Status: Active!


Chapter 3

Melissa's P.O.V

I climbed up the stairs, Following Lily as she walked around the bus, Walking slowly and quietly, We made our way into the back lounge.

Lily smirked and closed the door, Looking around the room that was filled with Xbox games, Movies, Beer cans, Shirts, Hats, Guitar picks. I was surely amazed at a sight like this, I felt like this was like any other band tour bus people tend to talk about.

This was actually my first time on a tour bus, I wasn't that kind of girls guys wanted, I was different from any other girl, Which I'm proud of. There's someone out there for me, But we haven't found each other yet.

I felt someone grab my arm firmly, I jumped, Scared of who it might of been.

"Sh.. No one's on the bus at the moment.. Stop zoning out, Find us a hiding spot, Just incase.. Alright Mel?" Lily asked, Looking at me with a serious expression on her face.

I nodded, I obeyed her and searched the bus, Pointing out some weird, But it helps, Does it not?

Lily and I both decided on staying in a bunk that was full of clothes, Luggage bags and such. We could easily hide in them, We snuck some water and some snacks into the bunk, Hiding them in a visible pouch that was on the wall.

"Alright, Good job sis. You can relax now, We're safe for right now, Just be aware of your surroundings.. Understood?" Lily smiled, Pulling me into a hug that was comforting.

I hugged her, Smiling and nodded, Knowing that we were safe for now was the best feeling in the world.

Lily hid herself under a thing of clothes as I went into the back lounge and picked up one of Syn's picks. I thought about how it would feel to be able to catch one of them at the show, Feeling the excitement. I sighed and slid it into my pocket, Knowing this will be the only memory of me being on their bus and climbed into the bunk.

I hid under some blankets and poked Lily's back lightly.

"Mhm?" She asked quietly as she rolled over to face me.

"If you want to go out and search or watch TV.. Go ahead, Coast is clear." I smiled, as a smile spread across her face.

She nodded and slowly climbed over me, Climbing out of the bunk and started walking.

I moved some stuff around, Attempting to make myself comfortable in this crammed bunk.

Finally, I rested my head on a rolled up shirt, Using a blanket and leather jacket to keep myself warm as my eyes started drifting close, Sending me into a light sleep...

Brian’s P.O.V

I swallowed the last drop in my bottle of Jack Daniels and threw the bottle at the wall behind the couch. I smiled smugly as it shattered, raining shards of glass onto the floor. Turning back around, I laid back down on the arm of the couch, growing more and more pissed. Where the fuck was Baker?! Should have known better than to send fatty down to get the booze. Should have sent the gnome.

Finally, the door opened and Zack walked in, arms full of booze. Jumping up, I ran over and grabbed my bottle. “About fucking time you got back. Go on a diet or something!” I opened the bottle and chugged. The burn felt great. It was completely worth it. I stormed back over to the couch, flopping back down.

I watched, uninterestedly, as Zack put the other bottles on the coffee table. He wasn’t going to respond to me, I could tell, but he was definitely pissed. Oh well. The other guys grabbed their bottles, Jimmy being the last. He looked around to what everyone was drinking and stopped on my bottle of Jack. It was Jimmy’s favorite, and Zacky had only brought one bottle. This was about to get interesting.
“Brian, you took my Jack! Give it to me!” He was pouting. That’s what annoyed me most about Jim; his damn pouting.
“Fuck you. I grabbed it first. Drink the Jose!” I took another drink of Jack and grabbed the bottle protectively.
“No! I want the Jack!” Jimmy was getting pissed now.
“No, and don’t make me beat your ass.” I glared at him. My evil glares always worked. No one messed with me when I gave them one.
And it worked again! Jimmy glared at me, but took the Jose anyway, taking a drink. He sat in silence.

I was getting bored. I hit Matt’s arm. “Dude, fire up the Xbox. I’ll kick your ass in Black Ops.” Matt was the only one I didn’t dare try anything with. He could kick my ass to the moon and back without breaking a sweat.

