All I Need Is You

Watch What You Say

Anna threw some more socks into her suitcase as she dug through drawers, two days after she'd told Louis about her grandfather. Louis, Niall, and Liam were coming over in about fifteen minutes. Liam and Niall were going to drive her and Louis to the airport. After waking up later in the day, two days ago, Louis dragged a reluctant Anna to his and Harry's flat, not wanting to leave her alone and he had to tell the boys that he'd be leaving for awhile.
Anna threw all of her undergarments into the suitcase as well, not bothering to tuck them in neatly. A knock sounded on her front door and as she walked toward the door she checked her phone. Louis had texted her to let her know he was there and she stopped in her tracks. "It's open!" She called and Niall burst through the door, grinning.

"Banana!" He called, walking quickly to her and pulling her into his arms. She smiled as Niall held her and swayed them back and forth. He kissed her cheek and let her go. She smiled up at him. Niall may have been short at only 5'7'', but Anna was only 5'0'' and Niall towered over her. He also happened to be her very best friend. They just got each other. Whether it was because she loved to cook and he loved to eat, or some other reason, she was glad she had Niall.

"Heya, Nialler." He smiled at her and went to lounge on the couch. Liam smiled at her brightly, and hugged her as well.

"How're ya, babe?" Liam asked, letting her go. She shrugged.

"I'm alright. It comes in waves, really. I don't know," She sighed and Liam nodded with a sad smile and gave her another hug. While Anna was greeting the other two boys, Louis was muttering angrily. After letting go of Liam, Anna walked over to Louis and wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug. "What is your problem, Lou?"

"Well, I've only told you a million times not to shout about how your door's unlocked when you don't know who's at the door." He said, hugging her back. Anna laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"I knew who was at the door." She protested.

"What are you, psychic?" Louis asked, rudely. Anna let it roll off her back, Louis was never intentionally rude or mean to her. It was just his sass swinging free.

"Ya texted'er, mate!" Niall called from the couch. Louis looked over at him and then pulled from Anna, looking down at her.

"I've got the proof," She stated simply and Louis smiled.

"Have you finished packing?"

"Almost," she said with a sigh, running her hands through her hair.

"Well, we'll help. C'mon Niall." Liam said, getting up and following Anna back into her room. Louis looked at the 3-piece luggage set sitting on Anna's bed.

"Three suitcases, Annie?" He asked, sitting on her bed, next to the piles of folded clothes.

"Ooh, how come we've never seen deese?" Niall asked, peering into her suitcase where her bras and undies were on full display.

"Oh, stop it, Niall." Liam said, shoving him away from them. Anna shook her head and looked at Louis, unphased by Niall.

"I don't know how long I'm gonna have to be there, Lou. And, that's not a suitcase, that's a duffel bag." Anna said, pointing to a duffel bag on the floor. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Well, doesn't your grandmum have a washer?" He asked. Anna's eyes started to narrow. Liam placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I think it's practical, Lou. I mean, obviously there are going to be other people there who need to wash clothes. And, what if the washer breaks, hmm? Very practical, Anna." He said, squeezing her shoulder. Everyone in the room knew that Liam was diffusing the tension that was bound to start to build. The tension that was keeping Louis and Anna apart as a couple.
When Anna moved to London last year, a few months into the move, Louis had confessed to her over dinner that he'd thought she was beautiful on the very first day he met her and grew to like her more and more each day he talked to her, even when she was back in America. Anna had laughed out loud and confessed that she, as well, had basically fallen in love with Louis. They decided to give Anna awhile to settle into a London routine before anything else happened in their relationship. However, the longer they spent time together as friends, the more they realized they ate on each other's nerves. Anna had two different personalities. She was either Louis or Liam. Not ever as extreme as Louis, but she was a handful and, if two people are too much alike, they clash. And then, there was the Liam in her. She got maternal and mothered the band, but annoyed Louis to no end when she got, as he liked to call it, 'bossy.' So, they decided to stay friends, before they could do anything to damage their relationship between themselves and within the band as well, because they guys loved Anna and wanted her as a permanent fixture.

"You know what isn't practical?" Niall asked, helping Liam in his diffusion.

"What Niall?" Anna asked, breaking the intense stare down her and Louis were having. There was something about Louis when they got mad at each other, that made Anna feel as though Louis was challenging her. And, in all actuality, with Louis' attitude, he probably was.

