All I Need Is You


Anna woke up and yawned. She stretched and looked up to see Louis' eyes closed. She moved slowly, so as not to startle him out of his sleep. She placed Calvin in his lap and opened the shade to their window. The moon illuminated the night sky and it was honestly breath taking. She sighed and sat back in her seat, slouching down. She pulled her phone out of her purse, which was tucked beside her. She had three missed calls and fifteen texts. "Jesus," She whispered, checking her missed calls. Harvey, her mom, and Gen, her sister. She decided to call everyone back when they landed. According to her phone, they were due to land in a half hour anyway. She put on her glasses and checked her texts.

Hazza: I texted Lou, too, but just wanted to wish you luck on your flight. don't be too scared, lovey! <3 :) talk to you soon, Panda.
Anna: thanks HarBear. it was alright, Liam gave me Calvin and Lou sang to me. see you soon<3

Nialler: hey! hope your flight's been okay so far. can't wait t see you again! love love love you Nanner!!! :D
Anna: thanks Nialler. it's been alright, i slept through most of it. can't wait to see you again, either. sleep tight buddy<3

Zaynie: ANNA! how was your day? hope your flights been alright. big hug to you, see you, Lou, and Harvey soonxxx
Anna: ZAYNIE! it was alright, spent it cooking and packing. hah, it's been alright, yeah. just slept through it, really. see you soon too, love. <3

Paypay: Hey babe hope ur flights been good. did calvin take care of you? ha see you soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxo ;)
Anna: heya paypay. calvin did take care of me. can't wait to see all of you. <3

Anna smiled like a fool at the texts from the boys. They were all so perfect and sweet. Always making sure she was okay. They took care of Harvey too, even if she was in America. She went to check the other six texts.

Sissy: Annalise! you smell like poop. see ya soon, love you -Gennie
Anna: Genevieve! i smell like your daily meal, then! can't wait to see you, miss you! i love you too!

bestielove<3: hey bestiiieeee. i called you, so feel special, you know i don't call people. just wanted to make sure you and the tommo were alright. text me back.
bestielove<3: i bet your dumbass is asleep. on louis's chest, hmm? i hate you. and him. god. wake up, i'm boreddd.
bestielove<3: you two disgust me with your cutes. tell him to stop taking weird pictures of you while you sleep.
Anna: what even, bestie. god i love you. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YER FACE I'M GONNA KISS IT!!! <3<3<3

Anna laughed at the first two form Harvey, but furrowed her eyebrows at the last one. She checked her last mobile update from Twitter and understood.

@Louis_Tomlinson: this beauty's asleep on my chest again. :) and this one :) yfrog.hggteq

Anna clicked the links from his tweet and groaned. Somewhere in her sleep, she'd tugged the hood of Louis' jacket up, over her head. One picture was her sleeping from above and the other was from her sleeping from the front, with Louis smiling like an idiot. The next five texts were all retweets of Louis' tweet from the boys and Harvey. Anna ran a hand through her hair and her phone vibrated repeatedly a few times in her hand. She went back to her messages and saw five new ones.

Nialler: i did sleep tight til ya woke me up. hahah, how'd you sleep. btw, we all retweetd those pics of and the tommo. haha!
Anna: yeah, i saw that. dicksss.
Nialler: you love me buddy! i'm going back to sleep. xx
Anna: i do, buddy. (:

Paypay: you are just too adorable, sleeping with calvin and stuff. off to bed, babe. nightnight xx
Anna: shut up, i hate all of you, but thanks. sleep well leeuhm.

The next three texts were from Twitter and she raised her eyebrow, intrigued.

@KelliTommo: @theeannalise @Louis_Tomlinson cuuuuuuuuuuute! where ya goin?
@1Derlandfan34: @Louis_Tomlinson, @theeannalise adorable! why r u on a plane though?
@shelbystylinson: the tommo and anna r on a plane? cute pix, but y? @theeannalise @Louis_Tomlinson

Anna sighed and decided she should probably fill in all the 1D followers she had.