He nodded and got up to start the game. Matt always kept a copy of the game with him, just in case. I guess you can say he’s an addict. We started the game, and we all took turns playing for awhile.
After about three hours’ worth of playing, I was bored again. And horny. Needed to remedy that situation. Setting the bottle down on the coffee table, I stood up and stretched. Johnny and Zacky, who weren’t playing at the moment, looked up at me.

“I think I need a little… company, tonight. Anyone else?” I smirked. Had to admit, we were all pretty good with the ladies. I looked at each of the guys. Matt would be out, because we’d fired up the Xbox. That always took priority. Jimmy was falling asleep in the chair. Guess he was a ‘no’, too. Johnny yawned and shook his head. Looks like the gnome was ready for bed. I turned to Zack. “What do you say, Vengeance? You in?”

I could tell he was still mad at me. But, if we went out looking for girls together, he’d get over it quick. After I gave him my pleading smirk, he gave in. Taking another drink, he got up and grabbed his jacket. I grabbed mine and we headed down to the strip.
Once outside, we started prowling. In a place like Vegas, even people like Zacky and me were invisible. Fame really didn’t register here. It was both good and bad. We decided to hit the bar in the Hard Rock. Should be plenty of ladies there. We walked in and over to the bar, where we both ordered Jack Daniels. Leaning up against the bar, we scoped the place out.

Zacky pointed out a couple decent-looking girls on the dance floor, but I’d just spotted the two who would be our companions tonight. They’d just come up to the end of the bar, ordering their drinks. Looked like some fruity kind of mixed drink. They were both tall, thin, and had big fake boobs. Perfect. Once was a brunette and the other a redhead. I hit Zacky on the shoulder and pointed them out. He quickly agreed and called the redhead. Fine with me!
We quickly finished our drinks and headed over to the other side of the bar. We made it over just in time for the women to turn around. I decided to do the talking. “Hey, ladies. Having fun?” I put on my signature smile.

The brunette smiled. “Of course! Can’t come to Vegas and NOT have fun.” The redhead giggled and nodded.
“So, you ladies alone on your trip?” I was seriously hoping there weren’t any men in the picture.
They both looked at each other and grinned. Turning back, the brunette said, “Yes, it’s just us. We both just dumped our boyfriends, and came here to celebrate.”
Perfect. “Well, how would you two like some company? I’m Brian, and this is Zacky.”
The redhead giggled. “Are you two, like, rock stars, or something?”
I looked at Zacky, who grinned at me. Turning back to the girls, I nodded. “Yeah, we are.”
The girls turned to each other and freaked out. Turning back to us, they asked, “Really? What band are you in? What do you play?”
“We’re in Avenged Sevenfold. I play lead guitar and Zacky plays rhythm guitar.” I smirked. Something told me these bimbos hadn’t heard of us before.
I was right. “I see. Unfortunately, we’re not familiar with your band. But… we’d love to listen to it.” They apparently were into us, too!
“Sure. We have some back at the hotel suite. We’re staying at the Luxor.” I smiled. “Shall we head back? We can order drinks in the room.”

The girls nodded, and we paired off, walking back to the hotel. Didn’t take us long to get up to the suite. We hung out in Zacky’s room, listening to our music and drinking. Eventually Zacky and the redhead, Sarah, started making out, so I took her friend, Sam, into my room. We started going at it hot and heavy.