"Zayn. He is da most impractical person I have ever met in me life. Lemme tell you, he just, sometimes he just does stupid dings. I don't get'im, honestly." Anna laughed as she smoothed out her socks and undergarments and started placing the previously folded clothes in her suitcase.

"Oh, shut up Niall." Louis said, shaking his head with a small smile.

"Hey, shuddup yourself." Anna held a smile on her face, as the boys argued around her, playfully. Niall probably got shoved off the bed, four times, and he finally had enough and huffed away into the kitchen. Anna dropped the last paif of jeans into the suitcase.

"Oh, Niall!" She called, following him out into the living room. He was already in the kitchen digging through the cabinets.

"What's up, Nanner?" He asked, pushing a box of cereal out of his way.

"There's three big containers in my fridge. Uhm, chicken and broccoli alfredo, spaghetti, and corned beef hash-" Niall dashed around her and opened the fridge, practically squealing in glee. He took out each full tubberare container and then his eyes grew wide.

"Dere's anoder one? What's in dis?" He asked, pulling it out.

"Oh, right! Peach cobbler. All you have to do, is take out however much you want and heat it up. Not all of it, though, okay? I don't know exactly when I'll be back. And you'll have to share some of it, probably." Niall raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, so, you're leaving us food so we can have some of your home-cooked meals, while you're gone?" Niall asked, leaning against a counter. Anna nodded.

"Yeah, I was being nice."

"When'd you cook all this?" Liam asked, examing the containers.

"This morning, I haven't been sleeping well."

"Funnily enough, Annie, they're not going to be without you for too long." Louis said, coming to stand by her. Anna looked at the three boys, confused. Louis had the smug, 'I don't care', look on his face, Liam was opening a container, and Niall was grinning at her.


"We're flying out dree days from today!" Niall shouted. "We're comin' widya, Nanner!" Anna smiled and shook her head as Niall wrapped her in another hug.

"All of you?"

"All of us."

Oh God, you're the five best boys I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you." She kissed each boy on the cheek and gave them a hug. "Okay," She took a breath to steady herself and her feelings as she started to wipe the tears that had formed in her eyes.

"No. No crying, Annie." Louis said, pulling her to him again. "None of that."

"I told y'all, it comes in waves and then you guys being basically perfect doesn't help." The boys chuckled.

"Our pleasure, Nanner. We love you." Niall said, placing all of the containers in her freezer. "Dere. We'll bust'em out when we get back."

"Do you have anything you need to hang up?" Anna asked, looking up at Louis.

"Just the stuff for the funeral, but I've already got it in a hanging bag. Liam let me borrow his." Anna nodded, she should have known Liam helped Louis pack.

"Okay, well then I'm all ready." Liam and Louis nodded, going back into Anna's room to get her things. Liam came out, rolling one suitcase, while Louis had the other and the duffel bag. Niall opened the door with a 'Yeah buddy!' and Anna slipped the duffel bag off of Louis' shoulder and he was about to protest, but Liam shoved him out of the door before he could. Anna grabbed her purse and pulled her keys out. Liam stepped out the door and Anna followed him and she shut the door behind her, locking it tight and testing the door. Liam grabbed her forearm.

"We'll stop by after we drop you off and check it again. And again before the rest of us leave. We know how paranoid you get." He smiled and Anna hugged him again.

"It seems like I can't stop thanking you guys." She laughed and Liam followed her down the hallway and to the elevator where Louis and Niall were shouting for them to hurry up. They got out to the street and loaded Anna's luggage into the back of the car. Louis got into the driver's seat and Liam rode passenger, while Niall sat in the back with Anna, keeping her laughing by being his carefree, goofy self. Twenty minutes later, they pulled up to the airport. Anna sighed and grabbed her sunglasses, as the guys all pulled their's off the collars of their shirts. Louis parked and the quartet got out. Louis carried his own suitcase, Niall grabbed the hanging bags, and Liam refused to let Anna grab any of her own stuff, except her purse and duffel bag. Liam led them for the long walk to the front doors, Niall stayed by Anna's side, and Louis followed them, a step behind Anna. Suddenly, Louis let out a loud groan. Niall looked back at Louis from his spot next to Anna and shook his head angrily.

"Fucking bullshit." he muttered and Anna looked over at him and then behind her to Louis, who was basically on her heels.

"What's up?" She asked, looking around and then she saw it. The guys with the cameras. "It's okay guys, they don't know why we're at the airport. Just, keep walking."