@theeannalise: thanks for all your concern 1Dfam, i had a recent loss in my family and me and lou are flying into america, the others will be out in a few days.<3

Anna's phone vibrated and she saw Harvey had texted her. She checked it and laughed, Harvey was a lunatic.

bestielove: i'm sticking to my story, you and lou are icky. buy me something while your in new york, i love that place. how close are you to landing?
Anna: fifteen minutes. an hour layover and then we'll be at the disgusting pensacola airport.

Anna continues texting Harvey for the next five minutes. Ten minutes until they were to land, she turned to wake Louis up. She poked his cheek. Nothing. She shoved him once. Nothing. Twice. Nope. She sighed, and smiled at Louis. His beanie was still snug on his head, but his glasses had gone askew. "Looooouiiiiiis," She sang, shaking him slightly. He stirred and then groaned.

"I hate waking up," he said sleepily. He then opened his eyes and looked over at Anna. "However, I enjoy seeing you when I do wake up. Whether we're on a plane or not." She smiled at him and fixed his glasses. "Thanks."

"What'd I say about the Tommo charm?" He grinned. "Thanks for those fug pictures by the way."

"They're cute. Buckle youe seatbelt. Sign's on." She did as she was told and Louis checked his phone after tugging the hood over Anna's head. She groaned, but kept texting. Louis replied to all the boys, chuckling at them and then he laughed at loud. "Harvey is mental." Anna nodded.

"She is."

"She tell you what she wanted from New York?"

"Nope." He nodded and stuck his phone back in his sweatpants' pocket. He reached over and grabbed Anna's head when the pilot announced they were landing. Anna sucked in a breath and squeezed Louis' hand as she slowly exhaled. Soon, they were grabbing Anna's duffel bag from over head and were getting off the plane. They walked around until they found their next gate and once they did, they went to the gift shop to get something for Harvey. She loved New York so much, so everytime the boys were there, they'd get her something different.

"We've yet to get her an 'I Heart New York' shirt..." Louis mused as they walked around the shop.

"She's driving us to Louisana, I'd say now would be the time." Louis laughed and walked over to the shirts. Anna walked outside the shop and leaned against the wall, calling Gen.

"Hey loser."
"Hey, are you guys in New York?"
"How was the plane ride? I asked Raphael to keep you guys safe." Anna smiled at her sister's mention of the archangel. Her sister was very,... unique when it came to things like religion, food, and just life in general.
"Thanks. It was alright. I slept the whole time."
"I saw, those pictures were cute."
"Ugh, I guess."
"What're you guys doing?"
"Harv wanted something, so Louis' getting her a shirt."
"Okay. Well, I just wanted to check in."
"Okay, see you tomorrow morning, sometime."
"Alright, love you."
"Love you too." Anna hung up on her phone, replied to Harvey's text, and debating calling her mom.

"What're you doing?" Louis asked, walking up beside Anna.

"Debating on calling my mom."

"Why wouldn't you call your mum?" Anna's stomach rumbled. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah. I don't know, because she's psycho? I don't know how to handle her when she's normal and now she's all emotional and stuff, ugh." Louis laughed and walked into a restaurant that was empty. He walked up the counter and dinged the little bell.

"How cute," He said to Anna, who just smiled smally and shook her head.

"Can I help you?" The man who appeared behind the counter asked, looking tired. His strong accent stung Anna's ears. Louis smiled.

"Yeah, your sign out front said you had the best hot dogs and I want two New York dogs, please. And the lass will have two corn dogs."

"Ketchup or mustard?" The man asked, looking at Anna.

"Neither, for her corn dogs. Everything on my dogs though." The guy nodded and walked away to make thier food. Anna looked at Louis.

"You're kinda cute when you order for me." He smiled.

"I know what you like. You mind sharing a drink?"

"You can't spare to extra bucks, Louis Tomlinson?" He laughed at her raised eyebrow.

