Status: Active!


Chapter 5

Melissa's P.O.V

In the morning, I tried to move but a arm was wrapped around me protectively, Slowly, I turned my head to see Lily sleeping and holding me closely.. I smiled as she slept, Wondering what happened last night after Johnny's drunk appearance/ little show he put on.

I put more of the black comforter on Lily, Wanting to keep her warm as possible, I couldn't see a lot but I knew it was extremely early, I wanted to get out of the bunk but I didn't want to take any sort of risk that could lead us to getting exposed, Or even jail time.

I was lucky enough to have such a wonderful older sister such as Lily, She always protects me, Always puts me first, Listens to me and such.. I was never one to complain, She risks her life on most daily basis for me.. I try to help with these extremely dangerous risks but I always tend to chicken out, Thanks to my lovely anxiety.

The bus was nice and warm, I finally noticed that, No matter how warm it was, I still love blankets, Always makes you feel that comfort everyone should feel.

I slowly removed Lily's arm from me and placed it down gently, Her eyes started to flutter open.

"Mel! What are you doing?! Lay back down!" She hissed,Trying to get me to lay back down.

"I need to use the bathroom..." I frowned, I started biting from lip, Just a habit when I'm nervous or whatever.

She peeked out into the open space and sighed.

"Go.. Be very careful of your actions..." She patted my hand and let me out of the bunk.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom, Shocked that it was actually clean.

No way.. I thought to myself..

I locked the door and did my business.

As I got out, I heard a door slowly creaking open, I peeped around a corner, Not exposing to much of my face as I tried to see who it was.. and where they were heading. I heard little mumbles but they were very faint, I sighed and made my way to the bunk and got back in.

"Someone is coming on the bus.." I whispered softly, Getting back into a hiding position.

Lily glared at me, Probably thinking I've done something to make someone come on the bus.

I frowned and faced the wall, Letting silent tears fall from my face...

Johnny’s P.O.V
I woke up in the hotel room bed, clutching my half-finished bottle of wine, to Matt kicking the mattress. I groaned, clutched my bottle tighter, and rolled over, burying my head under a pillow. I heard Matt sigh, and he started kicking the mattress harder. “Come on, Johnny! Time to get up! We need to go down to the bus and get ready to head out! Wake up or I will let Jimmy jump on you!”
I thought about it for a little bit. Jimmy wasn’t heavy, but he was bony. Bony hurts. And I didn’t want to hurt anymore than I already would be due to a hangover. Sighing, I got up and out of bed. I looked down, surprised to see I was still dressed, shoes and all. Eh, made it easier for me! I followed Matt out into the hallway of the suite, wondering where everyone else was. I soon found out. Jimmy came running out of his room, followed by Zack and Brian hot on his heels. I looked at Matt, who shrugged. “They wouldn’t get up! So Jimmy dumped water on them!”
That could have been my fate. Glad I decided to wake up! I followed Matt to the elevator, and he hit the button to summon it. Turning around, we noticed that Zacky and Brian were attacking Jimmy, Zacky on his back and Brian was hanging off of Jimmy’s waist. Jimmy was shrieking like a little girl.
I couldn’t help but laugh, and Matt tried to stop the chaos through his own laughter. “Ok, guys, really. Jimmy was just doing what I asked, even though I didn’t know water was in the picture. Let him go, and let’s get in the elevator. We need to get going!”

Brian and Zacky let go of Jimmy, who came running and cowered behind Matt. Brian and Zacky leaped into the elevator, pulling Jimmy in with them. Matt and I jumped in last, trying to separate the guys. That was the longest elevator ride in history.
Finally, we reached the bottom. I followed the guys out to the bus as Matt took care of checking out. I was glad when he joined us at the bus, because I was having a hard time keeping the peace. We all piled on to the bus, not paying much attention to the fact that the door was unlocked. Jason must have done it and left. We all decided it was time to shower and change, so there was more fighting to figure out who was going to go first. Zacky won, and went to go get fresh clothes out of the closet.
Coming back into the room, he had a strange look on his face. “Hey, guys? Was it laundry day or something?”
Brian looked at him like he’d lost it. “No, dumb ass. Why?”
“Because half of our closets are missing!” That caused everyone to jump up and check it out for ourselves.
Zacky was right! Our clothes were gone! We looked around, thinking that we’d just forgot where we’d put them, but they were nowhere to be found. This was odd. It was like a clothes-stealing fairy had come and stolen our clothes!
Jimmy looked pissed. “What do we do now?! Half of my shirts are gone!”