" 'Atta girl, Anna. C'mon boys." Liam said, opening the door and letting them through. Thankfully, they got through baggage check perfectly fine, and were unbothered as they found seats to wait for Louis and Anna's flight to be called. It was freezing in the airport and before Anna could dig out her jacket from her carry-on duffel, Louis tugged off his zip-up hoodie and tossed it to her. Anna smiled in thanks and tugged it on, curling up in her seat and leaning against Niall.

"So, you're landing in Florida, right?" Liam asked, looking at Anna. She nodded.


"How're you getting to Louisiana den?" Niall asked, confused.

"I called Harvey before Lou came over a couple nights ago. She lives in Pensacola, born and raised. She's gonna drive us there and come for moral support."

"I'm going to be stuck in a car with you two for four hours?!" Louis exclaimed. Anna raised an eyebrow.

"No worse then being in your flat with you and Harry."

"Larry is 10x better then Hanna."

"Watch what you say, Lou. If the wrong person hears you say that, the whole band is screwed."

"I still don't get why they want us to be together so bad. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. If I was a fan, I'd want me, Harry, or one of the other boys to be with me, not with each other. You know, and how come Liam and Niall dont' get is so bad? Or Zayn and whoever. Just me and Harry."

"Because you chose to live together, probably. Who knows."

"We're going to have to tell Zayn that Harvey's gonna be there. He'll be excited." Liam said, changing the flow of the conversation. Anna smiled.

"They're so cute, I love them." She said, letting her head fall on Niall's upper arm. He moved his arm up and down a few times to annoy her and then went back to playing Angry Birds on his phone. Fifteen more minutes went by and finally Louis and Anna's flight was called. They got up and exchanged hugs with Liam and Niall.

"Alright, I know you're not a fan of heights or flying, so check in your duffel bag, okay?" Anna raised an eye and quickly checked her duffel where there was a stuffed turtle stuck inside.

"This is not Calvin, is it?" Liam smiled and nodded. The first time the boys went to America and Liam left his turtles in Anna's care, she got him Calvin so he wouldn't miss home so bad. Anna hugged Liam again. "Thank you."

"Of course, babe." Niall grabbed Anna's shoulder while Louis and Liam talked.

"Now, if you get too sick, drow up in Lou's lap and here," he kissed her cheek. "A little luck of de Irish for ya. At least until I get there." Anna laughed and gave Niall a big squeeze.

Thanks, Nialler. Love you."

"I love you too Nanner." He smiled. And then Liam and Niall stepped back to wave Louis and Anna off.

"What'd Liam say to you?" She asked, after one last wave to the boys and after getting their tickets checked. Louis sighed as they walked down the tunnel to the plane.

"To behave myself. I told him I would if you did." Anna shoved him playfully. As much as Anna had protested Louis bought them first class tickets. They found their seats and got Anna's duffel into overhead pretty easily. Anna sat next to the window and stared out of it while the rest of the plane filled up. Louis saw Anna fidgeting nervoulsy out of the corner of his eye. He stood up, opening overhead storage and grabbing Calvin out of the bag and handing him to Anna. She smiled smally and wrapped an arm around him and held him to her side. Louis sat back down and buckled his seat belt when the light came on. The flight attendants did their routine and Louis watched, bored. Like he hadn't seen it a million times already. The engines started soon after and Anna sucked in a breath. Louis heard her and grabbed her hand in his, squeezing it tightly.

"Thank you." Louis simply raised his hand to his lips and kissed it.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

"Lay off the Tomlinson charm, Lou." Louis laughed and looked over at Anna. She was smiling, but he could see the nervousness playing on her features.

"You want me to sing to you?" He whispered. Anna nodded, slowly and Louis started to sing "1,2,3,4' by The Plain White T's. The band was one of the first that they discovered they both enjoyed greatly and Anna loved the song. It was what he sang the night she told him her grandfather had passed and he figured he would be singing it a lot for the next couple of weeks. The plane took off and Anna squeezed Louis' hand. He held her hand just as tighly and continued to sing quietly to her. When they were allowed to take their seatbelts off, Anna did and cuddled up next to Louis. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her. With Calvin cuddled in her arms and her head on Louis' chest, Anna soon fell asleep. Louis smiled smally, glad he could comfort her in at least one way.
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yaaaay, the second chapter! (: They're halfway to Louisiana, where stuff will get a little juicier, promise! And you get to meet my grandma and some other real members of my crazy family. (: thanks for the comments I did get and I hope the others who didn't comment decide to.
<3 love you all. (x