Status: Active!


Chapter 2

Jimmy's P.O.V

On the way to Vegas, baby! Hell yeah! I was doing what I loved to do with the people I loved the most. Could life possibly get any better? Hmm... Nope, really can't think of a way. Unless I got a pet duck... Working on it! Ok, never mind. I'm out of drink. Must be remedied!

I got up and stumbled to the liquor cabinet. Hmm... What do I want? Jack? Captain? UV Blue? Eh, let's go with Mr. Daniels. Has yet to let me down! I managed to wander back out my seat, tripping over Brian's foot. "Oh, sorry, dude! My bad!"

"Jimmy! You haven't even touched a drink and your already tripping? Damn man.." Brian chucked.

I rolled my eyes and skipped into the back of the bus, getting some alone-time with Mr. Daniels. Really hoping that we get to the hotel soon. Feels like we've been on the road for ages. This is the worst part of touring. Sighing, I looked out of the window, watching the scenery go by. I can tell we're getting closer, so I'm getting more excited.

I looked to the front of the bus. The guys were drinking, joking around with each other. Zacky was cracking jokes at Johnny's expense, but luckily everyone was laughing about it. Getting up, I decided to join in the fun.

Turned out we were about 20 minutes out of Vegas, and we all were relieved to see the lights of the strip. The guys and I started jumping around like we'd completely lost it. We kind of have. It gets to feeling like so long in between the stops and the bus starts to feel like a tin can and we're the sardines.

Ah, the Mirage! One of the greatest places on earth! And Caesar's Palace! Ooh! The Circus Circus, Planet Hollywood, Tropicana, and O'Sheas! Seriously, one of my favorite places on earth is Vegas! And we were staying at the Luxor! Yes!

The bus pulled up in the big parking lot and opened its doors. We each grabbed a bottle of booze and ran off the bus towards the lobby, Matt leading the way. We walked up to the counter, getting strange looks from most of the people, including the desk clerks.

One clerk, a pretty young lady with blonde hair, checked us in. "Hello, and welcome to the Luxor Hotel and Suites! How may I help you?" She gave us a fake smile, which matched her fake boobs and hair color.

"Yes, we have the whole top floor suite rented out under the same 'Sanders'?" Matt was pretty drunk already, but somehow managed to do business.

The look on everyone's faces who heard Matt say that looked astonished. Apparently, a bunch of tattooed men can't rent out a huge suite in a hotel! The nerve! Luckily, the lady just handed the keys to us and smiled. Fake bitch.

Matt handed each of us a key, and we headed to the elevators. Climbing in, I couldn't help myself. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "GOING UP!" and made elevator noises.

The guys laughed, and we all stumbled out of the elevator into the hallway for our floor. We each chose a room and investigated, and then all crashed into Matt's room to party! We found a huge boom box and cranked up the music, drinking our bottles of booze. Don't know when we started passing out, but I was the last awake, staring at the guys' bodies laying all around the room. My last conscious thought was how great my life was.

Melissa's P.O.V

I woke up later that night and saw Lily napping in the back of the car.

I saw a huge black and red tour bus pull up to the one casino/hotel parking lot in the front.

I rubbed my eyes, Making sure I'm not dreaming... Like the one time I saw a bus and I thought it was Nikki Six, Since I heard he was in town.. But instead, My Chemical Romance came off the bus, It was still awesome to meet those guys but if it was Nikki Six, I would of fan girled...

I shrugged it off and saw a huge tall muscular man jog off the bus and walked towards the hotel.

I checked on Lily in the back and slowly got out of the car, Not wanting to drag attention to myself.

Next, A very tall, Skinny guy came off the bus with Jack Daniels in his arms as he cheered about being in Vegas.

Well, I'm glad he thinks this is the best place in the world...

A few other guys got off and walked inside as they laughed and pushed each other around.

Hm, Lily and me did have connections with one of the employers there.

He let us shower, Sleep and such there.

I wondered if he was working today.

Wait.. Whoa.

My mind just did a 180 degree spin! That was AVENGED SEVENFOLD that just walked into that hotel!

How can I be so stupid and not recognize it!

I prayed Steve was working tonight, Knowing he'll be willing to let us in.

I ran to the car and shook Lily awake.

"LILY! WAKE UP! AVENGED SEVENFOLD JUST WALKED INTO THE CASINO!" I cried tears of joy, Knowing their my favorite band of all time, Next to Motley Crue.

She shot up, Sending me out the door.

Damn, Second time in a day I got sent out of a car.. I'm going to make a bubble wrap outfit for myself.

I sat up and brushed myself off as Lily stared at me.

"Sorry?" She giggled and helped me up.

I pointed to their bus, Hoping she gets the idea.

"We should sneak onto their bus..." Lily smirked, staring at the bus as she stroked her invisible beard.

I shrugged, Unsure of what do to in a tough situation like this.

I thought about the positive and negatives.

Positive is that they would understand our situation and that we just need to get back on our feet, Or they'll probably end up calling the police...

I shivered at the thought of having the police arrest us....

Zacky's P.O.V

We were well into our night of partying when Johnny alerted us to a serious problem. “Hey, guys? We have a major issue. WE’RE OUT OF BOOZE!” Jimmy did a mock scream of horror, and the rest of us groaned. Running out of booze was bad, especially when you are just getting started.