"I'm thinking practically for once in my life and you shoot me down. I'm just saying, we wouldn't waste as much, if we didn't finish it."

"But you have boy and London cooties."

"Yeah, and you've caught them both by now, so we're sharing a drink." A few minutes later, they man placed thier order in front of them. "Thanks, mate. We'll also have your largest drink." The man nodded and started to turn around then stopped.

"You're from England?" Louis hesitated for a moment and then nodded.


"You sound and look familiar. Where do I know you from? You an actor?" Louis shook his head.

"Uhm, I'm in One Direction? A band." The guys eyes widened.

"My daughter and her friends love you guys. Can you sign three napkins or something?" Louis smiled and nodded. The guy handed him three napkins and Anna gave him the Sharpie out of her purse. Louis nodded his thanks and signed all the napkins, changing each message, making them personal. He took the cup and Anna grabbed thier food and moved to a table, while Louis filled up their cup. Anna bit into a corndog and Louis came back, setting the cup on the table. He took out his phone and took a picture of his hot dogs. Anna ignored him and enjoyed her freshly cooked corndogs. Her phone virbrated twice and Louis held back a laugh. She checked her phone with a raised eyebrow, but laughed when she saw Louis' first tweet.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Look what I got for you in New York @harveydent !!!
@Louis_Tomlinson: also thanks to Aubrey, Candice, and Faith for being fans and supporting us! Your dad makes a mean NY dog Aubrey! big love ladies. xxx :)

Anna's phone vibrated again and she laughed at Harvey's angry tweet.

@harveydent: @Louis_Tomlinson i cannot stand you. go away

Louis laughed along with Anna. They finished their food, stopped by a Starbucks, and went back to their gate and sat, with twenty minutes to spare. Anna played Snake while Louis texted his mom and sisters updating them. Finally, after Anna had cursed for the seventh time, their flight was called. Louis followed Anna as they went throught motions again

Once the plane took off, Anna's hand in Louis', of course, the two watched the sunrise, talking about the memories of Anna's grandfather. "He always, always, always took me to Chuck E. Cheese."

"What?" Anna laughed.

"It's this, I guess, arcade for kids. They serve pizza and there's a mouse. It was my favorite place when I was little." Louis nodded. "He always called me Petunia, too. God, I hated it. So much. I don't even know why he called me Petunia, but he did. And we'd always go swimming in the pool. There's a picture of me when I was no more than six, I bet. He's diving, literally, diving into the pool, and I'm on his back, holding on with one hand, the other plugging my nose." She smiled at the though and Louis smiled at her.

"I've got to see that picture." He said, quietly and Anna nodded.

"He was a great man, you know."

"I'm glad I got to meet him at least once." Anna smiled and nodded.

"Me too," She whispered, remembering when Louis had met her grandfather. They'd flown Anna out during their first American tour when they were in Texas and then they flew to Louisiana so Anna could see her family. The whole band got to meet her grandparents and they absolutely loved the boys manners and gentlemen-like ways when it came to Anna. That's also when they got to meet Harvey.
Harvey and Anna met when Anna's mother took her to the beach for the first time in the sixth grade. She was 11 and so was Harvey. Anna complimented Harvey on her music choice, which was Good Charlotte, blaring out of portable radio. The two got to talking and ended up hanging out a lot that summer. Before Anna left, they were best friends. And then Harvey's family moved to Louisiana, amazingly, and they ended up going to school together.
Anna and Louis continued talking and Anna was excited for her mom to meet Louis and the boys. She never had and she probably thought Anna was slutting her way through London, when in all actuality, she had an amazing job at Milkshake City and was going to University soon. The boys did foot her bill when they all went out to eat, or to the movies, or out in general. But Anna never asked for a dime, the boys did it because they loved her and she was forever in their debt.

