Let The Music Play

Chapter 21

Bobs POV

Ha ha, they’re pregnant. I wondered what Frank’s mom would think of this, and Emily’s mom, and my mom. Well, she likes a bit of gossip… No one else on the bus seemed to think it was very funny; they were just staring at the stairs (heh heh… Yay for words that sound similar) with their mouths hanging open. Well, time to lighten the mood…

“Hey guys…” they very slowly tore their eyes away from the oh-so-interesting stairs. “At least I haven’t got the craps anymore…” My stomach gave a loud gurgle that obviously proved me wrong. “…Well, nearly…” And with that I ran to the bathroom and plonked myself down. Don’t you just hate it when the toilet seats cold? Most uncomfortable, I must say. Wait, I sound like the Queen… that’s never good. I’m meant to be the bad ass drummer from a rock group. Quick, do something manly… Ah, a razor! And Shaving cream! I know exactly what I’ll do…


“And look, I even got around the knee!” Okay, so shaving my legs wasn’t the manliest of things to do, but after I’d finished shaving my chin, and then clipped my toenails, I was pretty bored. Emi, Trish and Sarah were gathered around me, admiring my work. Huh, I’d never have thought that by shaving my legs I’d become a babe magnet. Interesting… Gerard and Mikey had given up on watching the stairs (and I can’t say I blame them; Inanimate objects can be slightly dull after a while) and were occupying themselves with rock magazines. From the angle I was sitting at, I could just about see that Mikey was actually reading a porn magazine that he was hiding. Poor boy. He’s not a babe magnet like moi.

“Gah, the tension is killing me!” Emi cried, making everyone jump. “I’m so bored! Okay, that’s enough. Either someone entertain me, now, or I go upstairs and annoy those two lovebirds.” Nobody moved, they just stared at her blankly. “What, you want me to disturb the lovebirds?” she was answered by a mute chorus of nods. “But… But… I was bluffing! Don’t make me go up there!” she whined.

“Too late, Emi-kin,” Said Gerard, making use of the new nickname he had created for her. (it contained the first part of her first name and the last part of her surname) “Technically, you just volunteered.” She scowled at him angrily.

“You’ll pay. Oh yes, you will pay…” He giggled but once he saw the look on her face and the daggers in her eyes, he whimpered. She growled and stalked upstairs.

We waited for about four seconds after she had disappeared from view, and then jumped on the highest objects we could find as quietly as we could (the table, the sofa… Frank stacked up the guitar cases that were lying around and stood on them, but he still couldn’t reach the ceiling because he’s such a little titch) and pressed our ears to the ceiling. At first I didn’t hear anything, but then I started to make sense of the muffled voices above me.

“…just wasn’t meant to happen! I don’t know where we went wrong. We used protection and everything!!

“Shh, just calm down Frank. Have you considered what you’re going to do?” Emi soothed. Wow, she could be a really good agony aunt when she wanted to be. There was a creak as someone sat down on the bed, and a sniff. It sounded like Emily.

“Well… There are a few obvious ones. I suppose we could keep it, but we should probably talk about other things… adoption, letting our parents take care of it, abortion…”

Not an option!” Emily hissed, loudly. I nearly fell off the table.

“Yeah, sorry Frank, but Emily’s been against that since high school.” Wow, Emily sure did like to plan ahead. I heard Frank sigh.

“Whatever, I’m not getting into the ‘when does life begin’ argument… You know Emily; whatever you want to do is fine by me. I’ll go by your choice. You are the mother after all; you’re the most important person in the world to this baby.” Trish and Sarah both ‘aww’ed at that. Gerard shushed them.

“I just… Okay, you’re going to think I’m crazy, but… I feel connected to this baby. And, even though we’re really young, I’m so prepared. My mum’s a child minder so I know exactly how to handle babies. Plus, that means that she can look after it if we’re touring. What do you think?” Another creak as Frank sat down next to Emily.

“Emily, I love you. Let’s do this.”

Oh my God.

They’re keeping it, they’re keeping it, they’re keeping it, they’re keeping it, they’re keeping…
♠ ♠ ♠

A chapter!!!

How long has it been?!

Wow, I am genuinely shocked at myself. Shocked to the very core.