Panic With a Paramore and a Little Bit of Romance


The next day the boys started spying. Since it would be pretty obvious if sixteen guys were hanging around near a demon hiding place only four of them went. Fall Out Boy went, they were sending one band at a time with Mikey going with Paramore.

“I am bored,” Rachel said while we sat in the living room.

“I have an idea,” Stacie said with a smile. “Shopping!”

“Yes!” we shouted.

“What’re you shouting about?” Zac asked as most of the guys came into the room.

“We want to go to the mall!” Hayley said.

“Who’s coming with us?” Kat asked.

In the end we had Zac, Frank, Jeremy, Ryan, Spencer, and Mikey coming. Everyone else made a list of what they needed while we got ready. Then we went out to the cars. They had four. The two we were taking were seven seater vans. One was silver, black, and purple and the other was green with orange around the doors. Kat, Frank, Rachel, Zac, Stacie, and Jeremy were in the silver one and Ryan, Mikey, Spencer, Hayley, and I were in the green one.

The ride to the mall took an hour and the ride was crazy! Mikey drove, Spencer was in the passenger seat; Ryan and I were in the middle row, and Hayley and the back to herself. The radio was on but no one would agree on what to listen to. Whenever the station was changed it would bring on a whole other round of arguments. Finally we settled on just having no music. Then Hayley got bored and wanted to play I Spy but no one else would play with her so she hit Ryan and shouted,

“Punch buggy! No punch back!” and pointed to a yellow Volkswagon that was passing us.

“No fair!” Ryan shouted back.

That started the buggy war. When we finally pulled into the parking lot Spencer won with fifteen buggies. Once the cars parked the girls and I were out of the car and running to the entrance.

“Don’t run in front of cars!” Zac shouted after us, trying to catch up.

We were already inside and trying to decided where to go. After some debating with the guys we ran off to Hot Topic.

This one was a lot better then the one by my old house. We started searching around for some cool stuff. Rachel skipped over to Kat and me and we followed her to where Stacie and Hayley were standing.

“Look at these!” Rachel said, holding up a pair of pants. They were checkered skinny jeans with black checkers and each pair was a different colored pair.

“We should all get a pair!” Hayley said, bouncing in place. She was really excited to be out of the house.

We started looking through the pants, trying to find the perfect pair. Hayley got an orange pair, Stacie and Kat got purple, Rachel got pink, and I got red. We showed the boys what we were getting then continued to look.

After and hour we had everything we needed and everything the guys had wanted from there we paid and left. Then we let the guys decide where to go.

“What about the music store?” Jeremy suggested.

It was a great idea so we headed off to the nearest music store. It had instruments, CDs, records, music books, and basically everything else needed for music. This was a big mall.

“Hey, Lyn?” Ryan said.


“We never asked, do you play any instruments?”

“Guitar for about a year.”

“You should play when we get home.”

“I’m not really good.”


“Fine I’ll play.”

“Yay!” he made a show of jumping up and down like a little girl.

“That’s not odd at all,” I joked.

He stuck his tongue out and went over to Spencer who was looking through some of the records.

When everyone had gotten their things we went to Barnes and Nobles. Stacie and I immediately went to the teen/young adult section. We read the most out of everyone so this place was like a mini heaven.

After Barnes and Nobles we shopped around a little longer until about five. Then the guys thought we’d spent enough. The last store we went to was Bath and Body Works because that store is just amazing.

We switched the seating around in the van before we left. Ryan drove and I sat in the passenger seat, Mikey and Hayley sat in the middle because they wanted to have thumb wars the whole time, and Spencer sat in the back with the bags and he was going to be the judge for the games.

“So how’d you like the trip?” Ryan asked me when we were on the road.

“It was probably the funniest time at the mall I’ve ever had,” I laughed as Hayley lost a game to Mikey and started shouting.