Status: In the works. Looking for lots of comments

Look for You

Chapter 12

I woke to the sound of my phone buzzing on the other side of the room. I opened my eyes and looked around, half confused. It took me a minute to realize I was lying naked in bed with an equally naked Isabella curled up against my chest. I smiled and brought my hand up to my face and rubbed my eyes.

Quietly and slowly, I slipped out from her grip and shuffled over to my trousers. I grabbed the phone from my pocket and looked at it. Louis was calling. I quickly pulled on my boxers and trousers. I tip toed from the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Redialing Lou’s number, I sat down at the table. “What do you want?”

“My car and your butt ready for work.” My eyes moved to the clock on the stove. It was nearly 9am. We were due to work at 9:30 so we could open at 10. I groaned lightly and let my head fall on the table. “Long night I assume?”

“Not exactly, Jimmie and Niall were only gone about an hour.” I helped myself to a coffee. “I’ll get my things and be home soon.” I said, “Pull out a shirt and jeans for me?” I hung up the phone and quietly climbed the stairs. There were little noises coming from Fae’s room, I assumed she was up and playing with her toys. I moved down the hall and into Bella’s room. She was still asleep as I collected my shirt. I smiled at her as she slowly rolled over, the covers slipping down and resting on her waist.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, when they found me, she frowned. “Where are you going?” She asked; her voice tired and soft.

“Work.” I pulled my shirt on and walked over, kissing her lips lightly.

“Call me later then.” She kissed me back.

I grabbed the car keys from the kitchen counter and headed out the door. I started the car and headed to the house. When I got there, I quickly got dressed and grabbed a beanie. I pulled it over my messy curls and met Lou at the door. He grabbed the keys from me and drove us to work.

The day went by slowly. I worked the machines when we were busy as Lou took orders. There wasn’t much of a morning rush, but by lunch time, the place was nearly over packed. With just Lou and I working, it was hard. Days like these I just wanted to curl up in the corner and hide. We talked to Mark, our boss, about hiring someone else to work with us, he insisted that these rushes were rare, we didn’t need the help.

I was one to argue though. I knew that people were angry, people were simply on a lunch break and if they got here mid-rush, they’d probably be late to get back to work. I felt bad. Neither Lou nor I took a break that day. There was no time. We closed up and headed home.

When we got back, I took my phone out to call Isabella, but Lou stole my phone. “Calling less than 24 hours after?” He raised an eyebrow and looked at me, “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” I reached for the phone, he pulled back.

“Lou, come on!” I growled, but he refused. “It’s still me, dude.” I shook my head and looked at him, “I just really like her. It’s not some stupid one night stand. That was me back home. I’ve changed.”

Louis smiled and tossed me my phone. “Good for you, mate.” I took the phone and called Isabella.

We talked for a while, made plans for next weekend and hung up. My head was spinning. I was actually with a girl who wanted nothing more than love, honesty and loyalty from me. She didn’t expect anything more. Bray was the needy type; she was materialistic and always wanted something. All my past girlfriends were that way as well. Probably why when I had the chance, I went for a one night stand.

I wasn’t into the needy girls. It was true, I loved to spoil them, but it wasn’t as genuine if they expected it. So far, she hasn’t asked for a thing. She even got mad when I bought the doll for Fae. Issy was my dream girl, there was no way I’d let her go.

I spent the rest of the night hanging out with the guys. Niall had gotten home around 8. We all sat down and watched a few movies. I had retreated to bed first, I was still tired from the night before, there wasn’t much sleeping being done. We spent a lot of the time talking and cuddling. It wasn’t a night full of physical stuff; I wanted an intellectual relationship with her as well. Bray and I never really talked. Needless to say, I never slept with her either, but we didn’t talk much. It was hard to even remember much about her. I didn’t know her family, I hardly knew her friends, and she didn’t care for mine. It was a failed relationship from the start.

The great thing about Isabella was the fact that my friends already loved her. She was kind and caring. All the guys seemed to love Fae, even though Louis and Liam haven’t met her, the rest loved the girl to pieces. Bella was perfect in the guys eyes. They saw how much I liked her and didn’t care when I talked about her. They supported me through the chase. She was beyond perfect for me.

I had fallen asleep around 11pm. I woke up at 7am and started the shower. I let the water rush over my skin as I lathered the soap in my hands. I quickly cleaned my body and then my hair. I stepped out and shaved. Pulling on my boxers and jeans, I headed out the bathroom, downstairs and to the kitchen. While the water boiled for some tea, I ate a banana.

Niall and Zayn came down and started going through the cupboards for food. Niall was eating cereal and Zayn made toast. When the water for the tea had finally boiled, I made myself a cup and sat down at the kitchen table. All was quiet until Zayn decided to bring up the bet. “I won.” I said simply. Niall sat opposite me and glared.

“You cheated.” He crossed his arms.

“How did I cheat? I was just playing the games, if anything, the carnies cheated, not me.” I smiled at him, “How is Jimmie’s fish? She name him?” Niall rolled his eyes.

He nodded and pushed his bowl away, eyeing the left over pizza from dinner. “Hedwig.” I smiled, ah, so she was a Harry Potter fan? Good choice.

I stood to run up the stairs and grab my laptop, Zayn called for me to wake the other two, so I did in the process. The boys got dressed and we met up in the living room, I set my laptop and webcam up and pressed record, I could cut out the awkwardness before I posted the video. We all sat down on the couch, overlapping our legs with Louis sitting on top of us all. I smiled at the camera, “Hey guys!” The guys all said hey as well. “So you have been asking us lately about what we call ourselves. What is our bands name?” I looked at the guys; they inhaled to say the name when Niall interrupted.

“Niall and the Potatoes!” We all looked at him funny then turned back to the camera.

We laughed slightly and started again, “We are One Direction!” We managed to say somewhat in sync.

Louis quickly took over the video and I think we all knew I felt relieved, I was still a bit awkward, though I loved the attention; I needed to work on my skills. Besides, Louis and Liam were always our leaders. “We want to thank you for supporting us and our very first song together as a group. We hope to have more up for you soon.”

Liam added, “We love you guys, keep subscribing and commenting.” We all said bye. I pushed Louis off from me and got up to turn the cam off, laughter filling the room. “I don’t know about you guys, but I think this is going to be the best thing to happen to me since we got here.” I would have agreed, but I found Issy and Faelyn. If she felt nearly as addicted to me as I am to her, this was going to be a long relationship.

I cut out the awkward beginning and left the end, it was nice and comedic, just what we stood for. We were not put together pop stars, oh God no. We were best friends having a blast singing, that was all that matter. We wanted to be ourselves, no one would change that. For however long we do these videos, if we ever make it somewhere, we knew we’d never change for anyone but ourselves. Sure, our fans mattered, but if they couldn’t accept that we are not super posh, well put together, obedient guys, they would need to step back and check themselves. We were loud and random, fun and crazy. We were nice and kind, happy and free. Nothing would stop us now.

I uploaded the video and exited from YouTube.
♠ ♠ ♠
Does it suck as much as I think it does?

I want them, give me feed back. ♥