Matt flopped down on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. “Well, that means someone has to go down to the bus and bring more up. And it isn’t going to be me.” He pointed to Johnny. “I say Short Shit goes, since he noticed.”

Johnny pouted. “No way! Screw that! I say Zacky goes!”

Matt shrugged. “Sure. I don’t care, as long as it gets done. What you think, Gates?” He kicked Brian, who was sitting next to him.

“Ow, dick!” He punched Matt in the arm. “I don’t really care who gets the booze, either, as long as they hurry the hell up!” He smacked Jimmy in the nuts. “What do you say, Jimbo?”

Jimmy scowled and pouted. “Dude, I’ve told you before, I’m not gay. You can’t have me.” He covered himself up. “Hurry up, Zacky, and get the booze so Brian leaves me alone.”

My turn to pout and scowl. “Why me?! I still say Johnny! I don’t want to go out there!” I was determined not to go.

Matt shot me his signature “Do it or you’re dead” look. Ok, maybe I’m going after all. I sighed and got out of the comfy chair, grabbing a room key off of the coffee table. “Fine. I’ll go. But you guys owe me. Big time.”

The guys just laughed. “Ok, Zacky. Whatever you say, dude.” Brian gave me his signature sexy smirk. Ok, so, I’m not gay, but damn! He was a fine-looking dude. Too bad I wanted to punch him right now.

I grabbed a jacket and walked to the elevator. It took forever to get here. Guess the hotel was packed. Oh well. As long as I made it to the ground to get the liquor and made it back, so the guys didn’t kill me, I was good.

Finally, the elevator made it to the floor. The doors opened, and I got in, hitting the ground floor button. It took almost 10 minutes to get to the bottom, people getting on and off. Finally, I made it to the ground and headed towards the doors.

The air was getting cooler as night fell. The cool air felt great on my flushed skin. I pulled my jacket closer to me and opened the bus’s doors. Walking on, I headed straight to our liquor cabinet. Pulling it open, I grabbed a bottle of everyone’s favorites and locked it back up.

Getting off of the bus, I opened my bottle of Absinthe and took a swig. Delicious! Can’t go wrong with Absinthe! I was about ready to lock the bus back up when I happened to notice a dark car sitting in an old gravel and dirt parking lot next to the hotel. Strange. I watched closer and saw a girl getting out of the car. She turned back and talked excitedly to someone else in the car. And then went flying through the air, landing on the ground.

I started over, to see if she was ok. Just as I started moving, though, she got up and brushed herself off. She must be ok. I saw another girl get out of the car and start talking to the first. Really weird. Vegas people can be really weird. I took another drink and headed back to the hotel.

Lily's P.O.V

I had finally managed to fall asleep, snuggled in my dark blue blanket. I had been having trouble with sleep ever since everything started. I tried to hide it from Melissa. She didn’t need to worry about me. I was starting to dream for the first time in a long time, too.

I was with a man, and we were out in the woods. We were sitting under a large tree, next to a stream. He was tall, with longer brown hair. I couldn’t really see his face, but I could tell he had nice, friendly eyes. We were talking about getting married. I was so excited in my dream! I must really like this guy. He was about to ask me to marry him! He did! And I said…


I jolted awake, scared out of my mind at Melissa’s yelling. I sat straight up, sending her flying backwards out of the car. What she said finally hit me. Avenged Sevenfold?! In Las Vegas?! NOW?! How awesome! They were my favorite band! I really liked the drummer. He was pretty yummy looking.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by movement outside of the car. I turned to see Melissa sitting up on the ground, glaring at me and brushing herself off. Poor girl. Second time today she met the ground.

I climbed out of the car, giggling. “Sorry?” I held out my hand to help her off of the ground, which she took.

Once at a vertical base, Melissa pointed to a big tour bus parked over at the Luxor. Hm. Interesting… They’re famous, and should have some good stuff on their bus to pilfer! Hey, they may be my favorites, but we need to survive! When it comes to survival, status doesn’t matter much.

Turning to Melissa, I said, “We should sneak onto their bus…” I turned back to the bus, stroking my chin. Wonder if it’s locked? Wonder if there’s security? Or the police? It would almost be worth it, though!

I glanced at Melissa, trying to gauge her reaction. She seemed unsure. I have to say, I am kind of, too. But, you only live once! Might as well have some fun while you’re here! “What do you say, M? Up for sneaking onto a famous band’s bus?”

She smiled at me. “Sure! Why not! Only live once!” She got a confused look on her face as she turned back towards the bus. “Hey, look! It looks like they forgot something! Is that… Zacky Vengeance?!” I think she was about ready for a fan girl moment.

I turned to see for myself what she was talking about. It WAS Zacky! “YES, IT’S ZACKY! OHMIGOD!” I started to hyperventilate. “LET’S GO MEET HIM!” I blindly started to run over there.

Melissa grabbed my arm. “Hey! You can’t go running over there like a crazy woman! Well, you can’t anymore anyway. See? He just went back inside.” She let go.

I was disappointed. But, seeing him made me want to sneak onto the bus even more! We stood there for a little while, making sure that no one else was coming out. When the coast was clear, we ran over to the bus. We crept up to the door, checking to see if anyone was looking. When we were sure the coast was once again clear, I managed to get the door open. I turned to look at Melissa, checking to see if she was still behind this. After a small nod from her, we made our way onto the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh! haha :)

-Fallyn & Denise