Panic With a Paramore and a Little Bit of Romance


We had the cake after dinner then had a movie marathon with Gerard and Brendon’s favorite movies. I was sitting between Ryan and Andy on the floor.

Gerard chose some horror movie and Brendon chose Peter Pan. We watched the horror movie first and it scared me so much! I spent half the time jumping or holding Andy or Ryan’s hands. Whenever I screamed everyone would laugh a little, apparently this wasn’t the first time they’d watched it. It was the middle and the girl was trying to find someone. Everything was quiet. She opened the door and right when she flicked on the light someone grabbed my shoulders. I screamed bloody murder!

I spun around to see Rachel laughing.


“Sorry! It was just too perfect!” she laughed out.

“Ok, enough torturing the human!”

The movie finished with no more incidents and Brendon happily put Peter Pan on.

Even though it was never my favorite Disney movie I was really happy that it was on. Brendon knew most of the lines and sometimes had people yelling at him to shut up.

“Brendon! For the last time, stop singing!” Bob yelled as Brendon sang along to Following the Leader.

“But it’s almost my birthday! I can do what ever I want,” he smirked.

“Nuh uh! You can only do whatever you want on your actual birthday! Not before and not after!” Bob argued.

“You’re just jealous that your birthday’s not until December,” Brendon taunted.

Joe paused the movie and we watched the fight continue. Brendon continued to taunt Bob and Bob just got more annoyed. After about fifteen minutes Bob jumped up and tackled Brendon. They flew off the couch and onto the coffee table in front of Ryan, Andy, and me with a crash.

Before I could scream Ryan had picked me up and brought me away from them.

“Shouldn’t someone stop them?” I whispered.

Ryan smirked. “Nah, they’ll stop eventually. This happens every year.”

“Bob and Brendon fight?”

“It’s not always them. It varies depending on the birthday but it’s usually two guys, the girls normally win the fights verbally.”

“And the reason’s only because you get annoyed during the movies?”

“No,” he chuckled. “The reason varies. Sometimes it’ll be because of the movies or because someone blew out to many candles it it’s more then one person’s cake.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yep. That’s why the cakes usually have two parts. You should see us when we get a piñata. We usually do that about every five years. So the next one is probably next year.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Hey, you two!” Kat shouted over the noise. “You’re cleaning up all messes!”

“I don’t think they’re listening to you,” Frank said, hugging her.

She sighed. “I know.”

Eventually Brendon and Bob stopped fighting and they were laughing!

“That lasted longer then usual,” Brendon said.

“Must’ve been Captain Hook sending us bad vibes,” Bob laughed.

“Guys, I hate to be the party pooper but you do have to clean up the mess and bring up a new coffee table,” Kat sighed.

“Next birthday we should just move everything to a different room,” Stacie suggested.

While Brendon and Bob cleaned up, Brendon complaining very loudly that this wasn’t very birthday-ly, we had a card game. We paired up and I just watched them, the only card game I know is Go Fish. Around three in the morning I started falling asleep and the last thing I remember is someone picking me up and walking out of the room.
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Sorry I'm not updating much but I'll try to go faster. I'm working on three other stories, in the process of moving, and trying to finish all the Harry Potter books by July 21 (I'm almost done with the Sorcerer's Stone) though. So sorry again if it takes a little for the chapters to come out.