Panic With a Paramore and a Little Bit of Romance


The room had light blue walls and tie-dye rugs. There was a pool table, foosball table, some arcade games, and ping pong.

“You all like color don’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah, plus it’s fun painting all the rooms!” Kat said.

“If we paint a new room sometimes we’ll have a paint war to make it crazier,” Stacie said while she and Jeremy set up the pool table.

“Who’s playing what?” Zac asked.

“Pool!” Stacie, Jeremy, and Rachel yelled.

“Foosball!” Hayley, Kat, and Frank yelled louder.

“What do you want to do?” Ryan asked.

“I don’t know, I guess watch.”

“Come on Lyn, play something!” Rachel said, getting a pool stick.

“How about ping pong?”

“Perfect, come on.” Ryan grabbed my hand and led me over to the ping pong table. He handed me a pink and orange paddle that had a ribbon around the handle. “Rachel,” Ryan said when I held up the paddle.

He started the game and I shrieked when it almost hit me. He laughed a little and I attempted to serve. I suck at ping pong. After ten minutes Ryan just took the net down and we played soccer using the ping pong ball and paddles.

“What happened?” Stacie asked, coming over with Jeremy while Rachel and Zac started their game of pool.

“I did horribly.” I said, passing Ryan the ball. “And I kept getting hit.”

“You’re not supposed to hit her,” she said to Ryan.

“It’s not my fault!”

“Yeah it went left and instead of going right I went left,” I admitted.

They just gave me these looks like I was crazy. Then Hayley shouted and started doing a victory dance. Frank was trying to figure out what he did wrong and Kat was putting a tally mark on a chalk board that had everyone’s names on it.

“I’m guessing she won,” I said, pointing to Hayley.

“Yeah. Every time someone wins at foosball they get a tally and whoever has the most at the end of the year wins. It’s usually between Hayley, Ray, and Jon.” Kat explained.

“Who won last year?”

“Jon by a few points.”

“Hey everyone,” Gerard said, coming into the room. “Pete just called. He said they couldn’t find any other demons in Jersey so they’re coming over to go through some things. They also want to meet Lyn.”

“When should they be here?” Rachel asked.

“Two days. They want to keep a look out for one more day then they’ll leave tomorrow.”

“We have to clean then!” Kat said.

“Joy,” Gerard said sarcastically while walking away.

Rachel got all of us to leave the game room and go downstairs to where the boys were still playing video games. They turned off the game and everyone sat down around the living room.

“Ok the boys are coming in two days,” Rachel started.

“Which means we have to clean up the place,” Kat finished. “Everyone does their own room. Frank and I will do the bathrooms since no one else will. Rachel, you’ll do kitchen right?” she nodded. “Who wants here and the game room?” Hayley, Ray, Jon, and Josh raised their hands. “Ok but don’t play foosball the whole time. Downstairs?” Gerard, Stacie, Jeremy, and Brendon raised their hands. “Got it. And you four will do outside?” she asked Zac, Ryan, Mikey, and Bob. They nodded.

“What do you need me to do?” I asked.

“You didn’t make any of the mess.”

“I still want to help.”



We started cleaning. The next two days were spent with us cleaning, playing music, and watching movies. Wednesday morning I was woken up by the girls jumping on my bed.

“What time is it?” I asked, sitting up.

“Seven twenty-three,” Stacie said.

“Why’d you wake me up so early?”

“Cause the guys are coming at nine so we thought you would want time to get ready.”

“My turn to pick an outfit!” Hayley yelled before running into the closet. “Got it!” she said coming out a few minutes later. She was holding a black skirt, purple pants with black stars, and a black and purple thermal that had diamonds on it.

I took the clothes into the bathroom and took my shower. When I changed into the outfit Rachel blow dried and straightened my hair. When we were all done getting ready it was eight thirty-five. We headed down to the living room and found all the guys sitting there.

“Why do you take so long to get ready?” Brendon asked.

“Because we do,” Kat said, sitting on Frank.

There was a lot of knocking at the door a half hour later and Rachel shot up and ran out of the room. The door opened and Rachel greeted someone. She came into the living room smiling and behind here were four guys.