avenged Sevenfold's lead guitarist and Zacky's best friend. She quickly discovers that he is nothing more than a womanizer. Still, the two of them have a lot in common, so Megan figures they can at least be friends.

After meeting Megan, Brian is almost immediately warned away from her by Zacky, who believes that Brian will only hurt her. Brian views this as a challenge and begins to work his charms on Megan. However, he is surprised to find that she's not just another girl he wants to sleep with and drop. Could she be the one that will tame him?

Disclaimer: I do not own any member of Avenged Sevenfold or any player on the 2008-2009 University of Alabama football team. I do own all original characters and the storyline, so please do not steal. Jimmy will be alive in this story because I began writing it while he was still with us. Title credit goes to Britney Spears, as shameful as that is.

Warning: This story will contain violence, strong language, and sexual content.