As Matt tried to calm everyone down, I decided it was a little chilly for my taste. I looked around for my favorite jacket. Not seeing it anywhere, I figured it must have been in the spare bunk, where we throw random stuff. I reached inside the bunk, feeling around for my jacket. Wow, it feels like we have more stuff in here than I thought! May need to clean this out, maybe our clothes are in here. I scrounged around, trying to find my coat. I finally felt it, and grabbed it, pulling it out. It wouldn’t budge. Strange. I pulled harder. Still nothing, so I pulled even harder still. I felt something give way, and two screams filled the air as I went flying backwards and two girls fell out of the bunk and onto the floor in a pile.
I scrambled back, and the guys helped me to my feet. The girls scrambled up, one putting herself in front of the other, protecting her. The guys and I stared open mouthed at them, wondering what the hell was going on and what we should say. Finally, Brian managed to yell, “Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you doing on our bus and in our bunk?!”
The girl in front snapped, “Surviving, asshole.”
Just who were these two, and what made them decide to come on the bus?

Lily’s P.O.V
Mel and I cowered in the bunk, not daring to move as the voices got closer and closer, finally coming onto the bus. I couldn’t believe how dumb I’d been. We should have gotten off of the bus about two hours ago, and yet I’d fallen asleep. Now, we could be in some serious shit. As long as Mel is ok, I don’t care what happens to me. But this is going to cause a serious issue.
We listened to the guys laughing and joking with each other, and then fighting for shower positions. A shower sounded great right now, since we hadn’t had one in awhile. And a shower with ANY of those guys would be heaven! Focus, Lily, focus! I mentally smacked myself as I heard Zacky walk into the back room and look in the closets, and then come back. That’s when he addressed the group. “Hey, guys? Was it laundry day or something?”
Someone else, who sounded like a real asshole, responded, “No, dumb ass. Why?” I think it was Syn!
“Because half of our closets are missing!” Ok, I knew I shouldn’t have taken as much as I did. Curses! I was too greedy!
I heard a huge commotion as the guys all ran to see for themselves. I stole a look at Mel, but she was curled into a ball and pressed up into the farthest corner of the bunk. Poor thing. If we get found out, she may not handle it very well. All the more reason I needed to think of a way to get out of this.
The guys all came back, talking amongst themselves. I heard Jimmy, who was really pissed off, say, “What do we do now?! Half of my shirts are gone!” Guilty! I get a little carried away sometimes, and since it was JIMMY ‘THE REV’ SULLIVAN, I really couldn’t help myself!

I heard Matt trying to calm everyone down, muttering something about talking to Jason about what was going on, and suddenly there was a hand reaching into the bunk! Oh shit! I pulled my cover up further, that way if he grabbed near me, he’d grab it and not me. I watched, heart in my throat, as he grabbed around farther and farther into the bunk. I pressed my eyes closed, silently praying he’d leave. Instead, he grabbed the coat that Mel was wrapped up in and started pulling on it. I saw her face was a mask of terror.
I needed to think of something and I needed to fast. I carefully moved over and tried to unwrap Mel, but it didn’t work. Whoever it was started yanking harder and harder on the jacket, and I could feel myself and Mel being pulled towards the edge of the bunk. This was it. I’d just failed my sister. We were going to be found out, all because I was too dumb to not go to sleep so we could get out of here. I mouthed, “I’m sorry” to Mel as we fell out of the bunk and into the open.
I heard the guys gasping and muttering, and I tried to quickly pick myself and Mel up off of the floor. Succeeding, I pushed Mel behind me and turned to face the guys, who were all staring at us in complete shock. I wasn’t going to fail Mel again, I told myself as I eyed the guys warily.
Finally, Syn spoke. “Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you doing on our bus and in our bunk?!” He definitely was an ass. Too bad he was so gorgeous and talented.
I needed to be smart about how I answered, or we could be in deep trouble. “Surviving, asshole.” Ok, maybe that wasn’t the smartest response. I’ll start with the next one.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, wow. We have a couple smart ones here. Only answered half of the questions!”
I really wanted to kick his ass. “You don’t need to know who we are.”
He laughed. “Oh, a feisty one! You know, you have a smart mouth for someone so pretty. And what about the looker behind you? Cat got her tongue?”

I turned to see Mel and poked her head over my shoulder to see what was going on. At Syn’s comment, she gasped a little and hid down behind me again. This wasn’t good. Mel never was very good at being put on the spot. She usually had a nervous breakdown. I needed to keep the attention of the guys on me. I turned back to Syn, scowling. “No, she just doesn’t like you.”
That shut him up. He scowled a little, too, and luckily Matt took over. “Brian, back off. You’re scaring them.” He turned to us, trying to smile and put us at ease. “Well, ladies, would you mind telling us what you’re doing on our bus?”
Well, at least he was being pleasant. Maybe I’ll play ball with him. Unless he ticks me off. “Like I said before, we’re just trying to survive. We didn’t really mean any harm.”
Zacky walked closer to us, like he was trying to inspect us closer. “So, what are you two, homeless?”
"Well.. Kinda.. In ways..We were in my car and we saw the bus roll up.. We had no idea who it was but Melissa, my little sister here, has really bad anxiety and some other health issues and I needed to get her somewhere so she gets healthy again. She's still not fully recovered, As you may see. We'll leave the bus right now, Just PLEASE don't call the cops...” I put on my best pleading face.
Zacky put his hands up. “Woah! Who said anything about calling the police? Not I!” He walked back over to stand with the guys. “So, Scaredy Cat is Melissa, and you are?”
“Lily. What are you going to do with us, if you don’t mind me asking…” I was a little nervous.
The guys looked at each other. Matt turned back to us, held up a finger telling us to wait a minute, and the guys moved into the back room to talk. I didn’t know if I liked this. I pulled the curtain of the bunk back and pushed the stuff away from the edge while they were gone, giving Mel a place to sit. I sat her down and stood next to her as the guys came back. Mel and I eyed them warily.

