Status: In the works. Looking for lots of comments

Look for You


Today is the day. I’m standing here in the large back room of the church with my 4 best friends. I’m nervous. Not nervous for what is about to happen, but nervous I’ll mess up. I don’t know how I am going to concentrate on the ceremony.

“You ready?” Liam asks as I straighten my tie. I look at him and nod.

We walk to the front of the church, saying hi to people on our way. I can’t keep my hands still; I can’t stop moving my body. I’m swaying slightly. Louis pokes me, it’s his job to keep me in line, he is my best man. I look at my mom, who sits in the front row on the left side of the church with my family and friends. I look over at the other side and see Jimmie’s mom and dad. They smile at me and give me a thumbs up.

Danielle waves from the back of the church. Liam straightens himself up and walks to meet her. The music starts playing and everyone turns. Faelyn tosses little homemade paper butterflies on the ground. Some were made by guests, a request Issy made in the invites, some were made by us guys, some were sent in by fans. We’d see more of the paper butterflies in the mail for a while now, but it meant a lot to Issy and I. I smile as Fae tosses them directly in the air and watches them fall. She finally makes it to the front and sits with Jimmie’s parents.

The girls come out next. Jimmie, El, Dani and Perrie. They all carry a single calla lily. The music changes and my eyes lock on the door. The moment I see her, I feel like crying. The entire world stops. My eyes move over her beautiful dress, the little flowers in her hair, her smile. Everything is perfect. She is perfect.

Liam kisses her cheek and hands her to me. She moves up and stands beside me. We look at the preacher, but my eyes wonder back to her. I know he is talking, I know he is marrying us right now, but all I wanted to do was look at her. And I do.

She turns to me and smiles, takes my hand and sighs. The words, “I do.” Leave her lips and I snap out of my momentary thoughts.

“And do you, Harry Edward Styles, take Isabella Penelope Day, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part.”

I look in my fiancés eyes one last time, “I do.”

“I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Without hesitation, I kiss her. I kiss her so passionately. We part and look out at our friends and family. Some are crying, some are cheering and clapping and some are doing both. We quickly make our way down the aisle.

“You guys know where the party is, see you there!” I shout, grabbing my bride and carrying her to the car.


“Okay, okay! Everybody, Niall and I have a special video we want to share with our friends.” Jimmie smiles at us and turns to Niall who starts the video.

Niall and Jimmie are sitting in Niall’s old room from the New York flat. They speak to the camera, “We have an evil plan. No one in this house knows about it.” Jimmie starts.

“It’s sort of a secret project.” Niall says.

The camera is turned and they start walking. They enter my old room and point the camera at me. I have the covers clear up to my face as I sleep. “Harry hasn’t met me yet.” Jimmie says quietly. “I don’t stay long, sort of shy, you know.” She laughs quietly.

They walk out of the room and close the door. “Harry was up late playing video games again. He is in a slump, has been since we arrived in New York.” Niall explained as they walk outside. They get in Jimmies car and put the camera on the dash. “Jimmie and I, being the amazing people we are, want to help him.” The clip stops and starts again, they are still in the car. “Okay, so we are at Jimmie’s place now. She has a roommate.” The camera is being lifted.

Niall is holding the camera as Jimmie unlocks the door. They sneak up the stairs and walk to the end of the hall. Jimmie grabs the camera and walks in Issy’s room. “This is Issy, she’s sort of a loner.” The camera zooms in and on Fae, “This is Fae, she’s Issy daughter and the reason Issy is also in a slump.”

The two sneak out of the room and sit in the hallway. “We want to help our friends out. Our project, our evil plan is to get them to meet and possibly fall in love.” Niall smiles, “It’s a long shot, but we are going to try.” Niall and Jimmie kiss quickly. “We’ll see what happens.”

The clip cuts again and this time we see Issy and I in the park, the day I met Fae. My heart starts pounding as I remember the events. You can’t hear us, but you can see the arguing. I rush off, I know where I go. “Will you turn that thing off? I knew we shouldn’t have had this party here.” Issy shouts at whoever is operating the camera. The clip cuts and switches to my return. It’s when I give Fae the doll.

The clip changes again, this time it’s recording through a window. I immediately recognize the setting. The night of our first date. I am walking her to the door. I am waiting and then we kissed. The camera is suddenly dropped on the couch, it’s filming the floral pattern as Issy speaks, “He’s amazing.”

The camera cuts again, this time to a video of Fae and I playing with Baby. Suddenly it’s all just short clips of the time Issy and I spent together. Then it’s back on Niall and Jimmie. “Our plan was to get them to meet, maybe go on a date. We succeeded.” Niall said.

The date was just before our trip to London. Then there was a big jump in time. A year later, it skips to a video of Jimmie and Niall with Mickey Mouse in the background. “We had a plan, we got them to meet in the club and when our plan fell through a year ago, we didn’t lose hope. We sort of pushed these two back together, starting with our wedding. We knew the moment they’d see each other, all the feelings they pushed aside would resurface. As we speak, Issy is moving in an apartment in London.”

Then it’s a clip of the beach trip. I was worried about paparazzi, when all along I should have worried about Niall and Jimmie. It starts on Niall as he plays the guitar and then it’ the entire song. The camera zooms on Issy and I as I go off in my mini rant and ask her to marry me. Then it was of our kiss. I smiled and looked at Issy then back at the monitor for Jimmie and Niall’s last message. “We knew you two were perfect for each other.” Jimmie said.

“This was Operation Nando’s.” Jimmie looked at Niall and smacked him. “Sorry, I’m hungry!” Everyone in the room laughed. “Fine, this was the secret project. We didn’t know what to expect when we started, we didn’t expect to get this far without anyone. Actually, it all sort of worked out on its own. We just got them to the places they needed to be.”

“Anyway,” Jimmie said, turned to Niall. “If you are watching this, then you better hide the wedding cake. Niall’s totally eyeing it right now.”

Then at the same time, they both said. “Congratulations, we love you guys.” And the video ended.

I didn’t think it was possible, that our fates were planned, and that someone pushed us together. I most of all didn’t expect my entire relationship recorded and chopped up into a 10 minute video. But rather than be mad at the two, I thanked them. They pushed me to the love of my life, to my future and now, my wife. There was no reason to be mad. Just to feel a little violated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo hoo!

I wasn't sure if I was going to do this ended, but I felt it was best.
I mean, how could Jimmie and Niall be at the same club, while dating, and not know it? How could Jimmie, who is dating Niall, not know that Harry, one of Niall's best friends, not be that Harry Issy was talking about? There are so many, "How" and "why"s And I think I just about answered them all.

So, sadly, this is the end of the story. I'm going to cry. Brb.

Okay, so. Thank you ALL so much for sticking with me through this. ♥

Never did I EVER expect to get 44 subscribers, 68 comments and 16 recommendations. This blows my mind. I love you all.

Have no fear though, in case you missed it in my last A//N I am writing more. In fact, I have 2 new One Shots: Bridges Burned and Cuts Like Knives

I also have a chapter story called Try To Scream. You will be hearing from me a lot <3

Also, non 1D related, is a one shot based off of my life experiences all broken down to one visit to a therapist. It's not 100% true, just the thoughts and name and life background is. Check that out: Miles Away

Wedding Set

xx Bambi