They had an hour left on the plane and Anna came up with the idea to play Truth. Anna had learned the game from a book by Sarah Dessens and loved it. It was a girly game and she begged Louis for five minutes, but he finally gave in. Truth, is where someone asks you a question and you have to answer it truthfully, no matter what. Louis started off. "Have you been sleeping since you found out your grandad passed?" Anna shook her head.

"Not unless I've been with you."

"Why is that?" She shrugged.

"You keep me calm, amazingly." She smiled. "I feel safe with you. I don't know, but I do know you took two turns."

"It was a follow-up question!"

"Still counts. Why do act like a lunatic?" Louis laughed.

"Because, God Anna, you know why. I'm immature. I don't want to grow up. Being an adult is boring. I mean, have you seen Liam's life. Who wants that?" Anna laughed and shook her head.

"Are you still gonna act that way when you're forty and have kids of your own?"

"Hah, kids of my own. It'll be a miracle if I can find a girl to put up with me for over a month, besides you." Anna smiled and shook her head.

"I think you're brilliant Lou." He smiled.

"Awh, Annie. Thanks." She nodded. "Anyway; maybe I'll be a little more calm, but I will embarass my children every chance I get."

"Of course. Go on, then. Your turn."

"I thinking." And he did. He thought long and hard and then he turned to Anna. "It's serious, think you can handle it?" Anna raised an eyebrow.

"I think I can. Try me."

"Do you still-" Anna's phone rang, cutting Louis off. She answered it quickly.

"Yeah Mom, that's who you called."
"Hey, honey."
"Hey. How are you?"
"Not good. Not good at all." Camille Guidry LeBlanc didn't sound all that great, either.
"I know Mom, it's hard." Anna felt the lump in her throat form instantly and she choked it back.
"It is, but, I was just calling to see how much longer."
"Oh, well, the plane'll be landing soon and then we're leaving after sleeping for a few hour's at Harvey's. Jetlag and all."
"Who's 'we'?"
"Oh, Louis. He flew over with me. Liam, Niall, Harry, and Zayn will fly to the New Orleans airport in a few days." Her mother was quiet.
"So, I'll finally get to meet them. Which one are you dating?"
"None of them, Mom. They're my friends. My best friends. Along with Harvey."
"Just friends?"
"I'm not sleeping with the band Mom." Louis held back a laugh and Anna slapped his arm. He shook with his laughter and Anna glared.
"Okay, well I'll see ya soon, honey."
"Yeah, soon. Bye Mom. Love you."
"Love you, too." Anna hung up the phone and Louis let out his laughter.

"Why'd you lie to her?" He asked, a grin on his face.

"Because of a few reasons. It was a one-time thing, we weren't sober, at all, and she doesn't deserve to know." Louis laughed some more. "Why is this so funny?"

"I honestly don't know, but it's funny as hell."

"Mm, apparently."

"Uh-oh, someone's going Liam."

"Shut up."

"Oh, Annie. She at least knows you're not a virgin, right?" Anna was silent. "Annie?" She shrugged.

"She might still think so." She muttered.

"Annie, she's your mum."

"I told my sister?" Louis shook his head.

"Wait. Did you tell her it was me?"

"Mhmm, and why does that matter?"

"Because your sister might kill me. Gen scares the shit out of me. She's insanely protective over you." She nodded.

"Yeah, I told her it was you. She's not gonna kill you. She might tease us in her weird way, but your life isn't in danger."

"God, Anna. Look, now I'm worried, alright. Is this what you wanted?"

"Well, it did shut you up pretty quickly." Louis frowned and took out his phone, checking his Twitter with a pout. "You're such a child."

"Never growing up..." He sang, scrolling through his tweets. "Ah damn. Check you mentions." Anna pulled out her phone and went to Twitter, checking her mentions.