Jimmy, in all of his wonderful weirdness, skipped over to us. “You guys are staying with us for awhile! Ha ha ha!” He skipped away.
Mel and I looked at each of the guys, a look of shock on our faces. I finally managed to find my voice. “Is he… serious?”
The guys nodded, and Matt said, “We were supposed to move on, but we decided to push our dates back and stay for awhile. We’ve been working our asses off anyway, so you and your sister can stay here until she feels a little better and we can get a vacation in.”
I looked down at Mel, who was staring up at me. “What do you think, Mel? Should we stay?” I hoped she’d say yes, because I wanted to see if I had a shot with Jimmy. Hey, a girl can dream can’t she?! I could tell she was eying both Syn and Zacky. Seems my sister has high hopes as well!
She looked at the guys again and nodded. “I think it would be nice to stay here. It’s more comfortable than your cramped back seat.” She looked up at me, ashamed she’d said it. That was actually the first time she’d ever said anything about living in my car.
I pulled her into a hug. “Mel, you don’t have to be ashamed of saying that. It’s true. I’m sorry that it has to be this way for awhile.” I let go of her and smiled, which she returned. I turned back to the guys. “I guess we’ll stay, if you’re sure that’s ok.”
Jimmy came skipping back. “Of course we’re sure, silly Lily!” He stopped in front of me, peering into my face. “You know, you’re pretty.”
I couldn’t help but blush. Ok, the guy of my dreams just said I’m pretty. Ohmigod! Pull it together! “Um, thanks, Jimmy.”
He grabbed me and pulled me into a huge hug, making me blush even more. “I like you.”
“Thanks? But, you don’t even know me.” I knew he was strange, but I didn’t know he was this strange.

“I know, but you’re loyal to your sister and I can tell you love her. That means you have to be a good person. I want to find out.” He pulled away and smiled.
“Thank you, Jimmy. That’s pretty much the nicest thing anyone, besides Mel, has said to me.” I couldn’t help but look at the floor in embarrassment.
He skipped onwards again, and Johnny spoke up. “Would you two happen to know where our clothes went, by any chance?” He eyed us suspiciously.
I could tell Mel was trying to hide again, and I could feel my face turning red. How do I tell them that we tried to steal their stuff? I guess I would try the sweet and innocent card again. “Well, we don’t have many clothes! The clothes we have, as you can see, are kind of dirty…” Wow, looking at my clothes I didn’t realize how bad they really were.
Syn grimaced. “And you don’t exactly smell too great, either.” He started making dramatic faces.
I really wanted to punch that guy. “Well, excuse me for not getting the Fort Taurus with the shower in it.” I scowled.

Jimmy and Zacky promptly smacked Syn, and Jimmy said, “You need to apologize to the girls, Brian. You’re really being an asshole.” When Syn refused, they both punched him and walked over to us.

Zacky leaned over and extended his hand to Mel. “I’m sorry about him. Don’t take it personally. Would you allow me to escort you to the restroom? That way you can clean up and get fresh and comfortable. I can get you some clothes to wear.”
She blushed and nodded, quietly saying, “Thank you, Zacky.” She was quickly whisked away to the back room.

I watched her go, worried about her. I somewhat trusted Zacky, but she was my little sister, and she was all I had. I was shocked out of my thoughts as I was lifted off of the ground and spun in a circle by Jimmy. I couldn’t help but laugh, and it felt good to laugh again.
Once he put me down, Jimmy got a goofy grin on his face. “You have a beautiful laugh. I hope to hear you laugh a lot.”

I blushed again. “This is the first time I’ve laughed in a long time.”
“Well, come with me and let me remedy that.” He grabbed my hand and whisked me away to the couch, where he decided to tell me joke after joke, until Mel came out of the bathroom, hair wet and looking refreshed. She smiled at me, and it actually looked genuine.
I was grabbed by Jimmy and pulled to the back room where he threw a shirt at me. I was then pushed into the bathroom and told to take a quick shower, that way I could eat pizza with Jimmy. I thought that sounded lovely, and stripped out of my grimy clothes and into the steamy shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
So..Does anyone have any ideas on why Brian is being such a jerk?
Leave some comments & We'll update! :D