Status: In the works. Looking for lots of comments

Look for You

Chapter 17

“Harry! Isabella!” Bang. Bang. Bang. “Let’s go you lazy bums!” I groaned as Eleanor continued to hit the door. Louis soon joined in. I turned to Issy who was rubbing her eyes.

“Looks like we need to get going.” She smiled at me and hopped out of her bed. She opened her suitcase and pulled out a black shirt, a pink shirt with a shiny bow printed on it and a brown hoodie. I silently watched her change.

Halfway through, she turned and glared my way. She tossed her shirt at me. “Up and at ‘em, Har.” She rolled her eyes as I tossed the shirt back at her and got myself dressed. I wore what I always wear, jeans and a v-neck, tossing on one of my blazers over. It was a little chilly outside, being October.

We met everyone in the hotel lobby. Jimmie was wearing a “London Calling” shirt with a mustache. Good choice if you ask me. A mustache necklace with the Union Jack printed on it, jeans and Niall’s purple hoodie. El stood beside Louis in a flower embroidered shirt, a light pink blazer and black skinny jeans.

Louis was wearing jeans and one of his many striped shirts, a simple hoodie covered the shirt. Niall was in jeans, a plain red shirt and a black hoodie. Liam and Zayn were nowhere to be found, they had left early to see their families, far too excited to wait. So the rest of us started walking around the Shoppe’s.

Eleanor was going crazy; she was buying at least one thing per store and saying, “its school shopping, I need these.” With a smile. The girls were always walking ahead of us guys. We didn’t complain, we just talked quietly to each other and watched as the girls squealed with glee when they found something they wanted.

As we walked, we saw some old friends. The girls would be going through one place and us guys would talk to a friend. We would tell them the good news and they would pat us on the back and congratulate us. Problem was, I didn’t know if I was going to take the offer.

I never let the thoughts bother me, though. I still had to surprise my mom with Issy and spend a day with them before flying back. I could see Is going slightly insane without her baby. She covered it up by looking at clothes, but she hardly tried anything on and she had one bag to the others 3 or 4.

We stopped in a couple baby clothing Shoppe’s. This only made her even more depressed. I watched helplessly as she picked out some clothes for Fae.

Us guys sat outside while they finished up. We all quietly walked back to the hotel and just as I had predicted before we even got here, I saw the last person I wanted to see.

She was wearing a black pencil skirt and blazer with a see-through gray lace shirt under the blazer. She was rushing toward me, her black heels clicking against the pavement. She sounded like a horse. “Harry!” She screamed. Her hair was pinned back in a low bun. I tried to ignore her and move forward, but her long manicured fingers wrapped around my wrist. “Hazzy.” She smiled and hugged me, I hugged back half heartedly.

“Hello, Bray.” I turned to Issy, who quietly rocked on her heels and played with her fingers.

“Someone told me they saw you walking around and I just had to see for myself.” I scanned my eyes over her again and rested them on the necklace around her neck. A diamond cross sat against her light skin. I remembered buying it, it took a whole paycheck and a half to get it. I looked at her again. “Where are Liam and Zayn?” Clearing my throat I turned to everyone else.

“They went to go visit family. I’m only here for the day.” I turned back to her. “This is Eleanor, Louis’ girl, Jimmie, Niall’s girl and Issy.” I smiled at her as she looked up at me, “My girlfriend.”

Bray turned to Issy and extended her hand, Isabella grabbed it and shook it slightly. “I’m Bray. Harry’s ex.” There was a gleam in Bray’s eyes as Issy dropped the girl’s hand. “He left me for the Big Apple. Seems he met a lovely bunch.”

I went to say something, but stopped. “You haven’t changed.” I said, my eyes meeting her stomach, the skin peeking through the lace.

“I had a job interview, showing a little skin always helps, you know?” Her smile was directed toward Isabella.

“Well, we have to go. Bye.” I turned and grabbed my girlfriend’s hand, walking away before Bray could say anything else.

When we got back to the hotel, Issy started taking out her new clothes, folded them and placed them in her suitcase. “Where are we staying tomorrow?”

I still hadn’t told her we were meeting with my mother, so I named a random hotel and smiled. She nodded and continued packing her clothes. She pulled out an outfit for tomorrow and jumped in the shower.

I was left to sit in the room, the only thing I could do was wonder how I was going to break the news to Issy. How I was going to ask her to come with me. I was in love with her, I didn’t want to leave her behind. Everything that Bray said didn’t help either. I didn’t regret our relationship, I merely wished it never happened. There is a difference. I had fun at first, but then she drained me. I left her because she was a gold digging bitch and I didn’t have much money.

I wasn’t worried about Issy ever doing that, I could see her standing beside me before every concert, wishing me luck and telling me to have fun. I could see her refusing money and yelling at me for buying Fae a new toy. Simon saw One Direction going far, if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have flown us to London and paid for nearly everything.

When Issy got out of the shower, she came out and hugged me. “Sorry about the silent treatment…I just didn’t expect to meet any of your ex girlfriends. Honestly, I never thought of you having one.” She kissed my cheek, her wet hair dripping on my shirt.

I laughed and leaned in to bite her lip. “Do you think I’m the type of guy that could never get a girlfriend?” She giggled and pulled back.

“Not what I said. You seem like the type of guy that could have a new girl every night. I just never wanted to think of you with anyone else.”

She stood and went to blow dry her hair before putting it in a high bun. I changed and hopped into bed as I waited for her. When Issy was done, she joined me in bed. I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels, stopping when I noticed the Notebook playing. We cuddled through the movie and quickly fell asleep after.
♠ ♠ ♠
Girls Shopping

Okay, sorry it's a bit short AND I wont be home for the next 3 days, my real mom is getting surgery and I have to go to Maine to be with her. 4 hour car ride and then fun stuff.

Anyway, yell at me if I don't have a new chapter by the 17th.

xx Bambi ♥