@MissusTommo: @Louis_Tomlinson and @theeannalise are in New York?!?! eeek!
@AubreeeePayne: Thanks so much @Louis_Tomlinson y wer u in NY with @theeannalise ?
@Candygurl71: AAAAHHH!!! Got a signed napkin form @Louis_Tomlinson he was in NY w/ @theeannalise, is she from here?
@Faithless: Thanks to The Tommo! @Louis_Tomlinson I thought @theeannalise was from Louisiana, what's the funeral in NY for? She has fam here?
@Crazy1DFan: @Louis_Tomlinson & @theeannalise had a layover in NY, they're gone now. Apparently, landing in Pensacola, FL and then to Louisiana.
@Crazy1DFan: @harveydent is picking them up in FL.

"Geeze, that one is crazy," Louis muttered.

"How does she know all that?"

"No idea, but look at Harv's reply."

@harveydent: Hey @Crazy1DFan: why don't you start minding your own damn business and get your nose out of my friend's, hmm?
@harveydent: @Crazy1DFan: Anna's going through a tough time right now and she doesn't need insane people like you bothering her.
@harveydent: @Crazy1DFan: Get your own life and stay out of ours.
@harveydent: I hate being a bitch to the 1DFam, but some of them are literally, insane. God. Thanks to those who are being respectful.

"Guess I need to add something." Louis muttered, starting to tweet, but Anna stopped him.

"Look at what the boys said."

@NiallOfficial: @theeannalise is my best friend and you guys giving out her info and personal stuff is very upsetting. she's going through a death in her family, pls be better than this, guys. xx
@zaynmalik: i hate getting on here and seeing stuff like this. fans fighting and stuff. be respectful guys. i've been where @theeannalise has been and it sucks when people are freaking out. just chill guys xxx
@Real_Liam_Payne: really guys? @theeannalise is dealing with a really tough thing rn and ur all making it harder. thx 2 the fans who are being respectful n sending her well wishes. xx
@Real_Liam_Payne: AND UR SENDING HATE? Just cuz she's with Louis? C'MON GUYS UR BETTER THAN THIS.
@Harry_Styles: I am outraged. Chill out guys. No one needs this. @theeannalise loves you guys and your being rude. Not cool.

Anna sighed and looked at Louis, who was tweeting.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Harvey's yelled at you all and so have the boys, so I won't...
@Louis_Tomlinson: but this really pisses me off when you freak out over a little thing like me flying with my best friend to help her deal with this...
@Louis_Tomlinson:If you come to me while I'm in America, don't expect me to acknowledge you. big love to you all, but seriously. xxxx

@theeannalise: I do love you guys and thanks to the fans that are being chill and to the ones that aren't, I'm not mad, you love these boys as much as I do.
@theeannalise: but think about it. you're making your favorite people mad. and they're disappointed in you. did you want that?
@theeannalise: like i said, i DO love you. and thanks for all the follows, you guys are amazing at times.

Anna and Louis sighed at the same time. "You can say hi to people Louis. You always say you're nowhere without them..."

"Well, yeah, when they're being nice. It's really upsetting when the people I owe my life to do this. It wouldn't be such a big deal if they weren't sending you hate. Have you seen it?"

"I don't read it. No point." Louis sighed.

"I love you Annie. I will stand up for you until the day I die."

"I know Louis, I love you too. Same goes for me. You're my best friend. You know things about me Harvey doesn't."

"Well, I had sex with you. That's my right." She shoved him.

"You cannot be serious for more than a minute." He laughed. Anna's phone vibrated. "Uh-oh..." Louis laughed.

Paypay: sorry about the mess on twitter Anna. very upsetting.
Zaynie: DON'T GO ON TWITTER. It's a madhouse right now!
Hazza: are you guys okay? the fans are being little shits.
thetommo<3: i love you. :)

Anna replied to Harvey, the boys, and even Louis. "Ten minutes 'til we land, m'love." Louis said. Anna grabbed Calvin in one hand and Louis' hand in the other.

"Thanks Lou."

"Well, just thought I'd let you know."

"I meant for everything."

♠ ♠ ♠
okay, so this screwed up the first time, so, fixed it. (:
thanks guys<3