About an hour later, we were laying in the bed. I was beginning to get a bad feeling. This girl was going to have to leave soon. It wasn’t long before I found out why.
“So, Brian, I was wondering… Do you have a girlfriend?” She was tracing circles on my chest.
Oh shit. Time to go, lady. “Actually, I’m married. And my wife is on her way here. So, you will have to leave now.” I got up and grabbed her clothes, throwing them at her. “Hurry up.”
She tried to protest, but I just scowled at her. She finally figured out there was NO way she was staying here, so she got dressed and left, grabbing her friend as she went.
Zacky came in. “What the hell happened, Gates?! It was just getting good!”
“Dude, she tried to get me to date her. Not happening.” I rolled my eyes and grinned. “Now, get out, Baker. I’m going to bed.”
He nodded as I got into bed. “Ok. Goodnight, Brian.” He turned the lights off and shut the door.
“Well, it was fun while it lasted,” I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

Lily's P.O.V

I led the way onto the bus, wary of the surroundings. Behind me, Melissa was nervous. I guess I was, too. But I couldn’t show her that. We slowly and quietly made our way towards the back of the bus, into the lounge. What a pit! There was stuff everywhere! Clothes, beer bottles, picks, you name it! I knew guys were pigs, but this is ridiculous!
I’d never been on a tour bus before. Before my sister and I ran from our parents, we’d occasionally sneak out to rock concerts while we were supposed to be staying over at friends’ houses. But, we’d never gotten to meet many of the bands we saw, and definitely had never been in their buses. We weren’t that kind of girls! We actually have self-respect!
I was looking around, taking everything in, when I noticed Mel was a little spacey. I gently grabbed her arm, startling her. She jumped, and I felt bad for scaring her. She was definitely on edge. “Shh.. No one’s on the bus at the moment. Stop zoning out. Find us a hiding spot, just in case. Alright, Mel?”
She nodded, and set to looking around for a good spot. Eventually, we decided to stay in what looked to be a spare bunk, which was full of clothes, bags, and other things. Snooping around, we found bottles of water and some snacks, which we hid in the bunk. After we got everything set up, I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. “Good job, sis. You can relax now. We’re safe for now, just be aware of your surroundings. Understood?” She nodded and smiled, wandering off.

Getting our hiding spot ready and climbing into the bunk, I turned to see Mel, holding what looked to be a guitar pick, Syn’s, no doubt. She looked sad. We never made it to a show of theirs, but it would have been great. I couldn’t help but feel terrible for her. We’d had a shitty life, and I was trying to do everything I could to make it better. I knew I was failing, but Mel never let on. She never complained. She was everything I had. I couldn’t help but hate myself for failing her as I watched her put the guitar pick into her pocket.
She walked over and climbed into the bunk with me. Curling up under a jacket, she lightly poked me in the back. I rolled over to see what she wanted. That’s when she said, “If you want to go out and search or watch TV… go ahead. Coast is clear.” She smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back.
I decided watching TV could be interesting. I climbed over her and wandered around the bus. The guys’ bunks were all messy, covers everywhere. Books, notebooks, and sheet music were spread around, and there was a locked cabinet that gained my attention. I jiggled it around, trying to open it. It wouldn’t budge.
I wandered around, trying to find the key. There wasn’t anything around even resembling a key. I hunted around for a bobby pin or a safety pin, something to try to pick the lock with. Eventually, I found a butter knife and a safety pin and got to work.
I tried to jiggle the lock and slide the knife in between the lock and its holder, but it didn’t work. Sighing in disgust, I threw the knife away and continued working on the lock with the safety pin. I was starting to see red when the pin bent and was no longer useful. Sighing, I gave up.

Walking back towards the back of the bus, I found the guys’ closets. I decided to go through them. Hey, I’d always wanted a shirt from Vengeance University! I went through each of the guys’ clothes, trying stuff on. Matt’s leather jackets were warm and comfortable, even if they were about four times too big. I found a hat of his, and a pair of aviators. I tried them all on and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t help but giggle.
Just then, I heard something. It sounded like… footsteps? Oh no. Someone was coming. Peeling off the jacket, hat, and aviators, I threw them on the floor of the closet, closed the door, and ran back to the bunk. I jumped into the bunk, covering myself up, just as Johnny Christ himself walked into the back of the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are about to get interesting....

Leave some comments and we'll update!

-Fallyn and Denise :)