Status: Active!


Chapter 1

Lily's P.O.V

The lights of Las Vegas seem to fascinate people, inviting them in. Poor suckers. Little do they know, Vegas is not too kind. Behind the lights and people in the casinos, there's nothing but back-stabbing, brokenness, and despair. Not to mention not all of us have money here, and no, we didn't lose it gambling. Neither of us are old enough for that yet.

I'm Lily, by the way. I live here in Vegas, but not in the happy part of town, full of tourists and hotel/casinos. No, I live on the other side of town, where the despair truly is, with my sister Melissa, in a broken-down Ford Focus. And yep, we're homeless. I prefer to think of it as home-challenged, seeing as we have a home, but we really didn't feel like giving in to our parents' psychotic demands.

We mostly survive on stealing what we need, but occasionally rely on the local homeless shelter. I prefer to steal. Sure, it's bad, but hey, I'm self-reliant. And I have my baby sister to think about! So, I've become a pretty awesome shoplifter. Usually Melissa is my distraction, and I sneak out with my hoodie full of goodies. Mostly junk food, since that's all that usually fits in my pockets.

It's now time for the usual food run. I walked into the store first, Melissa waiting about five minutes before entering after. We usually circle the store, deciding what sounds the most delicious this week, and then I hop to my grabbing and she starts asking questions and being annoying.

Walking down the first isle, I snatched a box of Swiss Cake rolls. One of my favorites! Melissa's favorites have always been Nutter Butters, so I grabbed a box for her. Moving on, I grabbed crackers, two cans of Monster, two bottles of Mountain Dew Code Red, two bottles of regular Mountain Dew, two apples, and a jar of peanut butter. Perfect! Time to go!

Heading up the isle as carefully as I could with my treasure, I headed for the door. Getting to the front of the store, I saw Melissa bugging one of the managers about something in a can. Who knows with her. I was just about to the door. I was going to make it! Damn, I was good! Or so I thought, until I felt a large and grab my shoulder.

Slowly turning around, I saw a large man behind me. I gulped. He worked here, and he was easily a foot taller than me and twice as big. "Where do you think you're going, little lady? I hope you're going to pay for all of the stuff under your clothes." He looked down at me menacingly.

I laughed nervously. "Stuff? Hee hee... What stuff, sir?" I tried to look innocent. Apparently I failed.

"Don't play dumb with me, ma'am. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now, please, let me escort you to the nearest register." He put a hand on my arm and squeezed it, pulling me towards a young kid working register 6.

I started pulling away. "No! I didn't do anything!" His grip was really hurting, but we needed this food. "Please, let me go!"

"You must either put the items back, or pay for them. We aren't running a charity here." He was getting angry and pulling harder.

Still trying to free myself, that's when Melissa came over. "What's going on?! Get your hands off of my sister, ya brute!" She started smacking his arm. All of the commotion brought over the manager.

"What's going on here?" He was a stern, middle-aged man who was going bald. Maybe that was why he was always in a bad mood? Don't blame him, then.

"This man is assaulting my sister!" Melissa gave the guy's arm one last smack.

"Well, your sister is shoplifting!" The guy glared at me.

I scowled, and winked at Melissa before turning back to the man. "Well, my rebuttal to that is... THIS!" I brought my foot up and kicked him as hard as I could in the shin. He let go of my arm and grabbed his shin, screaming in pain.

"RUN!" I screamed to Melissa, and we both turned and sprinted out the door. We didn't stop until we had made it about six blocks away from the store. We walked the remaining four blocks back to our 'home'. "Well, that was interesting." I stole a glance at Melissa.

"No kidding! So, what did you get?" She asked as we climbed into the car.

I shook out my hoodie, showing her my haul. "Got your faves! C'mon, who's the best big sister in the whole freakin' world?"

She just smirked at me and started eating her Nutter Butters.

Melissa’s P.O.V

Man, That was a close one..

I thought to myself, Just thinking of the recent events that just happened.

I saw my favorites in my sisters hoodie, My stomach growling, Wanting that delicious food.
Nutter Butters… My all time favorite snack.

I snatched it out of the hoodie and ripped it open, Making the little peanut cookies fly everywhere.
I tried to pretend nothing happened but Lily busted out in a sudden laughter that made me jump.

“You crazy kid.. Relax!” She shook her head, Leaning back on the seat, Opening a bottle of Mountain Dew she managed to get.
At that moment in time, I felt a bit out of place.

I blinked a few time and moved around in the seat, Picking up my peanut butter cookies and rubbed any dirt on it with my hands.

I bit into the first cookie, I closed my eyes and let out a quiet moan, Enjoying the fabulous joy it brought to me when I ate them.

Lily had her focus set on something outside the windshield.

I glanced at her and took another bite and looked out the windshield to see she was staring at a squirrel. I shook my head, and chuckled to myself silently, Not wanting to break her from her thoughts.

I grabbed my black blanket and wrapped it around myself, Loving the comfort it gave me.

This isn’t the life style I ever thought I’d have to live, But I’ve learned that it’s something I need to bear with and I’m glad I’m not with my parents.

I thank my sister for getting herself and me out of a terrible situation like that.
It wasn’t heather for either of us.
My mind went into it’s only little world as my mind as I closed my eyes..

For what seems like ten minutes, I heard a little tap on the window.

I moved around a bit, To tired to move.

I snuggled more on the seat until the tapping got louder.

As I sat up I saw a lot shining through the window.

I smirked to myself knowing their very tinted.

I hid all of the food we stole and drinks in a secret compartment under my seat.

I shook Lily awake, Whispering to her, Letting her know there’s someone outside.

She nodded, Approving me to slowly open the door.

Slowly, But carefully, I opened the door, Nervous of who was disturbing us.
Before I knew it, The door was ripped out of my hand and someone grabbed me and through me onto the hard cold ground.

I teared up, From landing on a rock that dug into my lower back.

“Are you the shoplifters?!” A man asked, Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a cop.

Fear ran through me, I didn’t know what to say.

I couldn’t see what Lily was doing but I was hoping she had this covered.

“No sir, We’re not the shoplifters. Not to be rude.. But why did you just send my baby sister flying?” She kept her voice calm and collective.

“According to the manager and one of the cashiers, Yes, You two were the shoplifters. We watched the video… Oh, This is your baby sister? How old is she?” The cops asked, Sounding very curious.
I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, Moving the rock out of the way and laid back down, Scared of being tazed or some shit they should do to me.

The tall cop looked down at me as I slowly moved.

He was probably six foot, He had black shaved hair, brown eyes, not as fat as most cops are and he was probably in his mid 20’s… I assume.

“No, I’m telling you officer, My sister and I did not shoplift, You can even check the car and check our pockets and my sister is nineteen. “ Lily replied, Slowly getting out of the driver side, Making her way to me.

The cop had someone else search the car, While he kept his eyes on us.

Lily pulled me into her arms and held me close, Reassuring me everything will be ok, One way or the other.

The cops politely asked up to please stand up.

We obeyed them and let them search us.

They found nothing.

They sighed in defeat, No proof.

"We're very sorry girl! Have a good night now!" They faintly smiled and got back into their car.

Lily and me got back into the car and locked the doors.

"Man.. That was close.." I whispered, Looking at her.

She sighed deeply and nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
First Chapter!

Hope you guys enjoy the story so far!
